PAGE 12, WHWBYFM RENPIUwEDEDY 11 VOICE 0F THE COUNTY. TOWN ,y newspaper,,ind ependiently' owned antdoperated by Whitby residentà for 'Whitby reside'nts. 131,'Brock StreetNorth, -P.O. Box 26 Whitby, Ont. LiN 551 Doug ,Anderson J Publisher Maurice Fi.fher- Editor Alexandra Martin Prod'u-ction Manager Discove hehitoyoyur hme: 'Te Laner Custom CoverSale~ Savings of'20% S4fa Sale Pr icedfrom I'n this sale, yu chos any style of Lane Sofa, Loveseat, or Chair, -have it CutmCovered in one soof 880,decoratorfabries and save 20% from theý regular' Hand -crafted with Coil and Web construction, Lanefu.miture is outstanding value. BLsiDoe, LCCsummera TIi. Whitby was estalished i191 and adviso Town .cmu -conse rvation of bisto Anotiier important LACAC is to ase théi. ceommunity. 0'One question to LACAC ià one.'go <a bout, ' individual popr 71s of esariing your seem 11k. a complex, a proceduro, 'but witl asitance,' s informative an& diacovries. >morei are varions rn resoarch <a. home. b could include a genera knowing' of tii. past idontifying, major .ait the structure. When a home are a, number of alun mu follow. itudeM Stop on. mncludos obtaining thé. lât and à or cocSw"on' 1't ýl il 1 P,,iwopertY.Tl n orvaton b.m mphd > ~lohuming theCACsstomment cetei-hitby 18 t. auis (668-9351)ýi and givmng your ndfcil on 'the mmunicipal ddrEaa ricafy and Onco you have r»evd this ant propor- infobrmaton, 'proced to 'the. regsroffi co at M0 O PSsand Rd. functiSo .oft and ask- for ,the. nd educato abstract bookfor yuu lot and afreque nt plan or concession numbor. how would An abstract of îtiti. lista al Tloroea date it was firat sold by the. hom= =ngvenent or a devolopor. Lnd- difficuit F1 out a request for service h 'LACAC recoipit eoforîg. yournme can load to adresconcesson or plan excitingenmbrand lot number. Ti.registry office chargés $4 sason why per abstract book for tho use of it want to and"$1 a page for piiotocopying, auo reacs sinceVti.bockse,, cann b. 1 intoreot i rmovod from the. teg1try offce. oôwners, or It is iiolpftul t. know* mmorat poei a widm4wateky on whicii part of 0 lo youare, situata& either, own.r js northsouth, petit, -,Weqt dure, there P1e, stops ta SER PAGE 16 '~i~pr0A n I t _ u. * .* -~j 2 ~ I CAROLNE-CONT&S. . UFLE§ a.r.d 'it ci -cù.icirig Specializing in window covèrings & decorating ideas. a Venetians eVerticals e Drapery.. CalifomiaShutters e Bedspreads & 1co-ordinated acoessories FREE in-home consultationýý., 430-w2353'>< 1121'Dundas' St. E4,. Whitby' lZixi.eri. h)r By Lesle Doran, LACAC sumunor uitudent Earl Paso Imbas beon coletig antique dlocks an watches for about 25 -years, and' over, the ,yearas, ho bas accmultod an umpresve, timenic cllecton'. *haà t mierely atarted off as a hebWbye, bis love -,for tii. intricato' working oftheo. dock has developed into a 'fuil-timie careo. On. of th., moat spectacular pieces f Pascoes collecion is an old dlock tbat, at one, time, was situatod in the. tower of -tii. old post office. This masterpieco weighs7w apprximaely1,600 pounds .sud is an -imîportant Whitby <Pasco. identifMes, reparaand restoeos docks froun bishomo and on< Heri tage -Day, he -wil identify thé treasureéd,,pioco siiown to hum by local residents. Paso. has as. boon for tumato eenougii ta obtain 'a set odf aid 'ýSwisa wa"tcbmaking tools ta . F.A. Von Guiten wiio enmmigra te t.Canada froun Switzorland duingti.arypt oftiio l9th century.ý - Von Gunten was i tiié watcbmaking business for nealy 32 yeara in Oshawa. 'TROOPING 0F TEE GUIDON$ This Colourid' and Historie Mfi!itary Cermejmny willFeature:.-, -A guard of 100 fromn The Ontaiio'MRegitïent (RCAC) -A guard of 50 from The Rylegent o à le A ad fo 50 from The 2525 Royal CaaanAm Cadet Corps- -A guard f 50 froni The 1913 (Oihawa) 76 <Uîbridge) and 41 (Port PeËry) Royal Canadian Army Cacfet Corps - Band ofhe Quee'ji'sOwn Rifles, - Band ofThe 1913 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps - Modem 'and Vintagelfftary Vehicles riom The Ontario Regiment. Ferret Club- -SATURDAY 14 SETEMBER 1991- -IROQUOISPARK COMPLE.X- WH1IY- Th.e. only Whitbi 2dClass'Postal Registration #05351 Published every Wednesday. By 677209 Ontarlo Ie.' Phone 668-6111, 66846112,668"639 2f zÃ"ô- 99 ý$120000 range McALLISTERS 70 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa 576-64WM ) ThUrs., Fri. 1 ()-,), Sal. 1