Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1991, p. 12

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1~~~A ')Wf~BFEPIRSW ED EDASPI'M a 2,~9 Antiqe biscuit jars ôn ispay the early 2th century. SThere are 'beautiful molded and hand-deorted pottery and porelanscolaurful, glass, bath plain and deêtative, siilver plate and exqisite art glassl. These arefine examnples of the craftmanship an vatîstic abilities of people, in, a former'era andthe expressions of a more leisurely lifestyle. CORPORATION 0F THE.ý.ï,,' >TOWN CFWHITBY NO TE TOMUNICIPAL. ELECTORS 1991 MUNICIPAL ELEC TIONS. NOMINATIONS:., M The, Whitby Public Libraiy Will have a specal sihowing of, antique biscuit jarsfion i the, colection of ChiseBown& o.foth.m onth dofOec"or. ThisJi.the -firetfime the iscit, jars n WiIIbe hownin Wbitby. * ndispl wllbebiscuit jars from aroimd the wold. Jars ýdate from',the early l9th century to NOTICE m her.(qiven liat -In, compliance with he. jnicdpal ElectionsActýnom nations wàlU b. elved at dmi office of CIek of lie Compratmn"l - die T 0 f WMty.57,5,Rossland Road. East, Whitby, b.tween 900 arn. and 500 p.m. on Nomrination Day, Fnday, Ocober; 11 '1991, adurfirng normal office, hour "uvlthe o p d frorn October ,11to lburday, Octberl1.1991, ncusve 1nrediapely Nomma Day frth purpope 0 oMinating fit and poe rsons« thefolowing foffices (a> Comblned office aiMayor and Regional Counciilor, one ýto te:- electedbY. general vote of lie electorB of the Town afihy; <b>' Conblned, office of Regionai and Town, Counicillor, three ta te electedby general vote of, the electors of th. Town of Whltby; <c)o ffce of Town Couflor, NordsWard <Ward 1). one to te elected by ward vote of th North Ward electoms ofthe. Town 0f Whitby; (d) Office of Town Couriciloir West Ward (Wrd2), onri to be' elected by ward vote 0f e st Waid e octo e h Town of Whitby; ( e) Office of Town Councillor. Centre Ward (Ward 3), one te te elected by ward vcothe 1.Centre Ward electors of the Town of Whiby; ()Office of TownOouncdlr, East Ward <Ward 4), one tote elecled by ward vote ofh, East Wa, electors 0f dhe Town of Whftby <)Office of Member of the DuMhm, Board of 'Education, liree to ofte eTewnby eneral vote of the publie school electral group ofuhTownf Whtby; (h) Office of Member of the Durham Region Roman Oatholuc Separate School Board, hree te ho elected by general vote of lieseprat ecoolEngisangiuage electoral group of the. Town f mWhitby and, (i) Office of 'Whitby Hydro-Eleci Commissioner, four to te elected by.general vote of h. electors of he Town of Whitby. Furher, nominations wil .. received at the. office of the Cledc of the. Corporatin cf h. CUt of Ohawa, 50 Centre Street Souh, Oshawa, bot ween9:00 arn. and 5:00 p.m. on Nomination Day, Fniday, Octoher «Il1, 1991, and during normal office houts during the penod from Tuesday, October 8, 1991 te Thursday, Octoter 10. 1991, Inclusive, immedaàtely preceding Nomination Day for he purpose of nominating ft and proper pemsons for h. following office: Meamber of 'the Durham RFegn Roman Catholuc Separate School Board two to beelce by general vote of the separate sohool Fechlaguage electoral group from h. comhbined municipalhties of the City of Oshawa, M iTown of Whithy and the. Townships of Brock and Sdujgog. Electors are h.reby rnquired te takenotic and govern themnsetves accordingly, and frher take notic that th. manner in whuch the nominations shallbh. flted is set forth in the Municipal Elections Act. Nomination forms and ful particulars of procedures te h. followed may h. obtained from h. unclersigned. And furtiier tae. notice that where the number af candidlates for an office who are noninated and have flot wihhrwn at 1h. end of Nomination Day is flot sufficient t NIl th number of vacancies te, which candidates my be elected, dhe provisions of the. Municipal Elections Act respectng acclamation ap to t hose candidates. On WednesdaOtbr 16, 1991 folklwIg Nomination Day, the Clerk may, hete h hurs of 9,00 a.m. and 500 p.m.., receive and cerlify additionat nominations for the renining vacancies'in, the office in respect of whlch there was an insufficient number of candidates. If -a qîsater number of candiates dma is rnquirnd teof1I1the offices. are nomnated and make the required declarations, polis wuflte, open on he foiiowing dates: ADVANCE POLL1 Satundy November 1991 and Wednesday, November 6,1991 Whltbyrdncipal Buil1g 575 Rossiand Road East WhiIby, Ontanio 1000 amn. te 8:00 p-. Tuesday, November 12.1991 Au l quaVlfed electors wil mcmv.w a Voter Notification.Card idie mail lncfc&ïng 1h. location ai the poing place wh.re they vote. DONAlD I. McICAY CLERK & REflJRNING OFFICER TH1E CORPORAT O F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LIN 2M' '"i FHOI~& m-u n.SO 9 Grandmnotlxer's home, in the 1880'swaa rfied with.warmth. and h tliyBath the children and aduts c;ààdalwaLys count on - a well -flled biscuit'or cookie jar. Biscuit, jars"we eignal called cracker barrels: itisnt known if the naome wau meant te mnclude bath crackers of the soda -type and sweet varieties, but it is known containers were, devised in which baked goods wèe.placedte keep their good taste and- crisp freshness. Many pottery and porcelain manufacturera minglnthe Continent and the:'>U.SA. prouced biscuit jars. that- were both'practical and decoratve. Theyseemte have been a - purely ' Victarian, innovation,- biecoming -popular -about 1860. It, was 'a *prosperaus age, .resulting IndustrialRevolution,, and'was a«,à creative era' m, ',architecture, interiilï decoration and' the, -manner of living. Caémpared te ,now, it was, a _ leisurely, time, people, discovered TOM SBEER rgt)o btb < hnuo * eol, heewas a greater .rocn« s 0ya member of Branch 112 mterMinglîig,9 and home (Wbitby*) >of 'theo.RoyalCanadian Logi*on. Ho recel- entertaining.becamea way,ýof life. yda5t niesr od modal ad50ya * England. at -thisg time ýhad psu o tulations from ,Logion district F, gaineda riience in the tea . com andor 'B beoig- ocially accpe Fr.. Pr... photo ritual and the biscutjar 'becaine"ý a decorative aàbject 'on ithe dining. rom sideboard,'anid'a useful one on th tary People at al economic levels fllowed this social ceustom,te the best àftheirabltand'thisi reflectedin thevade variety Of containers ranging fr-oi the inexpeiisve te coStly as illustrated in -the Christie collection. During the Victorianperiod, every known ceramic factory was prdcing ,biscuit jars.t "IW ngland tley were being made by such *,well ýknown-- naines asý Worcester, Adams, , Wedgwood, Spod,,Carleten, Doulten, Crown Deon Pratt' to naine some of the most important. Wedgwood -perfected bis jasper* ware and* became proficient in the. applique of bas relief cameos. Many af these are stil in! use, todAy but were designed 1by William Hackwood and John FIaxan in the 1770's, bath conceiving many of their creations froin Greek mythology. Biscit jars were als manufactured on the Continent at the sanie time. They were bsclyof the sanie form as thi Egis counrparta.and JIM HlL.TYAffD (left) is tho nowpresident of tho, decortdwt a wievaityo egion Branch 112 (Wbitby) wbilo ýHonîY er designo. (ih)i iepeiet Today sanie of the most (ih)i ipoiot. Chd@le vphoto, .sught-after jars are of glassý produced by famous craftsmen such as Durand, Loetz, Webb or bearing naines such as Crown Milano, Rayai Flemish R.S.< Prussia or Wavecrest. Biscuit jars are mare than just a utility itema. They are examples of the development of materials, xnanufacturing techniques, the progre and creative talent of -j 1 1 eýýt in difficut problem - and with few DOROTHY Mclntosh'(left) ýwa the recently elec-. I excptions reained u'UflSIked. toduroidolnt.of. e egion ôàBÎMMw]ch112 (Whitby) *Because f 'the production A..lay hl Eiaet iiyr right) is first I Imethod, even pnoud lb5S ld, ro.xsdmMrr

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