Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1991, p. 23

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WHITY"MWEPRESS.-WEDNEE8DAY, SEPTEMBER 18,'M491 PAGE 23, nom m m-mmmmm-mmm m m m m mmmm-m-m-mm-w-m Bri*dlewood reputation buit -on service, . Beun i theearly seenties, Bidleood Héating & Air Con-. ditioninqisnowCanada'. targeat residontialcontractor. Richard Mollo..in preoident of the. family-oriented business'that emphasises«pzatt/ when in- staingaircondxitionu* suad heating equipment and heat recovryventitators. To that end, onty Carrier sud Lennox products, considered the best by Brdlewood, are used. The. firm also offrs duct dlean- ing ud ir prifcation for amal commercial or- ludustrial enterpr- i.... Bridlewood offers eztendedl warrauties on equipment that là M M M M M i M M M M M M M M M M M M M installed, 24-hour emerMncy heating service, air conditioning designereninerin ng,'sudgas lines te outdoor barbecues. ThImWlrest residential dealer serving Dunham Région, with a location at theo-Pickering Home & DeinCentre, Bridtewood also provie service In Toronto, Brampteon, Burtington, Scar- boroughe Newmarket sud Brad-' ford. FROM PAGE 22 MGacaring Michael Fotnfurnituire de~fn Bjamin and EBani Ruhe, boomnerangs; RoWB Crapp, scroll saw work; Le. VaIley Toolsi, sharpening techniques. The International Wood Collectors Society will fea- 1 AV/ JJOPTIIN GUINNESS WORLD BOOK 0F RECORDS [j WOODTURNING COMPETITIONS i CANADIAN MARQUETRY * HHIGH SCHOOL STUDENT COMPETITIONS 1 1 INTL-WOOD COLLECTORS SOCIETY MEET THE WOODWORKING PROSI Mi Jeif Parsons & Paul Ross . .. Rodger Ct Michael Fortune. . David rwin (INTARSI Ross Crapp (SCROLL SAW) . . . EldonF Benjamin Ruhe (BOOMERANG) Sharperi tare a "World of Wood' exhi- bit, presenting Robert Rit- chie, David Irwin sud other soiety members.. Admùission tote show is $5 (free for thoseunder age 12). The show, a division of Cryderman Productions Inc., opens with a special ceremony Friday, Oct. 18 at 3:45 p.m. 0 WOODWORKING TOOLS & MACHINERY 0 FINISHING PRODUCIS 0 SUPPLIES 0 BOOKS5 LI TERATURE 0 CARVING SUPPLIES &ACCESSORIES 0 SEMINARS & DEMOS OG00HOMES " EXOTIC & DOMESTIC WOODS " WOOOCRAFTS 0 BOOMERANGS " ANTIQUE TOOLS 0 WOOD FURNITURE. HOBBIES & GAMES liIe & Carolyn Russeli... ,Urtis . . . Rick Rosendahi . IA). . Hal McGray (CARVING) Humphreys (CARICATURE) ing Techniques(Lee Valley) Mi siI 1 1 a\F TDAf<~ETA~Brock Rd.N. - Just off Hwy. 401 ~ PICKERING, ONT. FRI., OCT. le8 SAT., OCT. 191 SUN.. OCT. 20 4-10 I 11-91 1- Admission $5, Under 12 FRIE up to $2 Trade in y'our old furnace and - we'll give you up to $300.OO allowance OR buy a total comfort system and save up to $725.00 Consumers Gas M M M M M M M M M M OR Ra iFwnnn Heating & Air Conditioning HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING LTD. M Whitby/ Ajax/ Scarbor7ough M Oshawa Pickering Toronto 427m,9261 428-0333 752-9Mm4 INSTALLATION AVAILABLE IMMEDIATY Be Nice to the Big -Guys Wood showcoming Since =y firet columu on August 14, 1 have roceived many unique, and confusing commente that lead me to believe it was a compiete flop. Myusearagdameeting with mé,todieçuesthe and unusual tanks 1perform dayl-nand day ouL He' knows I hic. to b. creative and hasn'tqulte lied 1he gut. totetlmehow incredibly eauyI rea*lam. If a.day shouldarise that hesehould tel me, 'hi knowsl Iown a gun. Borne employers do> not have tii. norve to -joie or turn a negativeie a 'funmy positive. My employrcn When h. di.éussed My colunn through the meeting, it hit a funny tickle iu my throat. Hia face* was no honest and ho politoly told me my colunn realy utunk.1 even- tually swatlowed niy coffee and hysterica took over my face. I admired hi. way ofaprahing me, and Fm a hi g girl and taajoke. Ho did ntti me to stop writing but I did inform him Ido not givo up the hip. NeXttime, l'llbe armed with food. A short, timo ago, we ail got oducatod on how niay transport trucks eist in the cities and on our highways. It went down in tho history books, newspapers aud local radio stations. In my books, it i. remnembered with ad- miration and respect for the truckers. They are the. back- bone of our country, and anyone who is quick te criticize them should have hi. eardrums blown out by their'horns and b., jack-knifed on 'the highway. Nover question a striker'i past rudely or they can and will strike again at any time, any place, anywhere! The reasons for their stand agai'nst the government are probabty many but, regardies., they were sacrificing their jobs and fending for their future and our countr's future as well. I feel this way because of one generous gesture a trucker had given me. About a year ago, around mid-November, I needed a weekend away from the stress and fatigue of my job. My parents are approimately a four-hour drive west *on the 401 that turns into Hwy. 402. I insisted on driving atone at the dead of night to save time with hardly any traffic. Much to My suprie, there were only two vehicles at the entrance ofthe 402 - myseif and a huge 18-wheeler transot London was the half-way mark sud the. sky was clerand"is. I only had two hours of driving te, go. 'fier. were'no signs of snow until the turn off on the. 402. I saw the transport ahead of me put onbis hazards and blow hi. horn. Every hair on my head stood straight up and I realized I was entering a snowbett of no return. Not even a mile up the road there were vans, cars and trucks buried deep in the snow. This was my firat on- counter with a white-out and it tooked like a highway te, heil. The vision on the road might have been five or six metres with snow sxnothering my tiny car. I panicked and' stopped. My hands were embedded on the iteering wheel and my sanity was gone. I heard a low but toud blow from the transport ahead of me sud realized he had stcpped toý. Ii lights wore on from end te, end and h. lo=kd lke an obese Christmas tre.. I thought to- myseif, "This guy is waiting for- me. He can se. fine aud ho'. going teo pull me through this mess." A bond was ini the making. "Follow me babe., wore i this tegether" shot through my mind. I could flot hMtpbut laugh at my foars and admittod it would b. one hetiol joke if we made it out of this blizzard. I tuirnedl on my hazards and brights and headed slowly towards the. truck. Heknew I had te follow his rut..sud I wasn't going te, argue. From a birds-eye view rmn sure we lookod like we wore going for a stroil. I tried very hard te, divort my paranoïa by counting al the snowed-in cars atong the shoulders. Seyeral times I lost sight of my instructor and I would stepý, flick my light.sud blow my horn. He would stop, blow bis horn and wait until I caught up. I remember two cars behind me were traveIlling fast and passed both of us but a few miles up the road were stranded on the side. This was comicaltot my. guide ahead of me who would blow bis boni at them aud was probabty taughing bocause they shouid have folow.d him. I agreed of course and blew =y boni as wetl aud cal.d them idiots and foots that théy didn't fotlow my pal. I was atone in the car but it foît 1k. I had a passenger. I was concentrating on the trucker, my driving, aud talking te myself. Weird tinswere thoght sli. au sid aloud. "Where are you big HOME SWEET HOME MUSKRATS, BASS. DUCKS. TURTIES. ,..4 NEWTS. MOOSE. BEAVERS, PIKE, GEESE. SNAKES, OSPREYS. SNAILS, HAWKS, RACCOONS, DEER. SALAMANDERS I4ERONS, DIrERNS. FROGM JSKELLUNGE. 4 MINK. CLAMS, LOONS. PERCH. DRAGONFLIES, WOODCOCK. KINGFISHERS. IIC NSAVEý Il 1 wFT mmmn rcarrrier 9A.,A A OJA A AlA 1 i%,A A P-1m 1 JAI oble 1 AL 1 A à.. 11 :;&À

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