Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1991, p. 2

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-PAGE 2, WIIJTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SF'EBR18, 1S9 ,iti-i-iiiiiiiiiiiiiit~u'~t: >msx > M. M, .... ....... -r xi « .......... .......... ........ ... WPuhWlicZiat:e Free pool seminar conducted by MR.'JOHN-ZIMMERMAN, Canada's foremost pool educator. Learn how to close your pool and save on costly mistakes. BE THERE ON THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 190TH AT 7:30 P.M. Free vacation draw at end of seminar., By Mario Boucher John Southerri says Whitby is ready for a fuli-time counillo'. "I feel being a fuli-time coun- cillor, lIlI be able to serve the community better -because M'Il be able to hear thei r opinions,», saysI Southern, a candidate for t h e centre ward seat. As a fuli-time councillor he cari be more easily reacheA by residente' during t he day, says Southern. The Toronto1 native spent nine years in Calgaryworking for an enineering firm. He. worked on stsdealing with sewer and water Unes. Southern moved te Port Perry in 1983 te work for a *surveyor. Lees than a year later, h. suf- fered a etroke and was in a coma for nine months at Oshawa General Hospital. JOHN SOUTHERN After recovery, . moved te Whitby in 1985. Now agfe 38, the bachelor saýys h. has a lo ftime to.spend as a councillor: «No burden 1of a famn- ily te bIook after so I. cari devote my attention té the,,changes in the community,NIhe -sa ys.gs Southern says that, if elected, he would Jos. his disaii' ee 'TPII be living on, the wages of a councillor,» he says, adding that councillor's remuneration , is about the same as hie. current benefit earnngs. Southern is- making his» first attempt at p olitica.l office. Johàn Doistra is'the other candidate runninefor centre ward gofar.' 213 Byron Street. S. Whitby, Ontario LUN 4P7 (416) 668-3487 Bulletin Board Service (416) 668-4480 SYSTEM BOARD UPGRADES *&aQT8h 8088/286/12 with one meg, exchanged & installed $225:00 8088 / 286/20 with one rneg, exchanged & installed $249.00 80881I386SX116 with one meg. exchanged & installed $369.00 8088/ 386SX120 with one meg. exchanged & installed $425.00 8088/1386/25 with one meg. exchanged & installed $525.00 8088 / 386/33 64K Cache one meg. excbanged & installed $650.00 Any286 * 286 / 386/SX/16 one rneg, exchanged & installed 286/1 386/SXI2O one rneg, exchanged & insfalled 286/1386/25 one rneg, exchanged, & installed 286/1386/33 64K Cache one me&, exchanged & insfalled $349.00 $399.00 $550.00 $625.00 ADDITIONIAL RAM AT TIME 0F PURCH-ASE W1LL BE $89.00 PER MEG *8088 upgrades are subject to compatability of HD/FD controller as weIl as kéyboard- Bail field fees too high, says slow-pitchpresideu t A proposed 25 per -e-tin- crease in aduit bailfield permit fees in Whitby is tcmuch s Jim Shulist ,president of Whtby Mens' Slow kitch. "Tis 25 ,per cent is a littie bit exorbitant," he said at' the ope- rations committee. meeting on Mondaty. Under a new fee schedule, 1992 fées would increase te 14.75 per hour from 11.71 (level 1) and te 9.74 from 7.73 (level IL. Increases are alsc> about 25 per cent for aduit soccer field permit fees. Shulist said the increases corne at a time when people are com- plaining about hxgh taxes. "We are now pa in a lot for the. recreational dollar h le said. Shuliet said that beause of the increase in fees, the cost Of playing basebaîl will increase from $90 to $140 per player next year. He asked councillors if the. level of s 'ervice from the parks and recreation departrnent would decrease if there was no increase of 25 per cent. Councillor Ton Edwards was also ' concerned about the in- crease in charges te seniors for swirnming. H-e.-said in most-communities,, seniors are allowed te, swim for free. On the new fee -achedule, seniors will pay a quarter more, at $1 an hour, -for swimming.- A "book of 10", is aiea increasing from $6 te $8. "Let's keep, the seniors in shape by givxng them an oppor- tunîty te swim for les he saxd. The departxnent Zil maintain the "bookas of 10. for purchases invo1vîngizswimming an& skating -for il failite nluding Anne Ottenbrite Pool, 'Iroquis ëPark, Kinsmien Pool and '.Luther Viond'Memo'riaâl Arena. *l " -rh 9joki ôf10»caù ie. pu r- chased at àa reduceéd a moint *of 80 per cent of the siingle'admis- sion rate. Most,,ol;her. recreational.,,fees will increase by five percent . Damage to CLOCA- shed" There was estimated'damage of $5,580 ýto Central La ke Ontario» Conservation Authority (CLOCA) property on' Aug. .26, according te Durham Regional Police. * Damage te stream-monitering equipment,,occurred ,. duriiiga break-in at ea ,<metal sh,-9 edat Lynde, Creek and High*way,2., The miichief wa Colis- covered last week. Turpin is 2nd candidate as separate.trustee, By Mario Boucher Martin Turpinwill be a candi- date as Whitby trustee on the Durhamn separate echootboard. "I thought long and hard over Cellular Spectacula r BONUS OFFER SAVE 10% OFF the regular price o office supplies when you activala with Speedy &Cantel. **New customers OnIy SPECIAL OFFER Lease for only M Motorola P.C. 500 $67.03 m PER MONTH ONL 99 Bsd on a Ly$ -je .36 month lbase. SAVE 33%Y Everytimeyou caJi between 8 pm & 7am, Mon. -Fri. & ail day Sat. & Sun. SAVE -330/t off your airtime charges. This is flot a promotion; this is everyday value from Cantel. CatI Speedy for. Details. *Phones must be activated by Speedy & Cantel for 6 months. *Customers qualify for Speedy's Preferred Customer Ci.rd when newîy activated onto Cantel. C EL IVED 102 Dundas St. W.., Whitby Phone 668-0800 IFOX 668-1871 Hours: Mon.-Wed. 8:30-6, Thurs. 8:30-8, Fn. 8:30-5:30, Sat. 9:30-4:30V the summer about this and ; I have 'the , full support, of my family ',my friends' and assoé- ciates,L he says. For the past 12 yearTiiTrpin has .operated. Accu-trak -Inveà ti- gations in Whitby. H e has been involved .in several..-community ,organiza- tions, ,including ,the -lse of Dur- ham, Knights of .Columbhus and Whitby Psychiatric Hôspital.ý Turpin,. a Whitby resident for 17 years,. is a eucharistic mimýs- ter with St. Jôhn, the Evaneet Church. Recently' he was:.,ce- chairman of the,,annual Share Life caxnpaign for.,is parih.. A:fret-time candidaite, he efeela hie accumulativeexperienoein business, and i com munity ini- volvement will'serve thç' bes initereste of -the taxpa4yers. Incumbent Tom- Oldman is< the other candidate 80' far for -.the élection, MARTIN TURPIN IVVII' IV noi raci LouLi in is Uaig I home with lots ot room. * I E BU Priced ta Seil at $212,900.00 934%M RT- GS 1 know Whtbyl I live in Whitby and have specialized in Whitby Real Estate for many years. IF QUESTIONS YOU FIND, PLEASE KEEP ME IN MIND, ROSEMARY BROWN, SALES REPRESENTATIVE IN VOUR TOWN. i BUS: 433-2121, RES: 668-3504 ELO oe lE e e e e o o o e o ~ 000 'un"" 9

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