V-Hlua needed twQo big wins and that's juat what they got to upset eWe champion Moviola GafeM Whiby Mixed Slo-Pitch League playoffa onthe weekend. Môoviola Cafe, firat place dur- robbed by first division leaders Durham -Celtic's unbeaten streak» cime to an abrupt end with a 5-1 defeat at the hands of Ajax Warriors in Motor City men's soccer league action on Çiultjç, division II champions, were not match for Ajax, divrision I leaders.11 Glenn Greenlaw scored the only goal for Celtic. It was hie 28th goal of the season, tops arnong scorers. Celtic will again face tough opoition on Thursday night at Civic Fieldsg, in a gae eant Oshawa Italia, another dvso IIlteam. Kcks win 2 in playoffs Oshawa Kicks under-12 girls tearn won their first playoff game Sept. 4 by defeating' Whitby 5-0. Goals were scored by Gwen Kilfoy (2), Kathlçen Fitzpatrick, Lori Russell and Mandy Davison. SThe shutout was earned by Claire Bramma. Kioks won their second playoff game on Sept. il by defeating Pickering 3-1. Ail three goals were scored by Kilfoy. ... . . The Brooklin-Whtby Minor Hockey Auiliary wilL hold a geeral meeting on Wednesday, Oct. .2, 8.m atthe Brooklin- Whimtby Minor Hockey office at Iroqutois Park. Anyone interested in joining the auxiliary is wel- corne to attend. Call Kathie Mace at 666-2017 for more informa- tion. Sports sale at West Lynde The West Lynde Public School Association wilî hold a skate and sprts equipment esale8on Tues- day, _Sept.- 24, 7 t :0pm P~R TICIPUC T/O/i ngthe regular season, defeated V-Plus in playoff action on Saturday. V-Plus had earlier won two playof games to moved te the final in which they- needed two straight wins over Moviola te dlaim the playof championship. V-Plus won 9-8 ini extra in- ninps in .the firut game of the fina, forcing another game a@gainst Moyiola. 0 Moola led 10-6 in the second game*but V-Plus came back te win 12-10. In Friday's games Moviola defeated sixth-plaoe kast Side AGE GROUPS: Rookie Shrimp Squirt Atonw- Mosquito Peewee Bantam Marios, second-place V-Plus defeated fifth-place Hermnetic Service, andý third-place Ski. shoppe defeated fourth-place Brothes Pizza. Oi Satiurday, V-Plus defeated Ski Shoppe East Side* Marios defeated Îlermetic, Brothers Pizza defeated Ski Shoppe and Moviola defeated V-Plus. WHITBY IROQUQIS Som '---ti SOCCER CLUB INDOOR SOCCER REGISTRATION YEAR BORN $60.00 $60.0 $PO.00 $60.00 $85.00 $85.00 $85.00 Separate Indoor Girls' Leagues For Atom,. Mos quito & Peewee .1. September l4th, 1991 from 9:OOam to 4:OOpm 2. September 2lst, 1991 from 9:OOamn to 4:OOpm P EEL PARK CLUB HOUSE Trent St., Whitby MOSQUITO, PEEWEE & BANTAM WILL PLAY AT SOCCER CITY TIME: PLACE: 19 87 1986 1984-1985 1982-1983 1980-1981 1978-1979 1976-1977 EEE V-ls coes * k o wins a LKE ONTARIO 1I5CUEL COMPANY ,HPKINS ST. S., WHITBY COACHES SOCtI um NEE 1 coach for each team Iisted below 1 RE TAMS O 9SEASON Boys under age 10 (born 1982) Boys under age 10 (born 1982) Girls under aga 10 (born 1982) Boys under agae1il (born 1981) Boys under age il (born 1981) Boys under aga 12 (born 1980) Boys under age 12 (born 1980> Girls under age 12 (born 1980) Boys under aga 13 (born 1979) Boys under aga 14 (born 1978> Girls under age 14 (born 1978) Boys under age 15 (born 1977> Boys under age 16 (born .1976) Girls under aga 16 (born 1976) Girls under age 18 (born 1974) Junior boys under age 18 (born 1974) PREMIER A PREMIER A PREMIER A PREMIER PREMIER PREMIER PREMIER PREMIER DURHAM REGION SEETTAMSFRWNE/M ER 192O AS Boys underi Boys underi Boys underi Boys'underi Boys underi age 8 (bom 1984) age 10 (born 1982) age 12 (born 1980) age 14 (born 1978) age 16 (born 1976) A resumne indicating coaching qualifications and years of experience in coaching both soccer and other sports. WhitbyIroquais Soccer Club, P-0. #552, Whitby, Ontario LI N 5V3 For more information phone: 668-2009 Applications to be subm itted by Sept. 25/91. Durham mïedia slo- pitch OP W L T Pr CHOORadio 18 16 2 0 36 WhfbFreoProe 18 12 6 0 24 RMrfoadrunnors 17 Il «6 O 22 OhJWhlt. Tht. Week l6 9 6 1 19 la e ale1669 I13 AlePrsPlnlg 16 5 10 1 il Caaaempcyen 16 3 12 1 7 oiiawaTIlmes 473 14 O 6 PLAYOFFS 0H00 deteata 0,hwallme.. Rogers Omble defeata Odtawa This Week 0H00 v. Rogersln mui-final Sept. 24. Alger defet.ReMua Fr.. Pr...defeata Canada Employmet. Alger Ys.FrS Prou ln memi-finl Sept. 24. registratio n on Sept, 18 Canpowerskate regitration will b held Wednesday,Set 18e 6 te, 9 p.m., at Iroquois Park arena. Sessions in the 10-week power skating program, are ýheld on Mondays, from Oct. 21 te, Dec. 23. Sessions for ages 6 te 8 are held from 7:20 te, 8:15âpm, and for ages 8 -and oiver, 8:20t 9:15 P.m. Instructer is Diane (Jornelis- sen for the sesions, held,"at pad 2. For' more information, cal Canpowerskat organiter Johîn Feret at 668-3919. Whitby girls' softball STANDINGS lm Final dr*M 1. Mercur Auto Bodly 2. Kabet 3. Big onuts BANTAM Finamd iyf 1. National Trust *. Brooklln Legion 8* Lions Club SOPHOMORE Final isyff 1. Rotary Club 2. Kiwanis Club &. Fimerman'. Fnend 1 1 Olt 'Pi mý 141yi 1 Y FI 1 p ý ý,