PAGE 22, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEIg 9,1991 If you'd like company ta drap in, just leave the place messy. ýî DId you know that the Passat was voted ln as "Best PeI3onaI Chalcen and the NBest FamIIy Sedan,".by the U.S. Insurance Instituite? aJ A step Up M for Vipodi <By Chris Bovie While nothing will replace, Brookiin memories Kelly VxIponýd is startig to feei t me li Peterborough, a first year player for the junior A Potes. Vipond, who played with the Oshawa and Pickering junior B clb gstyar, has takon a giant stop up and forward. A right winger, Vi*pnd may 500 bniited ice time this season with a crowd of experiencod right wig playors on the club's rostor. Armed with a good scorg touch and the necessary mxx o humbloness and desire for a rookie, Vipond-has sotgoals on own.7; - Thero are 66 games, so M like te score 40 te 45 points this yoar." Although ho onterod the sea- son with some nervousness, ho has quickly ovorcomo rookie fears U eéome a part of the teain. "rve become more comfortable. They are really a great bunch of Pehp the iggest difference ho has noticed is the size of PIhere a lot bigger boys. They're faster and you've always got te keep your head Up. Vipond is boarding wth a fain- ly in Peterborough and attends Tomas X. Stewart High School. Potes coach Dick -Todd han airoady received the admiration and respect of the young for- ward. "Ho subscribes te, the old sys- tom of having a hard work ethiic. If you work hard, he's going te plyo.H' 1 e cent posit- off against Sudbury rocontly as Viponid scored a goal and playedL an augressive game. TRAFALGAR Castie School's girls soccer team defeated visiting St. Mldred's,.Oakviile, 4-0 hast week. Chiu Boule photoJ Bant ams win 4 Wbitby's3 Sorbara Group minor bantains handod Peter- borough Petes their first loe of the season on Sunday. Whitby won 4-3, with Barry Crawford instrumental in goal for Whitby. The win, ovens Whitby's teain record ta, two wlns and two lasses in regular season play. Tefirst period ended with a By Chrus Bovie Three modals hung proudly around the neck of Special Oiym- plan Matthew Thomas whon ho returned froin the International Gaines. Thomas, 22, had qualified for the Canadian ton-pin bowling team, and was on bis way reoently te Minneapolis, Minne- sota and the Hubert H. Huxnph- rey Motrodome. "When ho left ho had bis bowl- ing bail, a.nd élothes,» bis mother Christine said. «When I went te, pick hlm up it iooked like ho had somoone e3lie's luggago as weii.» Quick te, point out the bagg was ail his Matthew had retr ned with a LranÎd neýw bai, Cana- dian team bau and souvenirs from athletes of competing coun- trios. Despite ail the luggage, noon couid miss lis three medais. The Whitby athleto won a sil- ver modal in individual competi- tion and two bronze medals came from double and teain ovents. Three times Thomas would stand proudiy on the podium, an 1-1 tie. Scori-ng flor Whitb~y> was Ian Maceéil. The second period onded in a 2-2 tie, Joif Re;ndl scoring bis first goal- in theo third porod. MacNeil scored bis second goal onlKte ses the Potes come k an tie tho game. With 17 seconds remainlng, Steve BIais scored on a break-p SpeialOlympian achievement beyond bis own coach's expectations. "The ceremony was marvel- ous," Christine said. "Ho cried, it was SO teuching." Beyond the« com petitive aspects, the Special Olympics have always been known as out- standing social events. Thomas received a Hawaiian* neckiace, whlch ho gave te bis mother; and ho swapped jackets with an athiete from Florida, that jacket a present te bis younger brother Jason. Theres a story behind every successful athlete. For Matthew that story includes Christine anc1 Jason. "Matthew is ike a breath of fresh air,» Jason said. «He's always tiking of what te do next planning everything out. Ho concentrates on whatover ho sets out te, do and I love bim. - Matthew has been invol' ved in pecial Olympissic igh séool where 'ho first got involved li bowling. lI the san of two years ho bas average. Minor peewees enjoy weekend sweep Over tho p ast weekend, Whitby Maksteei inlnor pewee AAA squad swept their appononts in three games. On Frlday, Whitby defeated Ajax - Pîckering 6-3. Jason Hotchlss, Bryan Crouch and Steve Death led the point-getters whlle Darryl Lewis xnasterfuily Illed penalties. On Saturday, Wbitby defeated Quinte 5-0 with Miark Haynes and Hotchlss working the power pay te, perfection. Crouch, Death and Coins rounded out the scoring whlle the fi ne defensîve play of ike Ancuta, Matt Capsan, Don Camnpbell, Aaron Bryant and Dan Ricica heiped an agile, acrobatie Josh Evans earn bis shutout. After piaying the first two gaines in Whitby, the Maksteel teain travelled te Qufinto (on Sunday) where Whitby won 7-5 te comnplote its perfect trio. Hlaynes notched two wlth singles going te Death, Mike -Robertson Brent Lazary, Hotehkiss, and Ryan O'Lary. Novices off to strong start Tho Brooklin Whitby major novice AAA hockey team, sponsored by Don Cherrîys Grapevine Restaurant bas won its first two league gaines. lI the first gaine of the season against Peterborougb, the teain caine up against, a hot goaltender, winning by a slim 2-1 margin, depx outehooting Pèerborougj, Scoring for Whitby were Jason Peyman and -Sean MacRury. A£sss wont te Matthow McKay, Sean Walsh, Peyman and Maci<uuy. Paul Valaitis had a strong gamin net, stopping ex-Whitby teammate Stevon Konieczny on a breakaway in the third period. The seconid gaine against Oshawa maw Whitby winning by a 4-2 score. Goelscorers werre Boby MeBride with two B4 nDown and Jason Peyxnan w4th one oach. Assista wont te Mficbaél Morrison, Robert Lalonde, MacRury Jeif Frazer and Down. Ian Watson played well betweon, the pipes, making somo fine saves. Case y's captures slo-pitchfia Tom Coulthiard scred the win- third and declding contest. ning mn as Casey's Whitycm Caseys won the third gaine frombehind, te defeat tPeacock 9-5. Sports *x the Casey' men's A Casey's was first i division B slo-pitch blague playoff final regular soason pa, whilo AIr iecently. Controât aiso withl wins and seven loases, was seco d. Peacock, wbich ot only once Paris' Auto ýhad 1 wins and, li 24 gaines té capture the. A gt *e t ak id while division reg le agoaon fourth was Est Sdo ario's. 1laybegan the be=ýof.three pea'ockw on * *- oA, fol- fia with a 22-14 victory. low4 b~y RisH 1 i But Cseys, with 17 '*lns and 13 laise), K Mar (owuns, 18 sevenloM inmdi ision B reglar lse and a tie d Sunîoco 'easonpbay ,m e towi Dn4uS: . ln,2 Whitby mnor hockey Wbithy 2 KNpom Whitby 4 PMoebogh 4 RamDhmth ShowTom 2 WitIhy 4 ECb.l/vaughm CaIn Pamut 2 Wbib hi t 4 chdaGoing2 WhitbY 4 Yoe~me 5 Shme rm73 amd,-. .91 Y 1 9IL