Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1991, p. 13

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Derek Glass now a c".addt o einlseat The je no'w a fifh candidate for a Whitbysea't- on Dunham regional counicil. Derek Glass, who iiad been a candidate for a seat on the Dur- haem Board cf Education, made the oswitch before doadlimo for nominations lest Friday. Glass, had originally planned te run for counceil but opted instead te run for echool board, saying he iiad concerne i both municipal and education affaire. But Glass said h. had «more probleme' with Town affaire i general. 'TM concerned with Whitby as a whole* not as a ward" Glass said cf Ais decision te c allenge Rose Batten, Marcel Brunelle, Joe Drumm and Jim Priest for the three Whitby!seats., Info for trustee candidates Schcdol trustee candidates in 0the ucoming election may obta apackage of information from the Durham Board cf Edu- cation. Included in the akage will be a, copy of 1bylaw that outlihes th tiéioi and respnibilities cf trustees, ialong with a facte folder and copy cf the. 1991-92 echedule dfmeetinus. To obtamn a package, call Carol Moore1 secretary te trustees, at 576-4(O0 (exçt. 317). DERE-K GLASS Glass says the impact cf deve- lopment i the Lynde Shores area, whero he lived for seven years, is on. cf his concerne. "It's one of'tii. few welands we have loft» he says, noting that wliilo there was some oppo- sition te, development, counicîl "pushed it through.» Ho also believes that m'ore balanced growth is, needed i Whitby. Ho says servies are not keep- igpacewith the. residential growfh Whitby is experiencing. Ho doesn't believe Durham Région should proceed at this time with plants for new hlead- quarters buildings. 9 cnddates. for public schol oard PROM PAGE 1 like to se. a "botter relationsbip between the echool board and parents.» Sith eays ho decidod te run alter ho feit there were some harwmful effecte on hie child from a certain publication that was on the curriculumn. Change in dates of forumns for candidates Chanesav been ini the scheduhing of élection forums i Whit.y , Ti. Whitby Chamber of Com- merce and Juniýor Chamber had originafly lanned -forums on. Oct. 29 ànde~o*. 5. Instead M 'tii.Nov.; 5 forum forums ýýwill b. hold on Oct 2 and Oct. 25. Tii. fliursday Oct. 24 forum, to b. hosted byii. Junior Cham-. ber will b.4forall ward candi- Thue rida- Oc.25 forum~ ho-s"e keChinhran in4pVChémber.' will b. for can- didâtes for thetwo school boards and -for the. hydro-electric com- mission., Tiihesdy Oct. 29 forum,' hostedbyti. hamber, te for candidates for mayor and r*nlcouiicil. re na1 24 and 25 forums begin at 7 pan. at tii. council, chambers i the. municipal build-' U Oct. 29 forum begins at 7:30 pam. ithe, council cham- bers. There will b. a question-and- anwr period after -candidates maeterpresentations.. a I t Hofc -leerned that 17 stories had already been removed from the Canadien .publication, but won- dered «why would they even b. there i the firt lace?» As truste., Smith says h. could act as iwatchdog while keepig parente up to date on ochâoo programmlig. Another aspect on- which parents couldb. better informed le tiie modifed echool year con- cept. says Smithi. H. bélieves moot parente -dont know mc about it, and. won- ders iow much parent were asked about it. Whitby eleets a new Town Cuncil o o.1 Keep reading the Whitby Free Press for the most complete coverage of ai the local issues -and -candidates *To help yo umake your choice, ail candida tes ha ve been sen t the: foliowing set of questions Thefr answers will be published M" two special issues on October 23 & 30' We hope they are the questions you would have asked yourseIL * Write us and teil us what you think their answers should be. MuncialElCtion .'91 -Candidate Questionaire 1. What is a politician worth? What pay increases would you advocate for councillors over the next three years? Should such i- creases be voted in closed door sessions? Would you personally remove yourself from such a session? Would you refuse an increase which had been voted at such a session? 2. What responsibilities do you feel a councillor bas towards individual constituents and towards the population as a whole? Do you feelthere is sufficient opportunity for public input? Do you feel that activeratepayers' groups would be a help or a hindranoe to the' municipal government process? 3. If you knew that your own position on a specific issue before council was at odds with.the madority of your constituents which way would you vote? 4. Do you think Whitby's government has been too secretive ini the past? If se, what changes woulld you make? Do you feel that mat- ters coiing before council should be given more publicity te the community àa awhole? Would you advocate that agendlas, reports, and background information be made available te interested citizens a minim~um of afew days before the meetings at which they were being discussed? -44. 8. Do you feel that design controls should be imrlemented insenie cases te ensure that new construction withi eciisting developed areas onforMns te existing buildings or do you feel that the officiai plan and cuirrent zoning by-laws offer sufficient control. 9. Do you feel that the ambience of the old core rea of Whitby is important te the community and if sowhat specific steps would you advocate te preserve it? 10. Do you agree with a tree control by-law wbich would protect trees on private as well as public land? 11. What is your vision of the Whitby waterfront? How important is public access? 12. Are you i favour of the plans for the Centennial Building? How should it be paid for? 13. Do you feel we are overtaxed or that goverrnment is too expensive? If either what changes would you advocate? What about a tex freeze? Ini what areas do you feel that significant cuts in expenditures could be made? Do you see any areas where revenues might be increased? What ie your position on market value assessment? 14. In a broad prpciehowdo u iw the garbage chisis and what specific steps wouldyo u advocate to manage it? Are there any specific leadership initiatives that Whitbycoeuld take? 15. Should council be bigger? Are the wards too large? 16. Why do you feel that the general public is se anti-politician? What would you do as an elected councillor which might alleviate that attitude? 17. Are there any additional lissues which you feel are important? 7 L-4 _î% .u' ài2'I St4 iff'e#ates/y*ufrom 0c.<tpjWW'i te M y j, 1 haeyu sè rd you forese 6. NIMBYism (not in my back yard) is a common problem in municipal politics. What would you do to prevent it or avoid it? 7. Where do you feel the balance should eist between the privateproperty rights of individuals and the collective rights of a com- munity or nighbourhood? Do you feel the municipal government should develop mechanisins te enforce tighter property standards? a

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