j8# ih.,1A 41q r ir r~~rr1 r~tr~' VW10 MrTPT'V19eA 2 QUAILIrY HOME IDAY CABýE The Wee Watch system providles supervisedR prvatec'ay .pr o children 6 weeks and older, full or part timel,- *Rellab le, local back-up covers Piovider lllness or holldays, -Complete insurance coverage Income tax receipts -Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child - -Fully tralned Providers receive ongoing Agency support For more information'caII:686-3995 U1i~Li~~ a licensed Agency Specializing in Early Childhood Educafion. For Peaoe of Mnd. PerryI Day Care Cei 129 Perry St., Wh EXPERIENCED .BA BYSITTER ta cars for a 3-year-ald & 18-month-old in my home. f interested, cali 668-7779 atter 7 p.m. louse ntre Ltd. ltby 668-9476 OWN YOUR OWN GOOD NEWS Direct Mail agency. Eern $35,000 ta $72.000 serving esteblished clients in the Whitby aiea. Stafl-up. costs tram $3,500. Includes training, suplies and an-gaing support. F with sales or marketing background. Part-time! fulI-time. Free infa kit. Gail (416) 248-5555 collect. EASY WORKl EXCELLENT payl reading books & TV scripts et home. Many, readers neededi Full-/part-time aval"bi. 1-504-646-4513% ext. B142, 24 hours. JMOTHER 0F 3 is willing to provide day cars in her homne. Would love t a e cars of children 1 year & ader. Befors & after -Jschool children welcome. -1 Failingbroak/Dryden. 430-7474.*> NOM & ECE looking for children ta cars for. Full program of fun & learnung. Many years experience. References* avilable tfram bath present.& pat clients' Receî t8 683~5 01. WEST LYNDE - Mother of one would lave ta bebysit your child in my home. Ful-/part-time availeble. Judy, 430-8670.> UVE OUT NANNY/babysitter for a 2-V2-ysar-ald & 4-month-old. 1 to2dys erwek,630&m. to 8:304ain FiBngbr'ook- Anderson/ RoMearea 43-0434. DEAR MON DADI l'm interested in caring for your children while you're slaving away ai work. My home. Weekdays. Any -age. Excellent references.-Reasafl- a. rates. Whites RdJHwy. 2. Pickering. 420-9712. DAY CARE avallable In my home. Any age welcome. Lunches & snacks provided. Manninig/Brock area. 666-0159. DAY CARE aveleable in*my home.' Frssh 1 air.- Safsty. References. Ages .2-5 ,yeers. Rossland & Aniderson. 668-7025.- QCUAUTY *DAY, CARE In my hm.Providd l7mothsr of two. Ildrecesavirale Cos. to BelvWd hL 576-7503. LOVING CARE 1I NY HOME. Space avalabls. One year .& Up. DAY CARE,- REUABLE, lovlng day cars for your Infant In my home. Pleese cafil 668-0748. PAPfl DoLPLS <Wall Papering & Painting e' "'TheMutual .côë H5TFRAN ca rquotaflon I 725-6564-- We dlivr fyer 668.611 BAEMN * ENOVAe' *,Rec Rooms - Washrooms *Framing - Insulating - Drywail *T-Bar Ceiling - Trim - Doors *Painting - Storm Doors OuagHart Kgenovationas 725>-4718 LANSAPNG VALERIE VAJDA b Wwu>y 430-9131 UNIVERSITY WERKS Bumnvlls 623-6395- since 1980 - Quallty Construction& Professional Design ~cPW 44~( - -Interlocking Brick drives, patios, walks Retaining wals KITC ENSLTD.Wood Fencing Wood Docks Fr. Competftive Est imatesà 605 Brook St. N. 666-9690 Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5162 _________E st.i 3 5 Yrs. un nmmm ag -mas- mm.mcou imm m a REC YCLING CONSERVES NATURAL;- *RESOURCES, HELPS IMPROVE THE ENVIRONMENT AND SCREA TES NEW JOBS.i I Z. B&D Fencing & .Decks -Work Guarantsed -Garden Sheds -Post Set PHONE 668-7951 ' Toîl-free pager 1-416-559-6703' HOUSEWORK GETTING YOU down? We've gat a special. Tell a friend & save $15 each. 434-7832 Myrtle, 668-3031 Jackie. WWe proud clf our work. PAINTERS PLUS. Service and qualty are not an accldent.ForlO0 per cent off and no, GST, ceil Bill or Geri, 430-.6057 aftter 5 pm. HANDYMAN'.SERVICES maintenance;- house repairyard cdean-up, removal of, trees. Cai, 655-3004 enyt me. 0WD FAMILY. PHOTOS?'Ned' additlonei copies? -No. negative needed. Quahity copies made'cf your favourte .,pictures& Robert Aklswrth Photo World, 56-5123. SMALL WORLD NURSERY School -September apenings avaleable <for afternoon, pragram. For- reitaininomtocal 668-5504. KLEEN-KUT UPHOLSTERY - re-uphalstery cf antiques. AIl kinds .f recovering. Vour fabric or mine. Fre" estimates. Over ý40 years experience. 430-7568, WhRtb. CLEANING WOMAN available. iReasonable rades, references., For ss-n-san dlean, cail Maria, 't CA$H W DA$H 'lDundu SidetWethib Phone:666.871 Far666728 ALLTYPFS OFOHQUFS CASHD Equipment forco mplèesdrain ser- Vice. Complets ehroom renova- tians. Ail type of repairs. Com- petitive r ate. el Day., 686-1781 *Dr>wallng (ta;*eà & inslg) *Roc Roms a Basemeunts - 9*Textur pryn Paiting <etearint .-r eTrIm 576-7503 GRANDNAS.COMPANY. Grein cleans (na chemnicals>. Homes and offices. W. offer "Mother-ln-law clean' (reedyfor inspeto).Al employees are polce-scry checked, bonded & i=sred. Member of Whtby, Chamber' of Commrce.7259177(24hour answering). DALE G. RUSSELL' lexturo»qq -ancy colIng desn o«ffrýafl--;iýdMfà 1972 1-416-649-1256 y4b.48>4 býý