Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1991, p. 11

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r '* -. ' rN-* *.. IWIfftFUý I e i .- Y A saewlbehed on' SA y, t. 1,8amto 2 ptm., at dLmbrCO. entrance, Wilson and Taunton Rd.., Oshawa. Proceeds will go -te' 'ÇWItl r' eneral nospîtw emergecy-deprtent. ,Baked' gâdpe"m'esand homemade crats illals beon sale. HOUSE TOUR, place'on Saturday, S ept. 21e fi-om 10 &1 -~4 ~nand wieatureý seven 5mes~ ncluýdingo.i Wbty,.t. eor.g ides. and help suppor Bi9Siter 14 t" tl-e same tu.,Ilie. ckets are $15 foË,o4m àdditione.1 $5. _oS tickets., the B'i"ites ce-at 4605 P*~O~LES WrH WB? Drmod White, Durham centie ~~P , Wl, opono SUEmin' on hwtO make, needed policy changes, withinthe' Workmie'sCompensation Board on Thursa, Sept-. 19, 7to9 'at . ortvaew Lbay on u>on room, 250 BËeatrceSt E., Oshawa. ýGuest speaker wMl be' ,John McKinnon of Irjured Workers Cdonsultants. Those with prýobleme B>'are welcometô attend tg ica individual ecases ýCRAFISAN!> VAKES Westminster Uited ý Church Women. will hold- a craft demiâonstrtion and cake ýdecorat- anvt the church: 25: Mannin u; on,Fiiday b"àpt;,27. 7'3 - r CI stisi -p;îýand lîunch. mort=itès-,caM"6-28 or 576- 0300. 3E!> THURSDAY womÏen'o* neïïtwÏork thaït meets mo'nt'atthé Old Mumich-Cale, King- tL E 'Oshiaa. Th*e net meetingwif be held o*n Sept. 19,, 7:30 a.m. Members and guesis are-welcome. Cali 723-114a for more infoab tion and for reser- "fWHAT I AVE TO, SAY, 15 WOKff ISI'ENG TOI" The -'Living Well' heathý awareness program< will continue this fail, starting with a lecture by Cindy Primeau, psychometrist on 'Thursday., Sept.- 19. at 1:.30 P.m. at the Whitby: Seniors Activit~y Cejitre. 'The focus i,àf this program, will ,be self esteem, personal .> rights and.e commu- nication ekills. Refreshments-willl be served and a fee of $1 wlll be collected at the door. For more information, cail 668-1424. FLIA MARKEff A flea market will b. held at St. John's ngican Curch Brock,,St. S. and Victoria St. E.:, PortWitby, on SaturdaSPt. 21,9 a.m. ýto 3 1p.m. THE TOP 10 CD'S 0F THE WEEK ARE: 1. Dire Straits ON EVERY STREET - Poly 2. The Tragicafly Hip ROAD APPLES - MCA 3. RUSH ROLL THE BONES- Capitol 4. Bob Seger THE FIRE INSIDE - Capa 5. Bannie Raitt LUCK 0F THE DRAW - Capital 6. Stevie icks THE BEST 0F - Wamer 7. Natalie Cole UNFORGETTABLE - Warner 8. Tom Petty INTO THE GREAT WIDE OPEN - MCA 9. Randy Thavis HIGH LONESOME -ae 10. Roxette JOYRÎIE aia TESLA ""PSYCHO-TIC SUPPER" Nonpos commun tgrup Whl;wor Naa sutantla hltby, membors%1P May 'place thoîr upcomincmeun~ page'et no coat. fi n~eUoft l KUYS CLUB Kid'Club, for cbildren aged 4. to 12- will be held fi= 6to7 p.m,.on Mondays, beginning Sept.. 309 at .Emmanuel .Reformed Chiurch ", 401 Rosldàa-- Rd. -V. (corner ,Walton Blvd. sud informati*on, cail- Annie, at 668-2850. VOLUNTEER FAIR The .Volunteer -Co-ordinators of Durham RQgion* will -presenit a aouterfir at msuny locations t 'ogout' Durham Region on Sept.. 25 and 26, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., 1 te 4:30 p.m., 4:30 te 9:30 pan. depending on. location. If you have been looking- for something te do with youn sparetime, this would, provide you with su opportunity te'- do some invesigation te decide what would 'be best for you sud your present ., chedule. Locations are the ,Pickering Librairy, -Whitby Mail, Port Per iy Lbri Uxbrdge >IAbrairy, N emc te Libaiy Mdtewn MaIl, Oshawa sud th Norhview Library, Oshawa. LUNCBEON MEETING The community advisory board-of the Whith.y Psychiatric Hospital will hast its eighth annmuel meeting -on' Thursday, Sept. 199 noon te 2 P.m., on the groundas of the* hospitel in buldng 30. Jon Bonton, Mixtyof Citizenship, wl give apresentation, -on Bull 74 (Advocacy Act), with* David Giuffrida, _psychiatric patient advocate ofice, sud Dr. Brion Hoâffinan, Mount 5mnai Hosipital, pa ncpatîngasmenibers of a reaction penel. There. is no registration 1 fee sud ail are welcome. Those interested should caU the board at, (416) 430-4022 te, confirm attendance as seating SODA SHOP $OP The Big Brothiers Assoiation of, Oshawa-Whitby will hold,,a buffet ,dinner dance (Canadisu. Ukrainian cuisine') on FPriday, Sept. 27',8p.m. t6 1 a.m.s at Lviv St. 'George's Ukrainisu hall, 592 Albert --1St., -Oshawa. The -dance will begin at'S pâm., with abuifet dinn er served at 10 p.m. There wil ha a prizefor hast costme.ý ickets are $25 pr n d, may h btared ycalng 579-2551.' ONE-PARENT FAME[LY ASSOCIATION Oshawa, ,chapter -of , -ýone Parent FamilyAsso=a tioei will meet on,-.Tesday,, Sept. 24, 8 p.m. at Simcoe Street Settiement 387se Simcoe St. S. Judith Galpin will- speak,, on 'Assertiveneus.' New meibers are welccme.-For -more information, cal* 986-6707 or, 728-1011. MULTIHIEBIRTS, ASSOCIATION Durham. Region's Parents 'of. Multiple BithsAssociation wil hold a gia4 erl. ale featuring i±nsd children's clothing, accessories,. tons frnture, 1crafts, and..hamebakd' goos, n Sturday, Sept2, a.m. te o p on, at :'-i-ngsvew United Church, Adelaide ,Ave. sud- Wilson, Rd. «-Oshawa. For information, cl1436-9058 ,'or 686-5456. WIDOWS AND'WIDWE A plasntsociawl cubfor widows suýd widâwers wil hold its. neit meeting on Sunday, Sept. 22 at 7:30 pan. in the 420 Wingy Oshaw Airort. Dancing, shuffleboard, darts and carda. For m ove information cal Ermie 683-2045, Forbs- 4n30.3, Marion -683-3855 1'or ,RIalph 725-7203.-1.1 familles ýýýmeets the tb ,fçurth Wednesday of each 'month. 1¶ib-, neit meing wll be -blM I' Wednesday, Sept.' 25 at' 7:30,p .ý in- the -Senior Citizens' AC4twLVk Centre, 910, 1LiverpolRd, Pi Orig(ustsouthi o- Bayl.y St.). The program 'wll ýinchide,,ak video -presentation sud discus- mdon. Refreshments wiil beserved For more information, oeil' the Alzheimer. Society at 576-2567. Aul are welcome. I Expkrs O0M 30, 1991. I 1003 Dunclas St. E. I m Whitt)y Locatioh n POIM- TWO GREEN FEÈB FOR I TH1E PRICE 0F ONE, lncludlng twllght prlosplus 112 prise pmwercarte. I <WMyS W Ï;ÎÏ pi am aoI ,.xpe *ffbocodbeoe De&omber 1,91 Iyouwlalsoýbeeagblolof5foe > ~1430 King St. Port Pertyl (41r6) ý985-2341 ONTARJO- JUNIOR CITIZENS' Do you know a young person, aged 6 to 18 years, who is involved in' worthwhie community service or a special person who is contribu 'ting, while coping with a physical or psychological limitation? Do you know a 0 youth who has performed an act of 'heroism? The Ontario CommunityE Newspapers Association with Canadian Airlines International as the patron, are looking to recognize. these "'good kids", the young people of our province who show a commitment to making life better for others. To nominate an individual or a group of young people,- for the Ontario Junior C-itizen of the Year Award, please co ntact your newspaper or the O.C.N.A. at (416) 844-0184. ~00PNominations, for thisý year 's awards, will be accepted until October 31, 1991. Every nominee will receive a certificate and up -to 12 individuals and one group will be the recipients of a plaque presented by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, an Onta rio Junior Citizen of the Year lapel pin, $200.00 and a family portrait with the Lieutenant Governor. -NOMINATION FORMS - are available by contaCting your Community Newspaper or.O.C.N.A. (416) 844-0184. ONTARIO JUNIOR,'CITIZEN. OF THE YEAR a joint communmty projeot of, ïw"o C n (iî-i j» POL'ISH.COMBOI 2 2forl 1 * LOWPRICE I 19.99.1 *Indludes 4 shish-ke-boôbs, 2 cabbageI * rails, 8 peragies, 2 dinner rails, I * saur cream. Reg. price $1 3.98 Offer valid anytime, 7 days a week.I Not valid with other speclals * ler expires Septl.249. - *80 Thickson Rd. S. * aS, <arotrm Walca) *3 666-3663 BUY, ONE, F6OTLONG OR SALADAT REGULAR PRICE 0F EQUAL OR LESSER PRICE FREE*I *WMthý purchase et a large soft drink Mr WHIY LOCATION ONLY * Oen ate7nights a weekl 0' B~eg lar Menu Avaiab- Téw. Din-mnd1akfoutrv e C.7 BOCK S. S.,WHITY DEIER06822 À

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