WH1TB FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9,1991, PAGE 7 PAGE SEVEN Good. neighbours. FHM-VICE: .. n it la evident we muet do somothing about the situation. The. CIA reporte are net ploasant ueading. SECOND VOICE: Thonse Congressional hearings are werso than noap op«ras FvRS VOICE: So, Brian. How about those Blue Jaya? BRUN: W. oeil thomn Blew Jays around houe. Ha, ha. FIRST VOICE: You proumsed me. that the six and a haif lame Iead would diappear and the team would choke. They didn t and rPm gettingl conoerned, Bria. BRUAN: No une getting an ulcor George. We've proved that wo con blowa 3-1 leadw;ith the bout ol'them. W. did it once, we can do it twioe. GEORGE: What if they don't blow it? What would it look like, having thie World Series outaide'of the United States. BRIAN:-Heyo come on! We gaveZyu guya run at the Stanley Cup. A lotta U.S. tourna have won. W e evea let Gretzky go to L.Aifor Crepes sale. GEORGE: Brian, how rnany times do I hafta tell you, we didn't barain on those points? Do 1 have to corne up there and show you how* to mun a country? BRUN: The G8T you told 'me about got through, butboy, they hato GEORGE: They'llforget. BRUN: .But' the dollar ha. * pd ot yadntg*eh. &ý,n6.býtdy's onfla throw that bc ou n y a vntgew.hd GEORGE: "I keev tellnvou, you r dollar amn't going ne' co gdown. BenL? e someone else on thus lmumn THMR VOICE: Yeah, W.! Bob hore. Hère' we have sorious probleni snd al Ihear you two taking about inthe dollar. BRU4N: IIow long you been on this line? The dollar stuffa juat chit chat. BOB: Yeah,,youupyoutr dollar and Briawill up yours, tee. So how do you lhke 0mur tSkyDoaueh? GEORGE: Thatiellyr Was ,tii.leason for my cal.Here you break- the. 4 million admission mark for one. soason. Beata every club thé U.bas ever-produoed. But yen do it un a subsidized stadium. BRUN:W. have mnot uk a nicklo of Camada'smoney lathat. GEORGE:- Yeah 'but 'Pinky' Bob did. How much of that White Elephant do.. tiU province hold? rm tofling ya, I want that dropped riyft now, privatized, sold. Do that now and weMi recognie the 4 muloattendance umak. Put it in the books. BOB: Did I hear this'guy right? GEORGE: Do it now, amd l1I1 coasider approving the Blue Jays playing the World Series. Long as they dont win. BOB: What I just heardi You cantjust order bail teazngto win or loue 1k. yuu* wuz talking about the dollar! Tii... thinge mean a lot topeople. Ih wouldn't b.TaMr GEORGE: Brian, wbat planet did this guy corne flux? BRIAN: Some ut told me the other day that'al ,the Canadian Armed Forces. oeufldbe pt l* the Skyl)me Iwas.uetwod~ we couldn't gr thexa al tickets to the series final, You knw, bore the final choke? BOB: Would bo al osndae booster. GEORGE: I1 k. it, 1 ik. it, just promise to bura thon. SkyDorne shar.. on the. junk bond market. And ne, repeat n eriSn. wins. Even-on.. BOB: But in retaliation, w. wamt the. Leafs te have not only a winnimg esson, but playoff potential, maybe the Stanley Cup. GEORGE: Who in this ffy anyway? I like bis style. You want the Lefst wn we pull GM eut of Oshawa, put her down la Flint, or botter yet, Moxico. Bey, thaed be a masi good trader, wouldn't it? BRIAN: What about my UN job? l]Pl trade you GM for the UN job. GEORGE: Are you the. kid who usod to déliver Nixon's newspaper? I heard about yeu. BOB: That' me. GM for the, Rie Grande. A wmnm season for the", Leafs. Yeu lot the. Jays play in the. sories. rua lit te six gamesý anyway the attendanco record sticks. You 1;inwl an invitation, letmepIay the. piane in the White Houa? GEORGE: Bria was happy just te go fishinîtan lav with my i ~ i F ST. ANDREW'S PIRSBYTERIAN CBUBCHI BYEO?ý,& ST. JOHN STREETS, 1914 This church Was built like a Gothiec cathédral in 1857-59 and served as a Presbyterian church until 1968. William Laing, mayor'of Whitby in 1863-64, gave half the xnoney required' to build this church. Whltby Ardulvesphoto 10YEAIRS AGO from the Wedneeday, Octeber 7, 1981 édition of the WIUTY ~EPRESS *A lift for disabled persons bas been installed at the Iroquols Park swimming pool. *There i. serious overcrowding at Denis O'Connor Hfigh Schol . " Ontario Municipal Affaire Minister Claude Bennett was grilled by Durham Region Council over his government's policies. " Port Whitby development has received unanimous approval fi-om the Town council. 25 YEARB AQO from the Thursda, October 6,1966 edition of the ; WEEKLY NEWS " Vicky Bell je the president of the first student council at'Coîborne Street Public School. " Mel Femia of Whitby bas been appointed clerk of the First 1 Divisià on Court of Ontario County. " Whitby United Appeal has set an objective of $34,000 te, support nine local organizations. " William Newman of Pickering and John Goodwin of Brooklin are seeking the Progressive Conservative nomination in the next provinci al election. 75 YEARS AQO from the Thua ctpr 5, 1916 edition of the WMM AND CrDPONICIE " Representatives of the Commonwealth Tractor Company of Chicago, finois are seeking a site to build a factory in Whitby. " Captain H[ezzlewood, president of the Tà ronto Recruiting League, gave a fine speech aât the Methodist Tabernacle on October 31. " FredCharlton, who was wounded in the European war last winter, bas returned overseas. e Fountainpens sell for $1.25 to$2 atWhifields Drug and Stationery Store~ A "irii I _7' 7