Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1991, p. 7

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WHNJ IBYFE pRESS, WEDNESDAY, SPEBR181991, PAGE 7 31 1-- -A a es:itý ý . Ac;r' C élW . :e 1' ii if% rdlU -.4 ZAçq PAG SýVN Not tat heSupreme Court of Canada lias atruck down thaaeshedkwecnepette&meprnc.iple to ber applied in other areas. We might expect that the past conduct of rrbbery victima would beavadable to the deffenoe. T7&e foIllowing lias been tmanscribed verbatim (rom a. case ta be tried Sept. 18, 1999. Judge: Doos the accusod prefor to be tried by judge and juiyr rudge alone? Dofnc lawyer: By judge, Yer Honour. May it please the court.. Crown attorney. We are, M'Lord, or whatever wero suppSed to cail you these days. Pesky Ainerican TV shows Judge: Did you catch my carneo on Young and Listiesa? ' Neyermind, may the Crown begin. - ied b/*umma. Crown: EFo huhti case is nôttiebysrmr conviction, lot me give a summary On or about the. eveng _________________________________________ of Se pt. 18, 1992, the accused *onts.to Johnny Lowlife, _________---_________________________ soated, smirking,, i the dock) ... committod armed rcIbbery ____________________________ on, Little Blizness Variety Store, a mom and pop operation ownod by Mr. and Mrm Little Bliznoss. After'threatening the owner with physical violence, ho made off with bundies of Crown: How'pleads the defenco? Defence: We feel it necessazy to introduce prior financial PefkWh yOn, and transactions of* the purported 'victims? W. wii show that f-a those led my client to bolieve that rnoney was available for the asking. Judge:Onliryou can, show thiis was true. Defonc:M!y ïIcross-examine Mr. Little Blizness? Crown: Highly irregular, Yer Honour. W. have not yet 14 pt r..Wiznçsson -the stand, therefore thore is nothing ta cî,;.ross-examine. - Juge Oeràld.Continue. Defence: Na-na-na-na-na. Okaýy. (Pause while the crime victimn is sworn i, etc.) Mr. Bhizness you own the L.B. Variety Store at the corner of Hem and aw Blizness: I do. Defenco: And you dlaimi that the defendant robbed you of ~--- cash on the night in question? Bhznress: Nine hundrod and seventy dollars. Defence: Must have been a night. Blizns Wol ekn. i dynght. Included lottery Defence: So you, admit ta, having handled money al 4. woieés:nd eU 11 yes. But'.4. ,DefenceI taketyou oijoyandling money? Blizness.-Idn' eo. how tht has anything ta do with.. BEYDENSHORE PAIRK FEOM THE BEACH, C. 1912 Judge: IOabjetld Heydenshore Parkwa established as a private cottage resort by Fred Hatch and other Leté gt to te actof supoged rbbery Is itWhith citizns iner00.sheldotagetherePublic Utieliulie estl Commissionsioini 1965 Defnc:u e à, t get tput pnh a 0f 5iipsne obry s and demlished. R.S. McLaughlin 0f Oshawa and hia daughters had cottages here. Bhznems:No. I was'fnightened. I was afraid he'd hurt me. WhltbyAz'dcMmupboo Defence: But what. if ho didn't hurt you, ýthon you'd eigjqy the preu Blzness: No! That's a lie. This brute took something froin me and heséhould pay it bak. 10 YEARS AGO Defence: Isn't it ao true that on previous occasions you fr-oi the WednesdaySeýptmber 16,1981 edition of the actaly gave money aýway ta, perfect strangers. WH BYFEER PRES Blizness: Well, not in that way, exactly ... Ontario Riding M.P. Scott Fennoil has been appointed works critic by federal opposition Defence: Answer the uston: did you or did you not give leader Joe Clark. money away to strangers. Town council is planning ta, prohibit the keeping of pigeons in Whitby. Blizness: Yes. Taxi fares in Whitby have been icreased by 13 per cent. Crown: Objection. The context is Uflportaflt. l he'Whitby Kiwanis Club raisod $10,000 for cancer research at its biko ride i May. Judge: Uphield. Explain the context, Mr. Blizness. Bliznes&' Se as part 0f the lottery business wo run, soin. instant cash winners can dlaim their wins on the spot. Defence: So, i other words, you ran a business that 2 ZR G involved handling of monoy for a profit? 25 teTurdy,ýeteAîbRS1, 9AGOin f h Blizness: It'sa legal business. ron th Th EEboL1,16EdioSf h Dofonce: But the morality 0f it speaks for itself. Yer WIlI KKYNW Honor m clint ainainstha sine h ha see ths *Whitlw scouts and guides will hold their flrst church parade in many years on Sept. 25. persn bet.wng fa our fcash money on strangers, and it * Whithys elemontary achool population is 3,256. was obvious from othr contextu that this person liked e A 60-acre subdivision is proposed for north of the CPR tracks between Brock and handing money, and that when ho asked for -money, this Cochrane Streets.. person gave no resistance, it was natural for him ta believe e Business and commercial courses have been added ta the curriculum atHlenry Street High Crown: Yer Honour, this is nonsense. School. Defence (turning ta the variety store owner): Is it not also true that you once had another person charged with robbery afler he failod to ay for a scratch-and-win lotteiy ticket? Blizness: You scratch it, you pay. That's my motta. 75 TZARS AGO-, Defence: Yer Honour, the defence rests. I subinit that my froin the Thursday, September 14,1916 edition of the client had every rit ta believe that ho was hein g invited ta wHiTBY GA2ZTTEAND CHONICLE help himself ta, the money i the cash drawer,ad that h *h A délegation froin Ford City near Windsor inspected,,Wbitby's new sewage treatinent a past such as tis witness as displayed, the charges should plan.

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