Dereliet ferr boat- could ýbe gne-before,19 The derelict ferry coat in Port Whitby harbour may b. removed biy the end of the year. In the notice of motion made in provincial court i Whitby at week, an undertaking reached by lawyers for, the Towni of Whity anadthe boat ownor, Art Robinr- sonpae tho wayfor removal of the vossebDe . 31. On. of te conditions holding hthe, ement, securities to P uiy ÎRobà insn for remo- val o the PCB. on the PEI ferry Il at eared *to -have' heené re ncortlast week. Robinson i. to remove to'PCB. and store them b -Nov. 15. The boat i thon to b. romovod by Fences'mayn GardenSt crossing 1 By BMarloBoucher ýNew fonces and simne may ho Sposted at the. CP, Rail iatthe Gardon St. crossing if an anti- whistling agreement is roachod betwo!en the, Town ofWitby and -~Transport Canaa. Azgchamn-bnk fneof about 1.8 metres may b. set up 455 motres east and West of tho Garden St. crossià i on both sides of thoeriY ayilgt-of- way,and 348 metres on hosuhsd from Brock St. to an existing fonce west cf Contre St. Somo post and wire fonces on the north and south sides of Dundas St. may -also ho put up for safety precautions. "No trespassing" signa wouid ho set up at Gardon St., Contre St., Dundas St. and at the rail- wa bridge at Pringie creek. %eoestimated coet for the whoie project is about $46,000.- Under the Railway Act, CP Rail is responsible for the fonces, * SEE PAGE 18 Dec. 31. i?"ailing that, the vessol i. to ho dimantled and disposed cf by May3l, 1992. The undertaking, iffoled would end efforts mn reent y"ar by'the remove thé. for- mer ferry, boat that haa, been in the harbour for five years. In- a1 previous court e Robinson's a 1yer, V.î 'br3ien stated tha Robinson did not lbavô the money te remove the PCB. on tho ves- soi. Wlhitby Hycb, which would store the PCBs, ad the Ministry of -the Environment wanted $150,000 in. securities before the. toicemnicals couid ho moved. "You can't take wiiat a man doesn' have," said .O'Brien ini provincial court on Oct. 11. However, in court lent week before Judge Donald Lawsonan undertalcing wouidhave Robin- son's coômpany, 447870 Ontario Ltd., provid a second mrgg on the PEI, ranking secSndi socutfto payment cf not more ta$10,000. Robinson, his company and another of his companios, Ontario, 447871,, would. provide prsonal jofint juaranteeo f $150O0te the mistry.' .. .Another, condition isthat sub- mit proper plnsand specifica- tions for moing and storing the ]ELAINE FORSHÂW, spevsor >of Good *Friends Nursery Sehool in Whitby, la one oft'the no6es for the Early Childhood Educator of the PCB9. Town lawyer David Sims sad-' the Nov. 15- doadlineý for movp the PCB. would give krcinn timo for prepartion. ,Mter Sisread te terma and" achedule hofore Judgo Lawson O'Brien said Robinison had tii. "best cf intentions" te carry eut, the undertaking. OBrien had stated previeusly that Robinson 'wants the shipi eut of the harbour.n 1The. undertaking was reaciied after both iawyers met witii Jim Jackson, soliciter with the Minis- try cf Enivironmont. Jackson, said Robinson would have, te get a licensed wante Year award, to be ainnounced Thurs- day as part of the 'Week of the Child' activities. Above, Forshaw 1, shown beside a 'Week of the Cbild' poster. Fr..00r% photo maagement contracter to reo e o45Q gallmo f PCB on the boat. R Iobinson -had -a- buyer for the boat,, and -had entered nto an ~reem ent to Bl the vossel for 0000-money that was plan- ned to'be- used as the secur-ities requested by the, ministry and *Whitby Hydr-o. OBrien said the Town aborted the. sale biy disclosing financial the media. Lant -month- Robinson was- Écun Ruity atres3asing n vessol, i.-nthe harordesigna- .SEE PAGE 15 ByMaieBoucher Town planning committee has put on iod an application for a massive subdvision plan in west Whitby. Counciliors decided that the subdivision plan should ho con- sidored as part cf the area as a whoie as the.officiai flan review process continues. *fWhitby is currentiy updating its offciai plan, whichl wiii guide future. growth in the.municipalt> Monday's decision wiikely&, mean that tho p Ian by Erin MilIs Development Corp. will ho deait with by the new coundil, after the Novemhoer municipal oiec- tion. The 0 ai application called for .mixehouamng that would have accommodated an estima- ted population cf 8,000 on 368 acres of land west cf Cochrane St. hotween Rossland and Taun- ton Rd, on what is now vacant farmland. That plan wêw drastically changod, with almoot 1,000 hous- iguischepped. g se tat 4opt, 5 00people wouid ho iiousedi tAe s ubdivision. Howover, there were still con- cerna expressed by area resi- dents and Town councillors at a public meeting in Juiy. Plannin staff had recommended appro cf the revised Application that includes such aýmeÉdments9 as the addition of a site for a Catholic secondary school and deletion of a hmaa land ares. "If youre gnna' bring oe thing, bring the whole planw said councillor Jo.Drumm à f the decision te conisider the. En Mi%=.Ian as part cf the plan for the woearea. «What i. hoing proposed here in premature," said councillor Marcel Brunelle. "f we're going ,te deal with environmental issues, we'd 1k te deal with it in teotalty,» said Brunelle. Ho said the next, council may want te, keep open more ares aiong the creek or have two schools i that ares instead cf One. * 'hoe are a Iot.of thingu to bho addressod here »'he said. Drumm saiâ the 'Town risks losing the creek ares and the. natural environment on tii. pro- perty if the whoie net examined. "Wéýe uttin1the. cart hofore the. the hos,# said councillor Lynda Bufftt. She said council needs more information on the. total impact cf the application on tii. ares and tii. land surrounding it.,, Brunelle said the. comuittee did net want te doal with separate issue within the ares because "thedecison w. do mak. here wiil have an offect.on, the. future officiai plan." SJohn Bousfield, cf John Bous- field Assocates Ltd. representing the. develo Ir*d the applica tion wouintmange anything. Ho said technical matters should b. dealt with new. "Theplan will have a tremen- dous imipact on the. Town,» said Brunelle. Whity man die s in car -accident A Whitby man died atter his car atrick a tree and burst inte flames, on Brawiey Rd., Whitby iast Priday maorning. Dunham Regfional-, * 20, ay *Peter râmes Eýomercy, 2 c f e, Cohrane.St. Wak. .pronôunced. dead at the. scen. cf the accident that occurred at about 1 a.m. He was driving a 1978 Che- vette west on Brawiey Rd., east of Ashburn Rd., when the vehicie' ieft the. road and struck a tre.. He was sioe at the time cf the accident, saidtpolice..