PAGE 28, WIITBYFRE PRE88ýWEDNESDAfY, SEZmBER1, 1991 Mûu.slc Loversi Heatý & wat4r includea. VVaIk 10 GO. $675. First& last. 725-4012. l-A-MONTH- keyboard course 2, BEDROOM APT., 1,0008 will teach o steto.reiwasrdri- -40t vaiab 8iaY. how ta 'play- , November,1.668-8e551. always enjoyedl. ______ _______ Information call LARG >E. I ,,ýBEDROOM APT.. ina or Stan reeoae,;,near GO. ,'Parking frlger sovalnludd.Flrst 8& lest. >308 ~ Retorences. 668-i4198.' SEPARATE ROON FOR RENT with câble & phono hook up. Patal urnished. $350. Student or opreferred. CalI 668-3276. MOTEL ROONS avaliable near Brooklin. Weekly $150, -monthly $400 Lare strageshedfor rent, 1 "BEDROOM BASEMENT -room with 'kchenettè & bathroiom*. Suit singale, non-smoldng student or wonker. $375. 430-02f67. WHITBY -FURNISHED ROOM for rent.-$80 weekly. Bathroom, kitchon. Sttadent, or worker preferred.Wak toa al ameniflea. Cadliafter 6 p.m. 666-3776. -OCT. 1 - WITBY - 150ýBassett. 4 bedrooms, f ireplace, doubl age. $,50 pr month., 4348786 or (613>7487825. WIUTBY- CLEAN 3 bedroom brick" bungalo wfwth nice, one- bedroommlwat Includes fridge, stove, laundry, wlndow coverlngs, carpet-, fenced yard. Quiet. area. Walk toalal arnenities. No 'Pets. $1,090.'-668-5802.. SHORT-TERM LEASE <Nov. 1 ta 1). Completely ready ta, rent - e iwalk ln. Includos furniture, dishes,- linen. Roasonable ront. Own tilitios & hydro. Please cal 668-6991. Non-smoker, no pets. BROOKUN - LARGE 2 bedroom apt. Fridge, stove, parking, hydro extra. Close toalal ainenities. $650 ; rmonth. 655-4544 dayse -89evenings. I BEDROON APT. avallable Ocobor t downtown Whltby. $595 'i.r mont h Includes fridge, stove, ~ydo, eat& one parking space. or appointment, please Calil 728-9670. WHITBY -IMMEDIATE. 1 bedroom basemrent apt. Drive, gaage, f Ireplace, laundry. Close ta !01 GO & bus. For appointment, cal ovenings, 668-7221. COMRME-RE basement apartrment. 2 bedroomn, one 4-pc. bath,* eat-in kitchen. iving room, laundry facilities, pine decor. $650, utilities lncluded lus, free cable Avallable Oct. 1 Contact -Kim, 434-6252. WITBY - -NEW HOME for rent. Close toalal amenifties. Four- new appllenco. 3 bedrooms, 2-V/2 baths. $1,200/month negotiablo), plus utilties. ContctMay 416-40&693., I Imm UPSTAIRIS 0F HOUSE - Private entace central Oshawa- 2 MUST BE SOLD- bedros kitchenette. Immediate dlean, 'dotached, Dossesin. $569 -par month, bungalW. Mako Includs heat & hydro. 668-9977. 728-4455. OSHAWA. 2-bedroom an off or. 60WYEAR-OLD PIANO. Uprlght, ood condition. $500 or besf ofer. gai 668-5327. APPROX. 400 80 'lFT. of off'e s l n Brooklin. Separat. on-:, tae.Bright, pleaant P>aCe, fumlished or unfurinlshed, with or without services as required. For more Information, *pleaseCoei 655&8441.683-4160, 9 amn. ta5 p.m. MAIN STREET DOWNTOWN - Ë)ta 4,000 ft. of prime commercial d3 zoning. Parking. Immediate, possession avallable. Asking $10. per foot. 668-9977 or 430-6706. 1989 CHEV 4X4 plckup , 1990 79, OLDS CUTfLASS upem Chev Lumîna car selling by auction 2 door., f ull power. As i,* $60( this Set. et former Dr,. Rich faim, 66-8265-. Oakwood, Set. Antique ý-ese ____________ 1030 arn, vehicles 12:30 pin.- _______________ 1983 OLDS TORONAD< Loadod. $2,900.>Cý@i 66-74fl. 1980 CHEVETTE- One-owner car, 100,300 km. Asking $1l,0 Uncertlfled. New tires. 430-8819; Iieiaoe.Rm uIOMe 1961 Z-28'350ý,4-SPE5.D. T-roof, I iw = «à i new tires, mufflers, stereo, tilt EAS 1Ü sieering.96,000,ô' nal km. MLEt,'GUDE AAIOIMMEaS sol. $,00.66-2M «436-9837 "GY 20 FT. 1984 270 SEARAY»" Sundancer 228 Niercruksersib. auction thîs Set, ait former Dr. le, fai'm, -Oakwood. -AntiquJ.estaete KANKC'APPUANCES. 'New 2-door fridges $460 &,up. New;bar.ý fridges $210- & *up. A1so. low.pricesý on new freezer%. stoves, rangettes. and range hoods. Used frldge & stove*sets $375 &' up.BO'ý bumners, rebult timers from $30. -1 yorgurnee. 11Blo S.E., Unit 6g.Oh"a.728-4043. 6-DRÀAW ER HIGHBOY $25. Pair n.ihf tabbs*$25. Cet fdrawers L -khtch entle, vacuum- cleaner, toaser andmore. ,Phone 668-3875.' THE SODUNDER - fro Hammiýond.Electric organ with Looking for Retai Space?, «How about a location where your success is a partnersii .of yotr landiord and yourself and your rent is geared to that success?' -approec 1500 sq. ft. - Cail 668m1468