WHüiTY F PRt& ESDA, ÀýOC1TOBER 9,1991, PAGE 13 New vc president of m to speakat aiardsdne Maureen 1Klempston-Darkes recently appointed vice-president of corpoete affaire for Genera Motore of Canada;,will b. gueit speaker at', Durham'e tenth annual Womei of Distinction Whiîtby Wbhitbyrosident werebig win- neroe iii $wo i!eoent Jotteries. Michael.aà d'Ri¶a Rrnter won the $2560000 Aoj Iz i he fluer. was plenty of "secream- i n ùund0ay moà r nig when the. Re t re l ar e t e ad w on, accrdug o Mchal,48, an awards dinnei,. SpÃ"nsored by thiqOehawa YWCJA4 the.fundrai igevent takes- place at 6 p.m., Thuraday, Nov. 7 at Le Gala ini 'it1v. K.Ompsto-Darkee, Who also sits! on -GMW Sard of directore, bas, had.a successfiilcareei with the pompaw ysince 1975. '4 ponted assietant general co ýsel in Ã984, e."also rved residents Witi big employee at Generai '(otors for r~aan asseni beratiy~e Canada in ax for,10 Yomhad pr.viously wo -nue~ai aon in mnother Iottery. The couple, wuth twd children, have not yet decided'.what, to do with thefr prizeronpy. Wib won $35,126 a ecoSnd prîz. in the O$ept. 28 Lottario draw.. M4cDnald, 42, and rileDeb- bie lmiIans to pay bille, Put sorne monýy. toward their mortgage an.d, maybe take a vacation im Florlda.- aryand Debbie have three childrein. Wo earep-on special as~ ent #t'h the.treasurer' offie iGMVe New York office. Most u ncntly, sýe held tii.position of< genral d!rector-gpvernmental anfpblc affaire. Sandra Zakarow,, chax an cf the. awards dinner cn ytee wid the am cf tii. evei is to recognize women like Ne *peton- Darkes who, have excellted Etheir chosen tl4e "Oneof e haim of th Vîeto, encourage and aseis womnen to develop the ekilisand , elhtiis they n.eedto b.e ù*oeefli, whetiier it' in the..<7ort world, community ervi (or th arts," eat row Mid. "Ev.ry ,y ear w, invite businesses nd *other gr4ups to nominate women who havý made significant contributions to thi. community in various fieldse.' said. She encouraged - individuals,' businesses and cmuiygop to nominate woethyfeit, d.served recognition in the ares of the. ate, commumity ervce women in the w rkorce Ãnd young wom.n cf dietinction. Nominations may b.eubM44tt2d, until Oct. 10. Nomination formei are. available. at tii. Oehawa' YWCA at (416) 576-880. Tiokete for the. dinner may -b. obtained b.y ,cafling the sff number, or' through tii. Bowmanvlle YWC-A, -at '(416) 623-9922. Tickets coat *4.75.< Proceeds -from tii.dinner. go to help fund YWCA, progrma and services ini Durhim. Ail of our ESTHETIC SER VICES pnces inld e I O0 tanning sessions for - $5500