PAGE le# WMuBYyJWimmi pW8týl w>DiNEsJ>Ay, ilTME1, 1991 Reietwil'rop the. , Gudon', Parliaent Hli. 190s an PROM PAGE 15 Count Y. The 1lGtii fougiit in F'rance and, later became lot Battalion Tiie Ontario Regiment. Ontario County aise raised the, 182nd Canadan fInfantry Battalion CEF that wss latsr redignated the. 2nd (Reserve) Battalion The. Ontario Regiment. Following the. Great War, tii llGth returned home. Régimental headquart.ra was moved to the. armouwy in Oshawa and tiis regment became part, of the. non-permanent militia. On Nov. 21, 1920, the. unit was gaetdas thie Ontario Regiment and i December .1936, waa redesignated as tiie Ontario, Reégim ent (Tank)i Thé ":Ontario -Regiment (Tank) was mobilized in- September. 1939 "'and moved th.,Camp -Borden .in 1940 as part 0f the,- Canadian- Armoured Corps. The firat tanks the, unit trained'on were World War I Renauits, and, later Britishi Valentines. Ini 1941, tii. regimsnt went overseas as- tiie lltii(Réserve) Army Tank BattaJion (Ontario Regiment) andgoped witi tiie Three Rivr r'egmnt andl the Caigary Regiment, fofimed the, lot Canadian Armoured Brigade.1 laInMay 1942, thi egiet received tle M-4 (SheMan)tn and in Juiy 190< toonk part i the invasioni 0f Sicily. Thii. regiment ssrved, with lot . Canadian, Armoiure. Brigade through Sicily and Italy*and was <- engage. i Most major, of the. battis. Of the, Italian campaign- Following tiie battis for Florence, the. regiment embanked for -France and fougiit in nortiiweat, Europe imtil tiie cessation Of iiostilities. Alli.d Regiment In 1928, King, George V approved tii alliance between the ontario Regiment and the. The alliance continues with tiie Royal Regiment of Waies, formed in 1969 by the. amalgamation of the. Welcii Regiment (4lst Foot) witii the South Wals Borderers (24tii Foot>. As part of tiie amalgamnation ceremonies, the Ontario Reiment provided a 5-man Quard to participate in, the.parade Eed nthe.grounds of Cardiff Castie in Wales. - A guard- of Ontarios aise ardd with the AMed Regiment on the occasion of -its t«entary, célebrations in Juiy 1989. It- is anticipated that ,a contingent 0f the. 'Welch' wl pti inathe i.Ontario's125th, anniversary in 1991. The Regimental March, John Pool, is taken fimthe. Border Regiment, the 34th ReimenÃŽt'0f the British. Army.- Rooet hisor7 In 1966, the. regiment trooped, the colours in célebration of its lOth anniversary. The. reviewing party consi sted of W.- Earl Rowe, Lieîteali-Goemo .of Ontârio, Col., R.S. 'McLaughun, honourary colonel df the Ontario Regiment and - Mqjor-General F .F., Wortbington. Colonel Cqnimnandant 0f *thi" Royal. Canadian Armoured Corps. their lOOtii anniversary), received the. Fresdom of tiie County of Ontario and the. Fr.edom of the, City of Oshawa. On July 5, 1967, after over 30 years 0f armoured service, the regiment retired its infantry colours and was presented witii itsý guidon in ýa'ceremony on During the ae16a-n 1970a, the regiment, trained i the. reconnaissance ýrois. With the. introduction of the. Cougar i- 1980, the. regiment, quickly adusted :to its return to the armoiw rois. Tii Ontarjo Regiment now, comprises reinïntal.. head- u artersi with an RHQ -Recce* ooptwo armou red '(Cougar)" qua1drons,<a -recruitng. -nd trainixg aquadron a'. nd a, headqua rters squadron and rades m the, ,:Coi. PRS. 9-r-.ýlk...,Armoury.. As aways, . the regiment continues to live up to its motto, 'Fidelis et paratus' (faithfi andý prepared). A reliousser vice -with ýa Wélsh flavoer will:b. held at' the-Armouries iOshawa -on 'Sunday at 3 p.m., the wrap-up to- the local anniversary célebration. The. service has been org anized by the Oshawa '&, Disjtrict St. David's Society, under president John Rainford. Presiding at the service will be Rev. Elwyn, Hughes of Kedron United Chu rcliand'Bey.. Dr. Cor- win Davies, pastor of Dewi Sant Weisii (St. David's). United Church, Toronto.- Discover the hi*storyfyu r homte Wood, Chain Link, Estate Fericing & Customn Deck Work -Lindal Cedar Sun Rooms Quality Workmfanship 'il PROM PAGE 16 centrai, because. over the yearsl yoZ U r prt was srituaed on a are lot that was sulxlivided, encompassng many differenit Oce you -have Iocated the, appropriate 1<1abstracts, int.rpreting - tiem may be cofsng_ altiiough witii patience ST E. ANN-E the. os can b. e opihd, onwhieiyou purcbasqed the. home an. ,ta. your researchi back frmtus focal point. You shoid have a fairly accurate guesa 0f wiisn youtb-In the houa. was buit (witiiin the. deade). Follow tiie own.ra and their tranactonscarefly. You will preoby notice that- moat 0f 1the. transactions that we made were sales and mortgagea. Ahgh' mortgag. a rund -,the, smo tîme tho.proer~w .aS origîInaflyU' purcased usuffyindicates th. date of construction of the. hous. <The. abstracts will flotidicats the- exact date'tii, home was bufit. For a more accurate date ëf constuction, 1'ais check the, Whith Chronicle on microfim in the Withy Pu l brarWy,' 40 Dundas St. W., and match your- abstracto, te what th.y have oS file. Tracing your abstracts is a fulflfling' procesa and 'the. atii. egistry office .are alwaya.eager a <i1p. If ou e Mw..tii WintrWitb arbivist and memb.r cf ,LACAC, ,wfll-be plýeased to asut Ris office is iocated -n tii. C.ntenniui Building,1 416 Centre St. S.9, WhUb<. H. will aise b mation regardîing -theii. a iiomeowners that will furtiier bring te 11f.e the history of your home.- Upon compietion, 0f thus prcsyou may feel, that our h ome is of eithà er hito cor architectural sgnificance and you May wisii te have the propertyr designated, under the Ontairie Heritage Act 1The. designation will net only enhance your prop)erty, but will aliow for una maintenance grant fiom the. provincial ýgovernmentJ o urie information en researching or designating your home, contact tii ICAC secretary, Town of Wiib,575 Rossind Rd. E., Whitby, Ont. LUN .2M8, or -by phone ut 668-5803. S N~estIed on 500 acres overlooking Lake Ontaria S the.enhantibgSte. Annes, built by Sýamuel.Massey in' 1&56, awaits you. Expertly renovated, complete with fieplace and modemn bath, each bedromn s istnctuvely decorated with antiques. After relaudnig withia comnPiementai'y breafat enjoy'a g eoftennis, lôungejpoolside- use the whirlPOOL. go walkxng or ridinte cu yar or use Ste. Mies aS a base for * CORPORATIONR0FTHE TOW~AN--0F-WHITBY PROCL.AMTION HERITAGE DAY' TAKE NOTICE TI-AT September- 14, 1991 is hemeby proclaimed as aHertage Day* In and for thé Town of Whitby. Ciizens of Whitby are encouragsd to celebrateM hihstoy and henltage of the Town of Whitby by attsnd;ng the following events: Soptebr 14, 1991 - Hedage Dey ln Downlown WNIby, a co-operative ement sponsored by the following groups: Bowd of Managmnti for On Whlb>y Central Business Dlsblc -Vanous acfrvities including an a ple ' cest î a colouning contest and many other events organizedbyowtovv businse throughout the day. il,00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at varlous locations throughbou the downtown ares. The Whby LoeI AwNâectauI Cniuwwon Advbo.y Convnlt. -A house tour, Earl Pasce's antique dlock display, heritage reacfng for the chikiren and an award presentation by the Mayor. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at ths Bank of Mont"ea. Whitb Public Library, Pearson Lsm and vanious locations throughout Wliitb. Contact Ede Brasis at 668-58W3. Wm bwto"~Sd -Coffee hour, walking tours, a heutage tea at Pearson Lanes. 10W a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Contact Joan Pilniuk at 576-4322. PmovkcW Town CdmrCh 1ng, - ibm. cries thrugou the clay wNhd wiIl b. judge and a prîssntation imade th b y «~ to the town cnisi at Pearson Lame. Contict Lama SolNy at 6SM DAT et Wllby, OnW 9M dilh chiyof Sepmuber, 11. 4 e~~wn p off7ns ~Wandp byb~ Ci vebSruu a olcorm tdI H ERITAGE EDITION HERITAGE EDITION MMMM" le - ;, Z"- «J-.,.z4lmmmmmmwv-ýýý rt mm.. JMIM Mi, Ã