Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1991, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WHJYYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1991 Emm crticizes reloca tion ofpublcworsdm By Marlo Boucher The propoaed new public workà centre ehould have been. built around a four-year-old dome, saays Whitby mayoral can- cidate Gerry Emm. But Whitby'a other mayoral candidates,' councîllora Tom Edwards and L4ynda Buffett, ay Emm is a little late with criti- ciam of the matter. Emm saya it -will coat tai- payera. a lot, of money for 'the relocation of the dom. that was built to aset 50 years. Accodingto public works director Wfayne Hancock,. the Project Winl coat;$75,000 includ- mg the domolto work for the, Hancock aya.te 'other. dome had to b. r.plaod and will. cot about $130,000 at the. new loca- tion at the end of McKinney Dr. Ho' saya the. two domes will b. locaîîtedbhind the proposed new public works building, which ia expected to coat appr-oximately $7.3 m illion. Buffett maya it would have cost, more to: work around the dome than to move it. Shemaya the. relocation is. a «coat aaving measure." Edwards maya the. relocation is part of the restructuring of the whole area forthe public works department. Heosiaya it is necesaary"o move the -building to properly use the apace at th location as beat as possible." Edwarde adds the. matter was discussed at meetings with no obj'ections from an yon.. Ho aya Emm did not bring it up at any public meetinr Emm agusho co1dnt dis- cs oethinIr that was not in the 1991 capital and current budget document. He aya he attended the April 9 meeting with the budget docu- ment but there was no mention of relocation of the dom.. In the document, only the figure of $7.354 million appeared in the operations centre mat.rial, he aya. There are no details of the project anywhere i the docu- ELECT GEOFF RISONN COUNCI LLOR EAST WARD --i WHITBY I TO WORK FOR A GOOD QUALITY 0F LIFE FOR OUR COMMUNITY. mont, he Baya. - Ho sagys it is a waste of monoy at a time when taxpayers are strggfinancial. 98a tha t the-attitude, that if you can't build around it, thon you demolieh itr asays Emm. B y Marlo Boucher Tom EdwardsW decision not te use aigns ini the municipal elec- tion could haie been avoîded, may hie two opponents i the Whitby mayoralty race. GerryrEmin says lho has uaed the. saie signa for the last 17 yoarm. Ho aya ho -altered them whonever necesmary but has used the samne signa for many elec- tions. -"My people want a ai &, and they-are envn-nmentaily con- saous as iwell,» ho maya. Emm'says after the election the signe will bô picked up sncf tored -for future use. Ho also, notes ho has been' involved i environmental issues frmany yeara; as chairman of Durham Reon wmorka committee between 1980 -and 1988 snd as a volunteer director with Durhqm Recydling Inc. for eight years. Emmn saym, he fought hard te help bring the. blue box prograin to Durham' Region and to . By Mario Boucher The three mayoral candidatesi in Whitby have different viows on whothor or not councillors should set their own salaries. Durham Region councillors voted 19-10 last week te block a bid for taxpayors te set the salaries of Region council mem- bers. Councillor'Tom Edwards .aup- porýte motion becauso of the publices mistruat of politicians. « I think it would restore some of the. mistrust in politica,' ho Ewrssava he tried teitro- duce it in Whitby and at the I>gion level a few yesrs ago, but was turned down. Edwards maya. the community should have input inte tth. aalary procema. Ho maya Town council could paso a regulation te cali upon certain businesmeai Whitby te nommnate on. person, not connec- ted witii the council or with the Town te a body that would consiAer councilkp'salaries. Gorry Emm says ho isr ared te turn down the one-t -d ý=provisionto which each couincillo is entitled. Heogmya it is no longr appro- priate because the salaries for councillors and mayora have in- crosse tremenduély i the last 30 years. NOVEMBER l2th Ho saya hiatorical buildings may b. handled in a aimilar fashion. «For a dome that has a 50-year 1f. and ja strong build, it will take" so much monoy to tear it down and move it," he saya. Whitby. te "I ha h upport of the Region but not of Whitby (coun- cil), ho maya. Lynda Buffett msaya .ahe uses recyclable material for her bro- chures and- has redeined her 1988 signa for this élection. 'Tie signe are the only means for new pecopie to recognize your name," ah. Baya. .Edwrards maya it may coat him mre votes in the election not to have signa, but ho feela it ia important ,te pDut into practice measures thatIhe1p the environ- ment. "How can I support '-the environment and thon put up migns?" ho mays. ¶'dwards maya the signa waste valuable timber. He saym bumineamea have com- plained about signe that make their place look p or. «Tii. honourable thing left for me te do was not uaing signa and help the. environment and keep our trees," h. maya.ý <«Why ahould I enjoy these pri- vilegea when the taxpayora don't have theo min.opportunity," aaya Emm. Hoemaya the m a o's alarymi particular shouldni t b. one-hr tax-fr.. "I will not accept an icrease in salary because it. is high enough as it is," ho sayi. ' Councillor Lynda Buffettsaya «we're elected te, make decisions,' including thoee on salaries.' She aays ah. doesnt sem any major problems as long astii councillors are reaiistic abut the. économic situation. Buffett saya if. people don't sgree with council dcsinthey can decide not te elect that government. MAYOR Whitby 0 a; mu Wnia ,Y nda Buffetti Tom Edwrd Gerny Eim Edw ards "nào sign" decision drws mixed reactiôns Bty Mario Boucher thing I can't keep »h. says. Ail three Whitby mayoral can- Edwards Bsaya hie considered didates promise te draw the. lin. lowerig the taxes but; that on future Town taxinhcreases. would mean a decrease in ser- «I want te naintain a reason-, vices in WIuby.. rible level,» says councillor Lynda Edwarda pays bis expenses as Buffett. a councillor pave been minimal. She says Whitby must t "I apply hat attitude te the b. mor graiet t tct epenitures te' the Town of more prestig industry that will Witby-,"he says. hep ffetrei hniltaation. GryEmm maya h. will «iiold "hincrease i residential a tai increaso te whero it is growth has created a need for, now " more businessea and industries," If elected, h. aays he will bring ah. saya. councillora, hydro-olectric com- Ther~ has te be an «acceptable missioners and achool trustees level of industries before con- together te discizse tax increases aidering any zero per cent i- and how tax dollars are apent. crease, skie aya. «You have te look at the total Otherwiae, thei ow would grow!th pattern because we're all have te rely on reserves, aih. aorving the saine taxpayors,' ho maya. saya &Mhe main goal1 is te try te Emmaya he will show bis 1keep the. cost down as bout as edrhi as mayorsud bring possible,» ah. maya. each elcedby together tes..e Councillor Tom Edwards saya how they canhel each other. the. best approach ia te «examine «W. ahould 'il'have the same every penny-w. spend.' bottom line' heramy H. mayatii. current economic Like Bukeýtt,':mm mBaya the. sitution'E d ul1~for3an ý REGIONAL COUNCILLOR Ross Battien (ta bg elected Marcel Bnjnelle (incumbent) Jo. Dnumm (incumbent) Derek Glass James Pn.est ,EAST WARD Dennis Fox (incumbent) Geoif Rison CENTRE WARD John Doistra KeihHas John'Lazenby Roberti Palmer Shirley Scott John Southem NORTH WARD Brian Wick David Boennan Don Mitchell WEST WARD Dave Watt Judi Longfield HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSMO (4 membors to Raiph Blank b. elected) Roberti Brewerton Gerry Cox John Hughes (incumbent) BiltLawler (incumbont) Don MacMaser Gord W. Mfflin DURHM BOARDOF EGUATIONï' (3 trusteos, to Patt Bowman b. elected) Allan Gunn John Hamiton Paul Hutchinson' Tanya M. Koch Doug Land Robrt BlWY George- Milo incumbent) NelD. Smith DUARHAU SEPAIU11E SCHOOL OARD (3 trustees Io Jo. Bugelli be elected) Frank Cannaturo ve DiOarlo Judy Mords Tom Olcuian, (mocumbent) Marin n-,, TO)M]RDVARDS GERRY EMM LYM4ABU TTVI Edwards suppo rts input on salariïes "Lots Work Togothor for Whltby, a Town we're proud to cili homne!" Vote. ________ ~ i Mayor CAMPAIGN- HEADOUAR:TERS GRAN I.. IN - traye c..9h 1 214 Brook Street South at Dunlop 666-0383 666-0508 666-0974 "'Please drop by for a coffee." * IF VOU WILL HELP GEOFF'SCAMPAIGN OR WILL TAKE ASIGN PHONE GEOFF RISON-666-1135 OR DON WARNE668ià5372 t -1i*;"' ý l, -- ï-, rý J ý,' ý -À7, - "'. - < -, , ; 1 .»ý-,, - -', 'i iý-, ý. - - - - -, - - ý 1 - - , 1 ' - 1 - - 1 - - - - 4 ;. ;- - -- -1 - - ý - - -- - , - - ;&i

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