Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1991, p. 25

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WIIIBYnuE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCIMBfl23,1991, PAGE 25 p JIM PRIiEST: ,Regional Counc*l, FR OM PAGE 23. security ta Town property should b. dealthitinp*ivat. Porbaps the- pros hould, b. invited ta, atend rnore. meetings;,of courue, theprom would bave to show an, intièrest in reporting day-to-day Town business, which could be difficult., 1I think agedas sbsould b. availaleuvra days prior ta meetings, and al pertinent information should be given ta, interestedpate on requeest. I would muchprferw ta dal with an informed and weil prepired public. Residents do not like surprise&. 5.An 71ySuifl'!vMiti.Paieanm typeor dwmelount lWhlthy? Are Pyou mld tatIt la vil coaufflefdWhat paablirnsbave 700 Imm or doyotu foreua Throughout the. term 0f our present council, and possbly the one before it, thore bas been toc> rnuch devlopment toc> fait, and much of it ta. the detriment 0f excisting residents.- In tbis recessionary jiod, it would seem ta me that we aro experiencing a more comnfortable- pace;, howevor, council i.s tdu pasSing undesirable development that is contrary ta, the wis os of the people who reside in Wihitby. Some problems that have evolved from overdevelopment in the past surely must be: (a) lack of infra-structure ta handle additional trafflc generated, fromn high densities; (b) extraordinaiy demand for echools at cisiderable expense ta the taxpayers; (c) Town staff unable taý effectively enforce by-laws and respond ta comnplamts tbat require- immediate- attention; (d) unable ta effectively satisfy the needs of the community, our senior citizen. and young people. What probleme do I see. Manyý <Mssisauga Esfti. not exaCtly my idea of what Whitby should become. Hlgh densities i. flot the answer ta preservingthe chanin and tawn' atmosphere that most residents apparently would like ta eo retained. I do not like ta useo developers control the'Town -- itfsa case of thetail waggfing the dog and that must come ta an end. We do need ta grow i order for business ta prosper, but. I do flot believe it should take place at such a frantie pace as in the past. &. NUUIMn not In my back yard) la bicore a cornmon problam la muicipal ?oltics Wbat vould 700 do la privant Il or avo It? NIMY is a bad word according ta some encumibents. I flnd it ta be undenstandable. Why should individuals who purchase a home in an area considered residential suddenly find a'condo, truck dopot or a. cernent plant next door? Why should they not coenplain? Approval of spot zonng bas become common practice at, Whitby council. One war to uoften the bard reality >f the NIMY syndrome would: be to iniprove ýcommî.unication betweeri those opposing certain devolop- ment. and the developer. Méeetigs hould b. arrange where rosident. can vent theuir concerne direcly with docision makers. No development sbould be put in place that would ultimately put a neigbbourhood in a state of discord Lby atering the apearance or charm of that 7. Whm edo 7yS fiaithb alnce hlÎ0M M" Mun b oleIvrlght o a COrnMUIt7« n.Ighboorhood? De yS f&W the Mudpa govarnmnt diiUnldevulapm«b.annt.fo & Penbape tigbter poet standards "could b. lo1 edin. The collective ights ofa commumity or neigbbourhood should always b. considered. B. Do yooz lb.!thal dWu oujInis .euhoWb irnpkMnrntad lain e mue amou tt no construction wtiiln'nistlag dovlopad mm~ conform, a atlng buildng or do yoSfiai that ot" ras p'uny In pkai undar the. oficiaipl= uni sanlng by-law. un adoqut.? I- doý feel that desin controls should bim plemente there is a growmg ,resistance, oradical departureà ideign as stated in questions 5and 6. 9. Do' Un fotatlb.ambluiaeOf tlis d OU ena otw4f bu7lmIp an aIM crrunfty Mnd if w0 wbat ipu»fli5105 vmfd 70 aiol pr aine of the old cone of Wbitby is, importent to, the commuiity. With the possible excepton of bringing roadis, water and stom ransup ta standard, I woudleveit alone. ýHoweve, should ,tii.residents of any uea want ,tolhave adrsichn, then -ý,Ïat possibility shouldb 10& Do, yS a@evulwu' a fai contwai 1-l vhich vOnld platt Ina. M private a« von u publie bu&~ Thi. tue bhas corne for us ta, have a tree preservation by-law. This wuld b. particularly useful where, new sukbdivisons are concerned. 'The practice of total stripping of the land should b. cbanged. Planning of develop- ment.s should ae trees inta, account, and more effort is reqirod to preserve mature trees witbin such plans. Private propeirty? Some restrictions could be implemented ta restrict tre removal, on eitng -residential prprty. The ýtype o (f tre, drain jbles, sihtfliodfimss, etc. could b. ,lieitato reasons to removo a tros., It must «b., noted, however, that land élated for develpment isn aso private i'l lba ysat VI" d dth ba WM vatmfrot? Hov IMmÈa uM"iaacaui I woull ik.tose -the ~bih waterfront ùiizdas a passve area from border to border.. A place 'where' a fainly and'-al' residents could go tir a s*ýtrol," drive, cycle, swim M i th Iak.e or Inic. public ýacce9,ý with the, exception cf itn .rat la t, . f courus - p ortant. MPCrombie Commission hie, made thatabnanlycear, and I age.. U OWa"I I think the. planis for the. Centennial Building .are favourable, provided residential taxes are notrequired. Funding should corne fren public, donations. devolopersprovincial and feilera grant.. Other -fumdraisng method comld b. used as well. ME PAGE 38 MARCEL BRUNELLE: Regional Cuncil FROM PAGE23 .Ae yen .mtlfUaMWvih tue acaiitypa of davalopment in Wbltby? Aeyou mtLdW u.t It la vil contoiladWbat prablns bare yS mm or do yen fâmae Municipalities- in Ontario have officiai plans which inform prospective purchasers 0f property as. ta what type 0f devoloprnent may be. built on a particular piece of land. If thora was ne officiaI lan, purchasers of proporty weuldb. totally at risk .when pnop erty.is acquired. Toahave been a number 0f occasions when I would have preferred that a certain devlopment net tae place but thon, 15 very little the council cen do.> Recontly, the. Ontario Municipal Board approvod a housing development on the. east aide 0f Blair St. tbat was unanimously opposed by the council and the citizons of the area. Tue current Officiai Plan was put in place in 1974 and is in the procesof being updated ta, noflct urret rality. 6. NIMBYim C"alIlamy bock yard>hbbcorne a commen prddbbun l municpal patis. Wbt vold 700 dola ptou nt Ior avdditI? NIMYismis a fact cf life. It has always oisted 'and always wiil. Ail council can do is b. as undenstanding, and accom- modating as possible in flnding the least disturbing solution. 7. Wbara do 701 ui b. hebalmancemuhn betvemi tie privmlaprnpS l ty ghof ladviuWa uni the coiaciv. rlgtui eta cormunltyor nalgbbourhooi? Do yen -foi t"emunicIpa - rtandard.? ni teM& I believe that private proprt righta are suprerne excopt where thon. 1*2Ssignificant actual interforence in the . ight. 0f others, éther colectively or individually. I beliove that as far as possible, council should mû.e nules that reflect the. standards 0f the community. & - Do e fel Wu"t ddig ontrels aboli ho impiemiut"In lu ue Cmas laensuftt nevDo constructon ulidn oeutingdevelopo'! ats conformaela aiailng buildings or do yen ueldtuat contrais presarnlly lnplaceundar tua offkWu]plan aSun soigbylaveaumioquala? The Planning Mct specifically denios council the ight ta dictate the design' abuildi- .Howeven, the opporhti uly exias tt affect the'final appeanance cf a development by Town staff woring i co-operation with the owner. Council can iielp tuis procesas y appnovmg design guidelines ta woek towards., 9. ) aba mMt te mmet thle aO mm am r w*y e mpotan tatmccanmuzty am' if v bat apfe ulqp ua eo'ySn aivce t a preve il? Pro rn vijt.tehomnes inal part« of-tW.ITov« ibelieve- th#ait the old-tawn charm is a significant featuro that contributos meaningfuily ta how we ail féel about bis pace we cail home. Council should develop heritage districts in the old core area f Town wbich would protect and preserve, the flavour of original Whitby. Any- redevelop- ment should neflect this character. 10. Do yuS ans vwih a trio contraiï by-lav vblch vouli protet trais on privaI. as voll au, I 1arn the originatar cf the tree preservation by-law and sponsor 0f the new. regional tree preservation 1by-law. This by-law is now, being considered by the Ministry of Naturel Resources as the basis for new provincial legielation which will give local municipalitiespemissive authority-ta regulate the cutting 0f trees. I arn definitely in favour of developmont controls but flot in faveur . f interference in an individual bomneownor's property Il. What la your viaion cf the Whtiy wtrfront? Boy Important ls public accoa? WMhy's waterfront is predominantly owned by the Town on the province cf Ontario and should romain in public ownership. Some of the waterfront should b. allocated for public recreation and some, such as the L-ynde Marsh, should b. preserved and protected, and al 0f it should b. accessible ta the public. 12. An yeu n lafavour et theplans forth. Centennial Buldig? oy shouli it ho peu foM I arn in faveur cf the renewal of the Centennial Buildingta serve the cornmunuty. I W.iv the opportunity eists ta bhave much of the cost covered by corporate and public donations. If necossary, a fundraising carn- paign should b. mounted. 13. Do you fieam a novrtaxed or tuaI governmant tu too axpenulvi? If ithar, vhat changa" vould you advocati? What about a tax froe? lu vbaîarea do you fieltuaI ulgnfcant cutU In e:penturos could b. made? Do 700 aie Mam us hre rvenuca mlght ho lncreasad? Wbat lu your poition on mual valu. asamant? The Town colects taxes for the Town of Whitb, Durbami Region and the two uchool boards. Tue Town's taxes 'have increased an average of 4.9 per cent oven the pat three years, while inflation bas averaged 5.8 par cent. This was achieved with proportionately less financiel "a nce frhe ovin Oter.thn etln a zero tax increase is ta, attract more businesses ta Why. I am a *strong proponent, of such development. I do believe that tax increases should, on average, b. less than inflation. In theory, few can disagree with market value assesemont. Ini the real world, however, market value osesmnt would drive many people, particularly senior citizens, from their homos in the. older part of Town, and will cause the conversion of older homes ta multiple dwellings. Unles solutions can b. found for these serions concorns, market value assessmont is not viable. 14. In a broui poraicve bav do y7001ev lb. baubag criais and vbat apeci& Mfataw" v ul70 advocala la mngeil? An hx»a zW mdfic laaduabp Initiativie Ial tIi ol *Dunrham egonba awaste management master plan but the. provincial niiistr' of the. environniont intervoned and took over tho management 0f waste disposai in 'Durham, The niinister bas decreed* that the Region construct a waste transfer station ta moe.OUr waste fr-om, Durham ta Pool Region. The cost of this facility is estimated ta b. $50 million. This amount roprosents double the total annuel budget of Whitby. As a- member of the Region's waste reduction cornxrttoe, you can b. assured that ail my efforts. are being directed ta stop this oxponditure. M5 Eoad cuncil bambtgg? Anm vawu& tSo large? At the present time, I believe the council is theright size. M5 Whyw do yS 1fiel 11.1tue Sgansapublic luamo ant-plltcln? ba vuliyo doauaim lotui coucilo vle mghtafavat taIattitude When thora la a general fruistration with pliticiens at the federal lovel, this feeling taints al those holding éected office. -I have found during tbis election, wbile visiting households, that as poel areb becoming more focused o bnissues, they are very fair in assessng candidates, and are Judging individuels on their own menit. as opposed 'te b.ing frustrated with politicians i goneral. 17. Ane tiwa" ay idiiondi muas vblie you fWa are lIMPotan9 All major issues bave been covered. 1M Wba: In paticular diffarentia. 700 frer 700f qupOninl I believe each candiate should, put forth bis or ber views and the. electarate hoi44 'hqs hg. i lit , I municipal efection 1 ,

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