PAGE 14, WH1Ty FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYsEPT4ýBER , 1991 - - -- ---------------------- ..........r n s . Davd arer0fWhtb ws he sscl'an s ULUUA7 tson u aw& r ta lbfe he BURGER, WITH ANY -PURÇHASE* Mon.-Fri. From - 4 p.mli" t 'OIiii' à . pm. N 'Excluding The Ultimate Burger, We treat you right! Avallable at Whtby location only 668-5342 elected, as -the,firit president of, thé ýnewly forimed ' Reform Party: of "Ca'ada- Ontar0o Riding Assob.' ciation on Saturday.ý At a meeting -on Saturday in Whitby, the association'% intérim executive was dissolved and a executive was elected. Marnee Stern cf Pickeri*ng i vice reident, li ni tc Ajax is secretary and an Middle- ton of Whitby is treasurer.- Directors-at-large. are louis Allore of- Whitby and Michael Aggett of Whitby. Th~ertýaksiga mcrem yi drtago-al of 1,00 mem- Tefirst, Reform,.,Party nxem- ber of Parliament, Deborah Grey Of Bleaver River*, Alta, ,will be at Eastdalè Os. ,0*Waý., 1Tick ets are $10 pe r rs n . ' Cali, 721-9022'.or 430.$-3 forý ticket,,- Brok ln h rtcultura i eetng PROM PAGE 12 apart. Large -bulbs, -sau 'c daffodils and hyacinth, will do best if patd~i nhs ep about four' to six inches.,apart, hà a Tulips, should be atdsix to eight inches',deep, again, four.. to six inchesapart. Odd-numbered. groupings Of at least 13, bulbs Wilffprodue the most satisfatory imn-pact cf coloýur * dig in, some' bonemeal' to help proniote goodrooti'ng. Spring flowering bu1)be should be. planted at lest'four weekcs> befo;re the ground freezes, but preferably as soon as th ey become available, so the roots will have time tobecome . well established before freeze-up. H. If they're -not securely rooted, your bulbs can be heaved up and damaged by frost. I ~ For more information about gardens, write toBrooklin M[aster 1 ýS;ji Gardeniers, Box 695, Uxbridge, W ' Ont. L9P ii Ron'Murdock, president of the Rotarylub ofWhitby Sunrise, was incorrectly identifiedas Pat Johnsiton in a photo caption in last week's ecition. The Free Press wishes to apo- logize for the error. Priceës ýeffective,- r thru Saturday September 21, 1991 W. rsere th n o umt untîtes o nomalYOU COULD WIN ONE 0F HNE PRIAS8FLï6 WNe famîîu eth rght touo IlmntIunileto oa EVERY- BLE JAYS RUN ON ALL CTV à TSN TELECAST. fa ,lyrequlrements. C tuo ams d otwSEE DBTAILSATSTORlF STOK PEN LSS AL Spend Less SKINLESS AND BONELESS fEUR RDITWITE OR ALMOND Clýoverleaf a - PPronto Sockeye .eps-. rPaper Sd 'n(Unit cost 7.0r, per 100 ML) (Unit cost!t 2'per 100 ML) Sam nCS1F435MLTI-NS135YIN BOTTLE Towe2RLS I __ __ _ __ __ _2199 - WITH COUPON 8110W WITH COUPON BELOW&'10 MINIMUM ORDER PLUS 40e PER BOTTLE DEPOSIT WITH COUPON 5110W [Wf HSSAVE COMBINATION: 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, P RODUCT 0F ONTARIO - B HI 1UY 2~ nus -. jCOUPON SVE-9ý COUPO KN AN MONMIES OR 5' 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS WIEO MN Sockeye rI Lp in Fresh -Pronto 2/.9 UM opon UMM 2couponls perCeUStOOUr. IM s ro mU~r MI12 coupons par cusIom Choos u ho m !r«2:M [~HTHI H COUPO COUPON SAVE8 z ACAGCOîU --NB CLOVMR =LEIiLSS AND BONELS OR *à X$ WHITE OR ALMONO q ISockeye* I I ao e»kof lb Paer Twels f cou UM lb 9Z 2 c1u:nslm [~NSO MR AEIWTTI SAVE IWITH THIS S EIWITH THIS [UCJIO'HSTM ~>10COUPON WC COUPON r50' COUPON REO LA O DET Unt oa 70TprRB0O ~POWR FOj SCTED VARIETIES EREAL IPepsi-Cola 5O Windshield 1919 Savarin 9 KeIIogg's I or ^7-UP, SnLISWasher Fluid -.- Dinners BrnFlakes-,-- I a 35e5UI omoip. utme M1 lUonoeMT oposprcutmr MTlpcae a 9onU I 2cuoT .a uao e IU I 19o arcuo. Ml. opnsprcutnr Happy<'Ho ur!, ONE 1/2 PRICE 4~ 100P3 DUNDAS ST..E., L-