Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1991, p. 1

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ByMarl*o Boucher, The. conteet for the centre ward àst on Whitby uncial council ije heating pWith Mthrieep more candidates announcing they wili run. ý Robert Palmer, John' Lazenby and Shirleyý Scott bave ail a nnzounced they are candidates. John Southern (ses page 2) and John DoIstra had' previously filed, as candidates in-the wrard. Palmer, economice and histor teacher at Trafalgar Castie Scheôol, believe .cunil"metlis ten as well a lead",for Whitby te centinue ta, prosper. "'Thére ehould be a ctizens' forum for "éole, téoice tefr viqewe abou w le goeng 'on ithe tawn" eyethe firet-time candidate.. Palmer eaye Whitby. muet hag.on te the "epediai quality of 1e." or risk "becoming a large suburb" -like: Don MifE o r caoough A résident cf Whitby for il yers aie is con emned with raigproperty taxes.',Ho, saye it je "threatening -the' quality of life of many Whitby residenits." <He. wants more equity in property taxation. Palmer, 42, says home owners in new subdivisions pay higher taxes than home owners in the older areas of' town. Ho says a phased increase in tax may be the answer., A new owner buying'a house in-'the- older part cf townà would paythe, samo tax as if ho had bought a home in any other subdivision areas, ho says. Palmper ije also concerned with tho impact of Intensified" deveiopment and rapîd' population growth on Whitby's road and educational systemsp and "on the' <ability ,cf àider neighbourhoods te maintain their unique, historical qualities." Hoe sys the preservation of the waterfront area je aiseo ~AMRneighbogurheods that is1 OH Whitby' cornes first andal decisions mnust reflect that basic idea. "1>I hope te promote a' community-oriented approach .te solve Whitby's emerging problemsg," ho says., Palmer'says Whitby ýmuet come firet. "Regional plans -.dominate Witby plans," he eays. Lazenby bas aise announced hie candidacy for the ýNov. 12 municipal> election. 'MWy rôle je te se. Whitby groyw," says Lazenby, noting ho, wouid, give prionity te the, modernization *cf. the downtewn area. Ho says retail businesses -muet, be brought back into. the Dundawffreck ~ZHNDY seniors to'get around in the downtown area. He says -seni-ors must play a major role' in new developmîent in' the communitr., He is also. concerned with increasiflg taxes. LazËenby, aiâseý a first-time candidate, says he isn't, ready ta "mortgage our children's future.' To keep taxes down, he <says I>ho woýuldI support application of l'astî y"er'e miii rate for next year's taxes. Lazen]byý aisosupports an.overpas or an'#à ndrasonGardonSt. Scott ae oneof six' candidatesfo thol centýre wardseat. in the '1988, area. £IAU.AJ4~~~WA With "&imaginative A 28-yeaîýrôreidont df the development" and ward, eh. - jea, former co-owner propr plnnin, - of Whitby Fabrice, former rosi Lazenby says the urnique- estate -.agent ý and. was. an, character of>,' the induetria nurse , with Sklar'. downtown area'.ca',b Peppler for 13 yeare. dovoloped again. Hoeysho alsc wants Sh j nourary lf te mke aeir fr ~member cf the. Ontarlo Hospital Grand Oaks development Aartment c omplex recommede d ISD A 600-unhit apartment compiex at the southeset corner cf Boss- land Rd. E.'and Brock St. N. was appreved on, Monday by Whitby plannng cemittee. Thqe npi an cof deveicpment, that weuld accommodate an, estima- ted 2,800 people, was the subject of much debate at previcus meet- ings as residente voiced concerne eover, density, traffic, building hoights and student accommoda- tien. On Monday, a few. residents *again voîced .concerne,,but com- mittee approve a revise a that includes accees ta the deve- iopment from ýRoeland; Breck and Wallaoe Dr. "We have' h-led ta ,alleviate m!any cf the concerne," said plan- ning cornittee chairinan Rose Batten, who mentioned that the range cf storey 1h. Aghths *(frem three ta 12 titoreys for the four apartment b*ildin s) and «cush- ion cf townhnouse(128, gardon apartment units) wouid mako iI* a upleasant setting.» Batten -proposed the amne nd-, ment te aiiow trafric accees from Breck. Planning staff had recom- mended accese oniy from Rose- land and Wallace, but Batten eaid.,Brock accese wouid provide traffic relief ta Wallace. Conclir ynda Buffett 'said the Town had two'choicos: either a.ccopt thé' development as je, with its iower population density; or roject it and face an Ontario Municipal Board hearing that might accept the original and lese p1esing(because cf high denisity),.application by the developer. .Buffett and Batten both admit- ted they had concerne there was' not an updated report from the soparate echool board about the im act cf the development on oxisting echool capacity But Batten said construction cf the development wouid be spread over the next 10 vears, allowing time te consider school needs. 'Mhe echeels won't be filled te capacity in two te three years,". ho said. h ~ h. . ..h ~hh ~ ~ h h .......... ........~ .. ..I..& .. I NI[COLE, GARDENY 39, cant wait to get her hands on an ice cream cone during Heritage Day held Saturday,in downtown Whitby. A 56-year-oid Whitýby-man was one cf two persons Who died ini a vehicie accident- on Monday- afterneonmii Ajax. Willam Bl of 66 Hemin- ford- Place, Wlitby, died when thepic-uptruck ho was driving wteuncr on Taunton Rd. cofi lided witha car driven byJune Blundeli, 71, of Kirkfield, Ont. She was killed -in the collision. Durham Regionai Police eay, a car driven by -Winnie Hung, 34, cf Pickering was -westbounid en crossed over the centre lino and sti-uck the eastbound car driven by Blundeil. The Blundeli vehicle . pun around and was struck byî the truck driven bv Bell. Mrs. Blundéls husband, Wil- liam Blundeil, 71, suffered échest injuries and was taken te Ajax- Pickering hospital. HIung was treated for miner- inuisand rele aed. Police continue té ir#vestigate ebe ccdnt......... Vol. 2 1, No. 38 Wednesday, September 18,1991 32 pages

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