Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1991, p. 6

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The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated 1>by Whitby resîdents for Whitby resîdents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario lmc. at 131 Brook St. N., Whftby, Ontario Il N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Pitblisher Mauioe Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal Registration #05351. 'Oh- Canada' or 'No Canada' To theedo.. Canada ls ane-af the few coun- tries In the worid that -Js oflclally blinhgual., Baslcally, language lsaa means of communication between humans, and Rt seems almost cri- minai ta devastate a union of people over means of communi- catlng. Meech Lake and the mevamping of the Canadian constitution was an almfost hMarous scenarlo. Why ls Rt politicans cannot converse over a board or meeting rooam table Instead of at a vacation settlng at some posh hotel- or retreat (comparable. ta Meech' Lake) ail attired ln Amoid Palmer and Jantzen sportswear. Such "a setting, however, may be appro- priate, as it seemae poltilans' minds are ItRerally taking a'.holiday, and most Ideas drown at the bottomn of a lake of dialogue. Why dldn't the Pierre's and Brian's and Bourassa's leave well enough alan., as they have con- jued up almost a heinous hatmed ,yte rest of Canada over a 'une ot fcommunication.' WiII we.require, 13 or so 'hefl's' on governrent switchboards, and 13 or so0 languages on produot r ackagîn g, and 13 or so anguages i n'aur court systemn and sohool system? WIII ilt take secre- taries, and business employees 10 Y ears ,0 f college, majorlng ln languages, td graduate? There are >more Important Pro- blems ta salve ln/ Canada t han appeaslng every losclvlous Iinga. Engllsh is aur flrst language ln usage. It Is much:easler ta make ane language mandatory ta ail pesople. than to make many languages the'.norm for one W'Vhen asked.aur natlonallt, we should stmongly state 'Canadian,' and flot qualli y this status wlth hertage golng back five and six g eneratons. You always hear an Amrican say 11 arn an American" ( and proud of lR), and when Ammericans slng 'God Bless America,'ý they stand at attention wlth hand capd over heart. Canadians, wlth Engisc n French versians ot thêlr national anthem, shuffleand shlft at the long, arduous'.'stand.' Canadians should take a stand -- wlth on. adequateî version 0of their national anthem. *By DrummondtWhlte Durham Centre MYPP Recently, the' provincial treasurer announced a spein adjustmrent plan. These adjustments were made to restain the proviice's spending and flot to exceed the projected deficit. The recession has had a major economiic impact on Ontario aMd placed enormous pressures on government spending. This has been made particularly diff icult, by the federal government's capping of -transferpayments that resulted in a shortfall of $1.6 billion this year. W. have'had a number of urgent pressures that are statutory. in nature. That means that they are a necessary and legal obligation upon the province's treasury. These pressures include tire-f ighting, social assistance and teachers' pensions. "As legal obligations, they must b. pald.'* As a result, the Treasurer announced a redirectin of $60P million this' year. Many of these rèdirections are théb,ýpsuft àf reducing the ' cost . f operating budgets within govèrniment; ministries. Garehas been taken to insure thet few, if any,,,jobs will be lost. -In addition, some government initiatives have beeri held up in the legislative'assembly --, manies were budgeted for eýnploye wage protection 'and pay equity that cannot be paid ùntil the legisiation has passed through the assembly. Some -savings have come about as local school boards have delayed -împlementing their kindergarten and junior kindergarten programs. In addition, there has bee n a saving of some $35 million. as the province.of Ontario has shrewdly managed its debt. We have the distinction, of being on. of the world's shrewdest borrowers, according ta world business organizations. Ontarians understand that the challenge of restraint must be shared fairly and your governiment is prepared to do its part. W. are .,not like other jurisdictions where politicians and senior managers Sccept huge raises and then expecttheir employees, Who are barely managing to stay above the.poverty Uine, to accept freezes in their wages. W. are taking leadership in sharing the challenge of restraint.-by freezing the wages of MPPls, deputy ministers and senior managers. Wy personal. saiary level Wili remaln f rozen for two years and was àlready far less than a federal MP's. 1 arn personally.proud that our governiment has been able to keep ts goals*of fighting the current recession in the short termn and not abandoning its commitment to falmess and effective investment in the econmic and làcia wel-ben of Onta rie. While some To the Editor: 1 would like to repnd 'te the letter written by Ralph Perry and published in a recent edition of the -Whitby Free Press. Mr.' Perry hem criticized me in my raie as the Member et Parliernent for Ontario rd en1 :îs l rce I 1publicly including avallability, accessibilit y and other points relating ta the veriaus du*ies as representetive of the riding. When Mr. Perîy suggests tgh et my promise te listen is a complet. tumaround, Rt la then ebvious that he hes not been fellowing My riding ctlivities.. For example, i hold monthly public meetings ta Invite dialogue on the Issues cf the day. In addition, 1 attend numerous functions which give me yet another- opportunity te communicete with My constitutents. Furthermore, 1 can assure that Rt 18 net difficuit te meet with me. My otter ta roceive- input on the constitution is sincere, and as he is aware, i have estabiished a process for thet te happen. Weekend hours urged To the EdItor: Re: Animal Shefter ln Durham Reglen and thein hours When 1 soe a lost dog i imagine ai owner anxious with worry about their pet that on the loose. You -try and help this animai by p icking R up and calling the pound. But ffR so happens that your hmanitariai gesture eccurs ad 6 p.m. on Friday, that moans it's yours until Mionday. You p hon. the pond, get a, sympathetic ear aising you ne one will get there tJntil Monday, but they give you advice. Keep the animal et your house, a friend's house or lot kt loose. Animal shelter-staff must go ln on weekends te fsed. water and check on their animais in the kennel,. se why net "have staff ,cheý.ç, 1r *,wth * their arfswering, s5ervice ta see if thereare.an calîs, or allow the person te bring an 'animai in ýduring this feeding penod? I'm sure On their way in ta the kennels they couid pickç up any stray pets. 1 knew i would teel a lot botte, about keeping ai. animai for a couple ef hours tied up in Mry yon or even just for one night ff.i knéw that the shelter would takè k t he next day or atemoon. <To pet owners,- tag. your pots with a phoe number or have a vet rogiser yeur pet.. k is se -much easier than worrying if your pet gets loose. Hè and his 10 friends cari aveu theinselves cf the process, but f h. prelers to cail My office to set up as meeting, .1 will certainly b. avallable. Let me respond bdiefly -ta the other points that h. ralsed ln his' letter. 1 will rot abolish the Young Offendiers Act, because Rt does have merit, but viwlllsupport ameridments whlch' have been introduced and which reepond ta the needs of society. Before 1 ran for, office ln 1988, i investgoted the psy scale et a memnber ef parliament nid decidled ta run. Siimoe then, the sal aryhe To the Edîtor: Copy of letter ta council. mayo r end 'k has always been my impression that elected representatives nd their staff were there te ensure that things in the best interes; of their constituents were done 'for them,' not 'te thein.' 1 guess 1 have been spoiied or misintormed. In early June et this year, the nesidents et Blair St. were intermed« thet Blair was te beceme Garden St. On June 10, i wrote te the Town clerk supparting the change. i aima seid, thet aines the change was cessitated by an earlier planning errer by the Tewn, 1 teit ail arrangements and expenses shouId b borne by the Town. On 'June 14, the clerk wrete ta To the Editor My oniy corp aint Wiith Whitby Gor rai Hospitali ithe!ipractics of forcI chronic cars patients ta b. idsckminaied egainst by forcing, ihsrp ite rent:TV's -train the ,company . which, in turn, tsub-contracts the work. In my case, the ub-o'ntrâctar and its employe es, an Monda , Sept. 16. teck a good 'arkingTV and sent lk -upatairs temthe third floar,*where mare meney could b. cbtaunod fer diy rentai. In return rny wife received a TV that wes. net working. When i complained te the TV rentai people, 1 was told 1 could llike k or lump R, in no uncertain torms.1 then asked for my choque back, dated Sept. 17, 1991 and Octi4 159' 1991 for prepaymont of' services. From then' on. the sub-- contnscor's empkoyee avolded'me Me. the- pique.. AscfMna been adJ usted annually et the ratte of.inflaion less one per centeand has been frozen for.t he next yeer. The exemple has been meot, aid 1 should point out thai t k l lems than we have given the pbic service., When Meech -1 wasdrafted, 1 was an employee of LASCO Steel and therefore couldn't have asked for his opinion. There. were public hearings and 1 hope he part iited. Ve, 1 arnthe smre-René Seetens whome namq q3peered in the ad dealing with MPm pensions. ME PAGE 14 lnform me that'ail expenses weuid b. at aur expense, but that a smooth transition would be insured wit h Canada Post. Today,- four mionths later, a latter tram the public works department states that: the naine change was effective immedietely; aur new address is 98 Garden St.; piesa contact your local pSt office for the correct postailcod., ýThis is adequate notice? This is smooth, transition with Canada Post? kt hem taken four months ta accomplish this? W. are now faced wit h a full reen of the wrong address in the telephone directory, chasing the post effice for a new code,- and .notffying ail eur correspondeita.. Thaik you for'nothing -W.J. Galger Whltby TV in her room that dees not wprk. i have compleined ta the compaiy (n Toronto) or obtaining the tellephone nu bers' tram fi the hospitai. 1 w teld. by the company thet t ey weuld contact the sub-coiit orand have the matter cl ight away. This wasjuat aiother run-areund. lam deepiydlsturbed that my wife and 1 shoud btreaied like second-class* citizens in this matter. FeirvIew .Ladge and Sunnycrest allow their, patients ta bning in t heir own. portable TVs with ne, restrictions. The anly tee they pay is for cable' TV. At Sunnycreat you deal with the cable company, at Fairview the tee for cebie is$13amont h., -- . ln conclusion, i would like ta sýay thati . have p aid aven $2.000 te' thîs co mpeny for TV rentai since My wife has been, in Whitby Generai Hs -oia. She -hem been a patient there since Sept. 25, 1988. ~WW~W~YWWUWU -, - ~UWUWI ww...u~'g -"u**~ r" ~ --~~- ~ *..- - -~5 I arn accessible, and welcome input Thanks for nothing Arun-around- F.A. O'Sulikin vw 33>81kwy

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