Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1991, p. 28

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PAGE 28.,WJUTY FRE FTESWEDNESDAY. OCTOBER23.199 ALLAN GUNN: Public ehoBar MMOMPAGE26' there have been 'a number cof structuralý changes te tth. local economy whicii will demand new skIlla of oui childien. We. need polie.. and prograins that wiI prepar. them te b. members of the. future workforce. .As a trustes I will work te influence the nature of the, rslatioships hetwéesn the many partuers te, ensuis consideration i. given te our cildren's future requirements. 2. Do ySn *9el IbothibmqShly et uducollen lu lnpmnlagdmlilg or mtoyag abouthibm men? Wia nt -u llyen advocato? Froin my perspective as a parnt I halieve there have heen improvements te the Vuliycf education sud tiie programa currently haing dèlivered. I se. a more bulsucéd program of< community issues (i.. envlronmental awareness) being integrated wiitii.h acadeinic pragraosf<language arts, science sud other progranis. It la important te ensure that* oui children get this balanced progranite keep theni challenged sua committ.d te, furtiier éducation. I would 1k. ýte spe.improved communications. between our sciioëîs sud the. parente on the. programe - bemng dliv.red. Prneneed a more informed understanding of the. prog ram objectives if thsy are te take an actve rôle lu' assisting their children lu schooL. l.Jgm'lng for the moment Ibm provlac*' enta'.lovor curricuum, vint cbmngS vo" lYeu nek to M a in at aur ohools teacb I do not helleve you can ignore the. fact that the Minitry Of Education establisies tii. base pr anis which the Durham bor.will délivsr. mhe sanie ministry la aise responsible for decisions on the. provincial funding availabi, for a school board te proide the. buse level of éducation. As a trustes I would like te ensur-e that the hourd juaintains good working relationehipe witi tii. Miistry of Education sud local MPPs te ensure they undsrstand our requiremente. 4. Oiould Ibm .b. more .apb.ds oau 'insir Shaud hi Ib'.b.slnardlidt."hWg SAs a truste. I would 111< oui prograni policies te ensure that Our cnuadren are provided with a cors academic prqram thal; includes the. subject o( 'math, communication sklIls, natural science., etc. The academic program must ho balanced with a socal program and a 1f. aisk Il. objective of ouw progra policy is to ensurs a weil balanced rgam wiih will facilitate lerigand prepare oui children for the. future. On.e<et the major challenges to face educators is the . rate of drop-out Ib. Durham hoard has suggest.d a number of progranis te keep oui students in the. system. I would- continue te ouppart these poicies. &. Am. Ume rlIn a bqUtM *? r 8a% what am. lbuy? Wmt wenly= wantdlnimt.I? No reply te tis question. 8. Am Ummbmuai..whch ySn bem ve clstS mufhfto 111HM Amizdng (fr oeupla One of my concerns is 'the utilization of our ochool libraries as a learning resource centre. I would lik. te, ensure that w. are getting the most efficient use from this major investment. I would lik. te better understand the pros and cons of having. echool library facilities open one or two PATRICIA BOWMAN:# Public School Board FROMPAGE 26 éducation syst.m. Opportunity for that involvement muet be encouraged sud retained. W, ne.d te focus attention ou defining wiiat the éducational system la maudatéd te do vsi. expected te de lu aur community. W. muet require the hMinistry of Education te farmulate a fuir and equitable place for expressions of halief sud faitu for stud.nts lu tii. public echool system. leu Wemust receive answers te tefunding needs of cur Region. Criterla used te, allocate those funds muet b. public. a %Inring for lbe moment tIbm province' contmolover curricuum, vhmi changes" euye Mo .la -la in ht our uchooha teacb? You cannot ignore the provincial * central over curriculum. I weuld, iiowever, like te ensure- that information lu curriculum documente je net selective, but complet. lu providing a balancd perspective on educational information. 4. Should Ihera b. more aznphamia on 'badSca Should thera b. slandordlzed teeting? What le 'basic' bas evalved te meet the demanda of aur society. Thos. basic. now include lif. eIdllsud computer literacy, te nam. only two. W. must deflue sud look at the. wiole picture before w, determne increased or disproporionate enphasis. Tuere should bha continuous b.nchmarks throughout a student'. years of éducation. Teeting retention cannot occur enly once a year or once every five. Auditing of equîtable testing methods sud procedures is aise essential and should continue. This will ensure that ail students in the. province are tested fairly. r% Are Ibm' fml in yteen? Ifo, vintamn tbey? Wbat vaulil yen vant .lm n? If tiiere are, I want te, hear about it. &. Ai'. Iero aiea. vblcb yen bêUloereive tom mucb/lo Uttle fumdlng (for examplo, tmanapotatlOa, progrmas)? Locally: renovation - projects. Provincially: funding for growth projects. 7. Do yen foui that oducation taxesatm tocbigh? If go, cm o yen uet vys t. controa tho=? Tes. The. purpose of aur transportation sud prograni services review audits over the past two years bas heen te gain insight luta what we are daing and how we can improve. This could ha lu organizational effectivenesa or financial areas, i.e. transportation a. a direct resuit of that audit have reduced aur costs by approimatelY $3,600/day;.in so doing, w, have alea received numerous cancerns re. aur lack of humanity. 8. Do ye ou " that ochool boarda uhould colect Ibir mvii cha m axsrathor thon the mimicpele? 1 am wiflng te, support this if the. municipal governinents felt it were a more appropriat. manner tha.n the. present systeni. I have net heard them say it i.. What I would like te mee la an imprevement lu the frequency of the. transfier of fuds te thie hourd. 9. Am. youn a u a brla etMme hoilile ai nmoricsboiven Ibmpublic aildmeprate mini .yma laordar la avdd dup4catloes mai rue. CO"t Yes, absolutely, sud did make a motion te ths effect lu the, spring of 1991 witii regards te transportation routing informa- tion. M0 What do yen xetthe l.ymmrroundoil coeasi, a ogl o amiMD seulsas-a pilot pr4ci bC; Ib Uhm oni Eaat a 92 It la appropriate te dialogue with aur parents sud staff te se. if there are eue or two ochools of the, 110 lu the. Durham Board of Education who would ha intereted lu tue option. Cornmunity support le essential.. We niay have te, move aur timeline furthi into the. future te, allow for greater dialogue with the. cemmunity. 11. Wbot othor probkans do you sslan b. oducotionai qutan? Ar.t hore changes vblcb yen fel con b. mode ai tb.elocal achoal houai lovel? There are msuy challenges facing our éducational system. The greatest haing the. impact of societal values on the system. Values of bath a moral sud work relat.d issues can ho confrante. if we will embrace the coat of doing. so. Their road block je one of wiflingnees. MTi j money but maney does net always buy the timte it will take for every ane of us te care enough ta, become part of the. solution. 12. WhaieposbiMledyofaolUstoebas tovod" niiu omluiaand lavarda tbm population ams a voo? Do yefou âdthoro la sufilet oppotuniy Worpublic input? Respousibility te listen, gather fants sud empower ludividuals te act on hahalf of themeelves or a larger cemmunlty of intereet. This support muet neyer ha impugned by an individual position of a trustee. When »Il le complIete a truste. must niake a decision hused on ail the facta presented.lb.heareas willl luclude tiie setting of -policy, negotlated settleents, progran issues, budget, delegations re. policy,, etc. Yes, tiere isojetnty for public input: faly11f.education adviueir committe.; epeclal education advisory commtte.; echool advisoiy comnijtteeesud hoeasd achool; standing cwmtt.e delegations; informa-, tien meetings on key issues of public lnterest; individual availability of local truste..;, public committees foemed fromn time te tinie, iLe. the financing of éducation comnitte., adolescent sexuallty cammittee. 15 I e no thot your owi postion on a upëc i= wuont ua aI idavth thb. m4oritr ofyour cammuueta hlcb uy vulil yeou .? If it is a decision of principle it must ha xmade afler SEE PAGE 29 nights prwecfrueb parets1ad ws9tu d ents cf tii. sciiocl.ý Another cnen i. the. adequacy of lunch room facilities for our chIldren. A number cf parente have h een expressing concerna about the. lack of lunch room facilities inu mme of our achools. Bourd policies muet. recognize tii. difficulties of single parentesud dual working parents in acenmodating lunchi arrangements. 7. Do yS n 1.edouation teamtoo bigh Ir mý cun y= n .uu tau".cetrlt1o? As a ratepayer I thlnk al taxes are teo higii. However, of equal concqrn. is the. need te ha assured that every tax dollar isi 1,aigapnt as efficiently sud efetvlas possible. On. cf the. key teols for. expenditure management is su effective budgeting process. The firat stage of budgeting le; strategic planning. Th. hourd must establisii a strategic set of priorities te assist staff in preparing jinnual budget requesta. l.priorities should ha worked eut through consultation with the. education stakeholders. I halieve that there iB a need for on-golng revlew sudprga evaluation as an integated pr of the. annual budgting cycle. Each year w. muet review a number of the. programs; te look for savings. Staff should h. encourag.d te examine current programs with a challenge to ea octe resources froni low priority areas te higher priorities. On. 'of my objectives as a trustue is te balance the. n.ed cf fiscal responsibility with the education needa of oui children. The board ha. made a practice of paying for program pressures with current resources. As a truste. I would not support tii. extensive use of< debt finsucing te pay current program pressures with aur chilknlé future resources. S. Do you feel that achool boerds mhuld colloci ther oviiuchel taxes rathor than the Municlpalitlos? There i. a current systeni in place for the. municipalities ta collect the. property talc assessment. It seenis te, me that creating an additional admniis- trative bureaucracy ,ta collect revenue from the sanie ratepayers would. b. a grass waste of funds. 9. Arm you in favour of sharing or mmei facilities and servces between the public and searat. chool systema ini order to avoid duplication and reduce coula? AUl ideas of issues that can mare effectively utilize aur resaurces sud save casts should b. explored. The community lias invested a great deal of funds iute these capital structrues. If there are reasonable cost savinga te ha had, it would seeni likesun option which should ha explored. 10. What do you thlnk of tb. year.round chool ccept .bogfin ocia -11ou ca]. oa apilot prujeci by 1. urbam or of Education in 1992? Th. new board will ha faced wlth the. continued growth of< aur prmnciple of choie te h. includsd -M any" 1 plan tewards unplementation of thei'iodffiéd 1coo year. Parents, teachers, students and tihe community would need a' voice in choouing an implementatioIn stratey., 11. WImt oéhor rblfl enu. me tul- the edudncal orMmqre cimapi wblsh yS bd con bemade ntthélocal mhoibrléfl On.', f'the. key areas, which the. local hoard can influence isý theqality of staff réatioés. 4,900 permanent staff la on. of tii. Region'. larÈgaemployer. Truste.. must continue te, develop- staff policies that recognize Our rf.uonal staff are ti.he urdsmost valuable asst.-' As a trustee I would work to ensurs tiiat staff continue te ha treated fairly ad equitahly within the. fscal environment. The objectiv, cf the. staffing policies would b. te, enms we acquire train and retain the. best possibl e staff te work with our il. What rempesmlffles do you f"e a tmr uac e townluIndvldal eeitltuiandailtow.rdu Ithe I believe a trustes bmas responsibility te bring te the table a set of- principles and values whicii hast refl.ct -tiioecf tii. local cornmunity. There is an opportunity for public input, iiowever, what we need te do more of is make tii. puhlic more comfortable in taking advantage cf the. oportunities. It is important tat altii. educational ' stakeholders participato in consultation of relévant issues. The. Durhiam bourd bas a fairly good record on conuting witii the co0mmunity and I would support this heing continued. la. Ifrylm newtatyn -pmtlm spcfemueva i .lth l.UJrme lor cenuuent whch wa eli Yeu VOWa My priorlty would be tu understand wiiy I didn't share a common, position with my constituents. It is very rare tiiat parties cannot flnd common ground on mout issues. I helieve that consultation with stakeiiolders is a very important part cf the. finsucial oicy sud planning prcs. Mangu consultation also means that you musat ha prepared te accept.sud responid te those providing advice. In arriving at the final decision,I would respect the wishes of the. maqjority. 14. What psy increases woulil yen propo.. f« trutees ~ e ed aitbre&yemLr period? I would propose a freeze at the. current level te, send a message of restraint. W. must regard the signais fr-om the provincial. government on fiscal constraint as a warning about the. availability of increased fumding. Trustees have a responslbility te demonstrat. tiieir personal comzitment te expenditure constraint. Their ezample siiould ha a signal te others about future availability cf new resources. M5 How am yo difforM ifam lbn uiber Condidtw~ As a truste. I would bring ta the hourd 1L2 years cf financial and management experience in a As a purent and concerned meniher of thei. communitW I would bring my enthusiam and coimitment- to cout, effective qualit;y.-,vjdueaton ' aiýf .e children.' JOE E« BUGELLI DURHAM REGION ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEE5*

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