Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1991, p. 14

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w i.- PAGE 14, WH1TBY FREE pREss, wEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16,1991 DR.L DAVID MacAsiil and Dr. lm Whitby.. The effort was part of a Devînshire of. Rowsland Chiropractie; collective program by area chiro- Care coilet non-periebable "od practors for 'Feed the.Cbildren' items at the Montessori school in' Fr.. Prem photo LETTR: Iarn accessible FROM PAGE 6 But, what you should kniow is that the NCC neyer asked for my opinion before they printed the ad. If they had, they would have known that I am quit. prepared te make changs te the pension plan. Thereare -numerous issues that , as a Member of Parliamient, muet deal with &a&Y. tisthrough the open proces that lias beeii estalis with my-- consttuent. that they are best represented. I can assure Mr. Perry that I amn influenced by int elligent input and, whenever posinhle, this input influences my decisions. ý ri e uso aie in e fteRe y l egCOIIi m naN e r (E)I n Pe riçw, . seucil COMPOSTING - TETREND If the trend continues, composting maLy somoday ho as widespread and popular as blue boxrecycbng. The potential for waste diversion i. impressive but many questions about the actual impact of compotmngnedasrng With the, financiàl suppor of the- Brewers of Ontario, the Recycling Council of 0nai (RCO) is ahie to pubhsh 'The Composterd~ Journal.' Fali 1991 is the firet edition that relates composting activities and offers seasonal tipa and rosources. It also, includes a question-and-answer section, as the- RCO receives nmnyoilse from .people who express .concerns, particularly about insects in their compost piles., IWs parly due to the squeaniÎishnes many -feel. about 'bugsi,"ý quotes the journa. But rest assured --, it? the 'bugs- in the compost heap that do the work of decomposmfo microscopic bacteria and fungi to the visible créatures including earthworms, mites, beeties and sow bugs." -The following are two common concerns that are addressed in the first issue: Q. What can I do te control the nuisance.of files around my compost heap? A. Fies are attracted toi food scraps, so each time you ad food sidig them intothe pile or cover the serapa Q.Tere are, ants in My compost heap. Io this a conceru? A. Ats are beneficial te the composting proces. If'you find them a nuisance, particularly red ants that bite, you can: move the pile away from'populated& areas; tryte maintain- a hot compost sincef ants will romainonly if lhe pile is relatively cool; moisten your pile since antsà1ke dry conditions; grow pansy plants arounid your compost pile - t h av a strong*odouir that renels ants. (Note: Neither the RCO nor mysoîf have tried tis iyouetyit, let usknow how it worke.) This new journal is publishedquarterly and soon wil ho available at Brewers Retail steres, across the province., If you wish te, order Christmas cards on recyclod paper,.the Paper Source has recently sent out its latest cataogue covering wide variety of pape rdcs nrcced paper. Call 1-800-665-1143 te, receive your free catalogue.,, Coming event: Nov. 11-22 (Monday , te ýFriday only), TorontesHarboufrntChildren's Environmental F estival sponsored by Public Focus. For information,. cail 967-5211. Phone 668-6111 Opte.IiSts to.hold Kt a nSna Kito Day ini Broklin wil ho pan. at Brooklin comimuni*ty park, hoerae o the children and held Sunday, Oct. 20 from 1 te 3 noxt te the arena. therpens Kites will ho supplied free of "~ hare fr tosewho o nt hve ptiiat resident Grant M k ng -iinal th2 ata h itweh no bave Milinsat e firat Kite Day TheOptmit Club of Bokl held last fall attracted about 60 will serve free hot dogs and cold kd n hi aiis An open public meeting will ho held at the Broolin community centre at 8 p.n., Oct. 29, focusing S h o a dr iigb gn on «Fnal Arrangements! S h o u driigb gn '~-'.~p takers,ala e and a cemetery Meadowcrest public school's placed second and will g o on to board mmr will answer fund-raising project bas kicked compote in the Durham Rgoa questions relating te, funeral off with an assembiy te explain finals. arrangements-LL&,. There wiil also ho the selling of cookies and Team members are Michelle aqsTion box.wagppe. Berrey, Tîsha Mehta,- Jennifer Tismeeting sol oo edwrs a 48 Fitzsimmons and Jenny particular interest to young cross-country runners who Somerville. people who are often faced with compted in the area races last Invdulrstaicdeod this responsihility. vweek. The 12.-year-old girls' tearn McKee (age 8) in second place, Adam Haiber (age 13> in seventh ____________________________________ place, Kevin Taylor (age 9) in sixth place and Tricia FInchan THE REGIONAL MUNICIPAUJTY(ae1)svnh -OF DURHAM GYPSY MOTH .DURHAM AERIAL SPRAY PROGRAM BRS ci The Regionai Municipality of Durham and the County of Oorthumberland ~ R8YEINCU have. agreed t jointly co-ordinatea Gypsy Moth Aerial pa PrograminAH M conjuction with the Ontario inistry of NaturàI Resources to hep controi the Infestation of the Gypsy Moth pest The Gypsy Moth is orie of the most serlous defoliating pests of hardwood stands in southemn Ontaro. 142ND ANNIVERSARY In order to qualify for the 1992 program the minimum area is 10 acres of The Rev. Ron Van Auken ,. vuinerable forest area, which is subjeot' to a pre-spray assessment. Landowners may amalgamate to mieet thp minimum requirement. The GUEST MINISTER biological insecticide Bacilus Thuringiensis <Bt) is s'prayed twioe irA the'springil:sa -730p to help protect the trees from damnage caused by the Gypsy Moth caterpillar . 1SPECIAMU SIC <Anyone interested in Ieaming more about the program is welcome to attend 1l :OOam - an open bouse aut e Bowmanville Recreation Complex on October 16, 1991 Debbie Batten & Sharmnen Porter between 6:.00 pm, and 9:00 pmn or at the Uxbnidge Library on October 17, 7:3Opmn 1991 betweon 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. For more information or to obtain an ]hE rookn Umte9 d hr t b'f iner ikin application for the 1992 programn please contact Lorraine Norris, Gypsy Moth "The CeIebration Choir."!'I ana,4 on the BroU Unt h r oBotô beefdier atk o-ordinator, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, P.O. Box 328 ,Port La WLlin&DnyReo good. The annual. dinnerwa packed for both ,Hope, Ontario LlA3W4.<(41Ç) 885-8173" -, PlaWnJoln Our ~. Rtexié Sootens 7-T7Fi,-4,i 77777, -, -77, --7177-77- -W7 77, 77--7-1,177, 7

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