Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1991, p. 19

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Have you, and your, family practised a-home ire escape drili in the' las thrse months?Su montha? A year? Doos' your househald have a home âlIesecape plan?, Too many readers will answer Uno" to these questions, and that's troubling to theé ok at the Whitby Pire D lrt~ent. Apprcxumatey 8 per cent af ail lire fatalities in this country occur in oùr homes. There is clear evidence that early detoction anc warning, coupled with a wel-. rehearsed home escape plan, cmi, and, do, provide precicus extra time to escape a fire. Seconds counit, and the les time' spont deciding who will carry the baby-or trying ta open a painted-shut windowe, the more time yau have ta get out safely. It is flot enough .ta, simply inètàil a .smake detector 'in the hooaiid "forget bout 'it. House4iods.can hé lullëIùIed into ýa faW -~sens f ecrty once they purchsethe -mrequired e,' moke. detectors. It's. imn» portant -for -people- ta understand, ,that'- moke detectars are only, oneé aspect, a lbeit an invaluable one, of -ýa' compre- hensive homo fire, safoty'plan. In addition *ta> installing, main- taining --and :'testirig mk detectors properly, a wll-planned and frequenitly reherd hone fire escape plan is abslutely vital' ta the- safety of ail household mem bers. Iian effort ta emphasize the importance ->,of planning a lire escape beëfore -the lire, Tire Won't Wait plan -Your Escape' has heen ,4qsen ;sthe theme for this year' %ie PeveéôM Week, Oot>t.. 61t,~ BÉcauseguch a igre share of fifrèss cccur in the ,:home,' it je especaily important that home fire .drills ho planned and conductod in ail householda. But lire escap laIn should not be imitedto thehome, wherever you are. You should be aware.of exits and ho sure they are unohstructed. A good rule of thumb je ta caunt how far away you are from an exit: for exampîe, how many door away in a hotel, how many rows away in a theatre, how many seats away in an airpiane, etc. If you are in an unfanuliar location, ask someone ta show you where the exits are. When you stay in another's home, be sure ta plan how you would get out in the event of a ire. And when- entertaining in your awn home, show guests the escape -routes from their sleeping area. The Whitby Fire Department recommends that ail householda develop a home fire escape plan, with each member of the household partici pating. hl .Youngsters cmi elpby drawing and colouring a floor plan showing exits. Two ways out of each room should ho identified --Teach chldrii - beginning at &vn t ie and how to cafl for The Whitby P ire )Department inirites alý citizen. to vint Town fire halls dur I -ir Prevention Week Oct~ 6-12. Displays.,and videos on fire prýventio'i*11l be shown and free draws for eidren and adfflts wil] be held. Ail entrants will: be eliËib1e for a grand p rize draw on Saturdayý, Oct.12 Fi*r Pré'vention Week Lr Dm- KEN CORNER% platoon chief of the Whitby Fire Department, oversees last minute adjustments to a disPlayr for Pire Prevention WeeL.Cd od ht emergency help from a neigh- bour's telephone. * (Also, post emergency numhoers by each telephone in cas you have ta cai the lire department for a neighbotur.) Finally, locate a meeting place outaide, a safo distance from the home, where ovrone wifl go ta wait for tho efightlers taarrive. Everyone should ho reinded, but ospecially children, that once safely out of a burning building yau must stay aut, and leave the rescuing ta the fire department, You must nover go back in for anyane or anything. When you have developed an escape plan, and everyone- knows twa ways out of each roon, conduet lire drills regularly. Practise fire safety behaviaurs such as stop, drap and rail and crawl low under smoke. Rehearsing how ta escape is important because in a real lire, emoke is very disoienting. If you have planned well and practised y aur escape, you will h more hikely ta, get out safely under actual emoke and fire conditions. For more information on planning ire escape routes or other fire safety tipe, contact your- local ire department. ~'y.CORPORATION 0F THE U.. TOWN OF HIE- PROCLAMATION. * FIRE PREVENTION WEEK TAKE NOICE THAT the Week of October 6 to 121h, 1991 ls herby proclaimed as "Frm Preventic>n Weekirin and for the Town af Whitby. Citzens Of Whtb are invkêtd ta loin wiithheh volunteer, professional and industriel fire safety pesone in wagn never-endingbIe aganst the ravages of lire hic syspropetand lakes livs. Dated at Wbitby, Ontaio 1h14 ninth day of'Octaber, 1991. R4. ATTERSLEY MAYOR * CORPORATION 0F THE W.... TOWN OF WHITBDy FALL CLEAN-UP WEEK OCTOBER 15 -18, 1991 The week of OCTOBER 15, 1991 basý been eitd as "FALL CLEAN-UP WEEK"9 in the Town of Wbitby. A specal -collection servie will be provided for the purpose of allowing cithzens tbe opportunity ta disosef household articles that are not normally permitted by reua arbage collection. Thereforo arrangements have been made for theý collection from residentiaf areas of large bulky items such as -discarded housebold fumiture, appliances, as well as limited quantities of materials from, minor bousehold repairs, clotbing and other liko items. AIl materials ta, be collected are to be put out by 7:00 a.m. on the same day as regular refuse collection service and must b. alignd along he curb or edge of the road. byol . pi ed separately fo eua collecticins and be properly prepared in bundles or reoeptacles so as flot to bave any loose material on the sbtret Collection will be limited to a combined total of not more tban 10 receptacles, bundies or items per dwelling unit. Brush. tree branches and bedjge lippings must be securely tied in bundies. Bundies are to h. lessethan 2.5 feet in any direction and weigh less than 50 pounds. This special clean-up collection does fiai apply ta, commercial or, industrial properties. MATERIALS NOT INCLUnDFD IN THIS COLLECTION Rocyclables, such as newspaper, gloa, lin and corrugalod cardboard. Quanlilies ai brush, lree branches or hodgo clippinga thal have nul been socurely lied In bundies. Large quantilios of unwanted building materials. Dlscarded výhIcIe parts, aulomolive waslos and accossorlos. Matorials hoavior Ihan 50 pounds or longer than, 2.5 foot, except moaa appliances and household furnilure. Hazardous housohold wasles such as loflover paints and Ihinners, waste ail, pesticidos, herbicides, batteries, propane cylinders, and the Ilike, can cause public hoallh. andlor onvironmental problemse. Residents Must dispone of hese maleiala safely and they can do 80 aetlthe Brock West Landflll site (686-1137). For more Information on the disposaIai ofhose materials, oeil tho Rogion of Durham et1579-5264. Your continueci co-aperation wil h. appreciated and if you wish furber information, please caîl us. PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT -, OP1ERATioIIs CENTRE - 668-3437, 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t it ~ *£I4' 1 . t wHflBYFRE P1RES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9,1991, PAGE 19 v 1 7ithis coupon receiv I 1152 DISCOUNTtfil m Off aOny Thruway installed I i comti>Iete exhauOt systeml I (otcars> Offer exýrsOt 19 WE NSALi&GUARANTEE: BRAKES CUSTOM PIPE B ENDING -EXHAUSTS' .MUFFLERS> SHOCKS - STRUTS ý TUNE-UPS - GENERAL REPAIRS WE IMAR YOU! Plnyour escapee Opeboum Monday, Oct. 6 ta Saturday, Oct. 12 Hail S 201 Brock St. Daily from 2 Pm- Riail 2 1600 Manning Rd. Daily Hal 1 Vipond St. Saturday,, Oct. 12s,10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rail4 Myrtie Rd. E. ~ ~ ~ti~ ~Ap>vday, Ç 't-,12# ýQaýrpý fp 77 7, ý ML

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