k FREEPRESS, WREDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1991 a 's. E b, dam a 4b. s / hIL f a 1 R1 RMC HAÀRGE R ,.LE4x4 - Loaded, V8. auto., P.S., p.b., p.w.. p.d.I., ai. towing pkg., lit mis$e, swiscieen glass, AMIFM cassette, ilum. wheels & moree, Sk. ST 6992. Supet dean. MUST SELL 1990 CARAVAN 1 SE 7 pass., V6, auto., p.s., p.b., air cond., rof rck, AMIFM, defroster, rear wiper a more. 1 owner. Balance of factory warrrty available. Only 2,900 miles. Sae1495 1990 DYNASTY 4 DR INCL 3 OL Vh64 sFa.aulo., p.s..p.b.. p dL tilt, crise, air cond., A/FM cas. cloth seats. WSW radials, defroter Sale $12m995 1990 SPIRIT -4DR. INCL: 4 cyl. autr., ps., p.b. air cond ll cî;jise, AMIFM :ass.,. buckels, console defroster. loddown rear seat. dual mrors. tinted glass & more. Balance ofl facîory warranty vuale. S& 89O3346. $11j175 4 - 'E ________ 1990 LeBARON CONVERTIBLE Auto., V6, air, p.w., tilt wheel, cruise control, AMIFM cass., power roof, cloth interior, rear def. plus much more. Stk. #P3400. 01* $1 6@87S 1990 tARAVAN SE INCL 4 spd., auto., big V6 engine. à .r, ool rack, AM/FM cas$.. plus muais more. Balance ol factory warrasty avuibe. S& # V350. 01*i 1987 PLYMOUTH RELIANT ONE OWNER INOL Auto. p s. pb, clolh buckels. 00*3Y wîpers. only 32,236 Mles Wth balance of tactory warranly Stk. SA69U4A Onlys S134.62 per lino.. 1990 SUNDANCE 4 DR., St, #V3450 4 cyt.. auto., PS. Pb, loth seats. air cond., defroster, dual mirrors, inted glass & more. t Owper Only 18.300 miles Baance oi faclory warrainly avaî.abie 1988 CHRIS CRAFT 225 LTD 22 112 h. Includes: 350 mag cuddy c.abin, Ii.ly Ioaded, ordy 100 Ws. Like new. One wnoe. MUST SELL 1990 LEBARON OTO COUPE LOADED 22 1 iwe d trbo, 5-sodp.w,pd. 0. s, AIMM cas eéqualize, alummîmi wheels, liltlaruise, air conedtioning & more. Stk. #P3486. Baance of Iactocy watanty avalabe. $1 59775 SHELBY - LOADED lui. 2.5 lue. twbo, 'auto, p','., cond., -securll sson enthuslasls. Buckel t s. AMIFM cassette. ,equalii«, moeo. Stk . 5P3487. Balance facley warr anty avaIe. MAKE AN OFFER, 1988 GRAND 1VOYAGRSE M1 GE SEl crulse, givacy glass, 7 pass., roof jack, dehose. AMIFM. loor, console, îear wiper and mWOIe SiC. #T7250KQownar. MAK ANOFFER. s wb 1 HWY Ç2 ý IN