PAGE 14, WHITY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, 06Ot0BU mi B9 Can no. longer toIerate 1-lro rate iincrae The Ontarlo,,Hydro organiza- tion and its associated coes are "out 0f control and operating wel bayond its, original mandate 0f supplying electric power at coet. As, a membar 0f -a muipa hydro system it is my ho pathat the public and the media will let Ontario Hydro know , i no uncertain termns that.' their escalatiing "rate increases" to cover 1hese and future in$lated. coets will #à o lngeri be tolera e.. At a ,recent! etigOf municiwaland (>taI ydro officiais, executivý, membe.,a of Ontario Hydro' announced~ that there will be aý doublel digit icrease in the wl4olesale c st of electricity and t4xat e lec$ricity customers can expect more 4ouble. digit' increases commencii~ as ealy as neit year. - Ontario Hydro has anùoýmced muniifl ian aver~g rate: increasetof 11.8 per centI for 1912, on tOpf 8.6 per cen4 for this year. Thiý increase Je the tip 0f the iceberg.' Theipublici must become aware of otari Hydro'e present policies ,whichrput an added stai n thé economy l:y mnceas g costý and'wbich wilJ undoubtIdly encourage increased moveme itopdustry, south 0f the bor< er., These policiee will alo fomc-'emaller compaisint Room for iprovement,_ says Mac Master; DON MCMASTER The 46-year-old has- worked as a labour relations consultant for municipal utilities through the Municipal Electric Association for the last few years. MacMaster says hie expariance with utilities, «givas me, an understanding where wa ar e nw and a vision of where w wato e in the future.» MacMaster ie also a partner in a local management consulting firm and is :on the human resources committea of Oshawa Community Living. Also running for hydro-alectric commissioner are Daniel Belli- veau, Ralphý Blank,. Robert Brawerton, Gerry Cox, John Hughes, Bill Lawler sud G.W. Four will -bu alacted te the commission. receivrship, ipe'-rease farm Coi ts, net te ment~ the a ffect on indiviciuale, ti ral and, urI an residential custemere living dm~s or bolow the piverty Uine. Ontario jIydro je > ~y overetaffed in 'senior and, mid e management categoriee a- buted. in pat t the em e building -that1took place :in h 1970'e aud 19f0'. To bu efficie~nt and in lin. ýwith organizations In the' real: world, Ontario HyS should have less than half e numbar 0f emiployee in its h d office and geographic region.' Thie utility appears reluctant te, implemant the'recommendIa- tdons of the CRESAP reporti or even consider the cost cutting recommandations of the Ontario Energy Board.< For years* Ontarlo Hyro marketad and promà tad electricity with- horrendously. expansive media marketing techniqus o eencourage ithe use of eocticalenergy. -Tha reverse is now the situation,! as Hydro'e new plan ie cnservartion te encourage, evan financink a ewitch te, gas from electrie hea. This new *2.7 billio plan is gaarad te tnj te save power aquivalent te the' output fI six Darlingten uize reactors by1 the year 200 Ontario Hydro te plannirýg a large -public relations prograzi ýte, try and s»U thie sera~a well cushion -the rate incra~e required in prtteomote it. <TIhe firetý public< relations progm involves 100 trae4or truck loads 0f light bulbe On=ri Hydro plans te, mailthuh canada& tt a package of two 52 ,watt light bulbs to 8.6 million Ontario household 1Zgtherwith- purchae of compact fluorescent and halogen bulbe from seèlected firme. The peope who are ùot ini the frot lUne who dreà m teu prcgrms are :ocbviýo& not expeniencing the effects of the recessioei,,or meing h ufrn and, hardéhipo ofý rnany ofte electieal cuotoniers. Thie- typeo rogram je an insut to the.intellge;nce oUfHydro customeérswhose increased rates will hbe used Wt' support ti obviouély traneparent eubterfugs., Surely, and, 11.8 per cent increase je in itself,.an imeentive te eave., The goal of "poweér aà t cut" was the founding 'principle of 'thie utility under the. chairmanship of Sir Adain Bock in 1906. This goal is notbeing met'in view of the following facte: Ontario Hydro' debt as of June 30, 1991, je 30 billion 547 million -dollaSýq <30,547,000,000.00) Compare this te the Province of Ontario's debt of $9.7 billion or Canadads national debt of $400 billion. Ontario Hydro bas 35,846 emplpyee on staff (end of Augus;t,. 1991)., Many are paid at wage levels ighorthan 20 pr -cent,-' over the private eector. Executive salrimlisedbelow are totally out of line iu comparion -te the puihc service and do not include the may fringe benefits, cost of limousines and chauffeurs.& SEE PAGE 29 Recpr.ogra-m for seniors' .The Whitby Seniors Acitivity prgam at thie Brooki Centre, lu conjunction with the C munity Centre on Tuesdays Broolin Seniors, will hold a from 1:3 t4p.,* e!ta"rig Oct. drop-in social and recreational 22. Atvte will include' shuffleboard, carpet bowling, crafts demonstrations and a Mom's Morning soci time withi refreshments. on Wednesday 668-1424. iain Woodcarvers meet Thursdays The ,Brooklu Woodcarvers meeteove Thursday, 7 p.m., at the Brooklin commumity centre, Cassel. Rd., Brooklin. Anyone who carves or who would Ilike te carve je welcome. For more infor- mation call Grant at 725-3851. Wnchester Cottage OPIEN HOUSIE Sat. Oct. 12th &*Sun.Oct. 13th ~10Oam to5 pm Gifts-and accents for the home or office featuring custom wreaths& baskets, lMens, lace collars, cherubs, picture frames, Victori"an and Christmas books, stocking stuffers and ever growing country collection. Please join us and bring a fiend. 76 WINCHESTER ROAD, BROOKLIN Acroan from arena OSHAWA-WHITBY Old lime Fid < in Brooklon on Friday to,.raine funds diers provided mugie ani entertain_ for the. Myrtie -United Church fuÙr. ment at the 'Old Tyme Barn Dance' 'ace fumdn«LeOIIDIO .$2,426 raised-for AÃthritis ýSociety <A lawn sale held Sept. 28 i held at the. residenco 0.f Brian Brookli raisad $2,426,'for the sud Susau'Berrey, 22 _Baldwi Arthritis Society 0f Durham St. wore Bruce tockhart of Port P(fret imited odition of Scar_- Myo of8haron, Oat4.(tM*,),.,,ai Ij t