WITBY FJEEPRES%~WEI)ESAY, 11,1998PE 1, 9PAGE? PAGE SEVEN. We. are.al. uit Ti. ipartisan Bulgarian detective, Ridicule Priorpot, t asedbsmoustache, o To'the assexnbled rrouP h. said: 'Tou have been, gaod to corne at mybiddin . Iis3time now in the mystery when we gather 1h e et To I dazzle you with my analysis. Alors. poofi ... la solution." Said the police oficer at his side, "Could you pleas outline for those who are not too swift: what was the crime, exactly r Priorpot waved. a hand impatient. odtme, in good time. The great Ridicule Priorpot i ln oceed in the normal way. Weé work like, how is you calhr, Alice in Wonderand? First 1h. -solution, then the crime. nomdhè"olicoffcerH. wore the full red tune thePunder cover operation. -But proceed." "ThankIng you," said Priorpot. 'Tiret, the suspects." He turned ta the fIve people seated before him. "One 'of you iLe guilty. Before we finish tii... soven hundred, and'flfly Word%- we will know wvho." "But will we know of what?" asked MRan Baloney.H had the. smooth voice of a politician, a.DckTrceilna hidden agenda. "Patiente." Then withfilick-of the moustache,."Fiv o m).Let us start with the. most unlikl. S SchochIld. 't learn as mucb >in echool -as children fieniman te onre Science and math are weak." > "1bats not fair!" replies Saly.,-I don't luke science and math." Wos.Yesterday, listeMing at the window 1I ovenheard - T yotynta ung Canada. Would'i surprise anyone ta knowbathischud dos nt oen now1he. words?"-, It'sor aytrdtin"said _Baloney. mT he r he sus pects remaedd slent, arms crossed Priorpot continué&d99"Or couldait be Songbird Bobwhite, the labour leader?, Mr." Bobwhite, you have been acused ofd leading org l nt1 heln of idle dreama. Could it b. 'ou are-guilt;M Bobi te sofedimrked over hlus shoulder. ."Well, if not knhowing the w ord a 0 and is a sign of guilt, then paint '.me gui9tyr. Butowba? Priorpot ignore him. h èd onigt h oprt law er in the pinstriped suit. "Tou-have been plingjb out ofMs country for months now. 1Many woulde thatasan adision 'ofgÉuilt," Bliziness reddened. 'Thnt -try. bullying me, you big fat Bulgrian balloon. I just do what my business instincts and hedofce tel me ta, do. Don't go laying anmy blame on me." "As you say." Pniorpot glanced at the. rumainn two, "Adyou, air. N.E. Investar, is it not?" "Hey, look. I Iiave ta look after widoW and ophas whoever. finm just ,pd*ty of doing, my job. Nationalsai ia nothing ta do with it. "Nationalism7' said Priorpot, spinning sudilenly on bis heel. 'Dhd IsaEwy anything about natapnalim? Whatevrermadoý you think nationalism was involved at al?" Mr. Investor sluink down in bis seat. "Andyouvery Grundy, average citizen about Canada. LookaLthe circumstantial evidence. American' cars, American television, American movies, American magazines, books. Crossk-border s;hopping." "You gtaprolem with any of.that? Guylike Baloney there tax us licehedoes, bey, they get wat theyese rve: The poice officer in thé red tunic placed bi foot on a chair."a issinteresting, Ridicule Priorot. What ,vou have *hown is that evroe is guilty of something anytime. But you hav filed to sow wht anyone isguil Wi "Ah, yos!d' The crime. But flrst, 1h. solution. You, Mr. PoUce'Offier, muet'hà vo suspecte&, although I don't know how Il work thaï; inta tiie plot in o ne hundred wordes. But The blr iI !uga um à vdboth hainds befçore ýiim. -u»»aiguity. Some more thonothers. But guilty you' "And the. chargenarled MyRan Baloney. Priorpot clearded bistrcat. "Yu ar aflgulty"liomd,"of J. A singld gnsYosL te .silence. %«iË"-olifted une fimgorin surprise as though ta erase the tn bullot bol. inhMs fomehod. lion!ho fei lforward, I ~ I WILLIAM JOHN HAYCRAIMS BUTCHER SHOP9 BROOLI , .1910 This butcher shop instsil standing, on Baldwin'Street, oppouits Grass Park Willam. John- Haycraft, a former Reeve ofhIMtby Towsirtrdfmtsbsns n1912'and 'died lu 1914. Mr. Haycraft and his wife'are stniga ahedothe delivery wagon. W MîtwAc - po 10 TZARS AGO fiom thé Wednsa September 9, 1981 edition of the WE - - PU *WhitWsyl first Rodeo Week in being heldat Iroquois Pà rk September 8 t 13. *Thirty-two workers at the North American Steel Equipment Company are on strike. *An electrical lire caused 81,500 damage at the. RaIston Purina.plant. *Rev. and Mrn. IKC. Fisher, formerlof Brooilu, areclerting their 501h 'wedding ann'vrsryat Peterboeg. 25 TZARS IO- fr etu a S 8, 1966 edition of the *Mayr Desmond Newman hba cused «contractors .0c, "outrageons dieregard"for. ,tii people 0d Whitby for net 0om'pleting sidewalks on DunmdasSretEain. time for ochool * '~~ltby 1b Schodl Board lsa.ekli*g e r admiistaton offices in 1h. tawn'all. *Council ham allotteda ddii onal fumds taeinshrmoovtions: to tii old court, bouse as a J" mc rï11OLtWitbjN ~snew doputy oug[me. *Col. LE. Farwell met former UJL proeni 4tWillim Howard'Taftat, a bar associaton e ne. French WariiRe cliConitléu onntiga-d&oe4-door -canvais for uselothing y WhtInaiv.arIIm Greenwood, new a uimde~ land, willtour Canadafor-five, *Jim Whittcn m ws nd Cansdollaâgzd ioda sforridingijhuulcycleon thei. sid.wal.