PAGE 26. wRBrryFRPmPRESSwENEDAY, SPI'MBER4.1991. r il'.il jpjl e. 4739X4 "tiýP rl Piqr3 r~4 fTn gggi I DAY QARE REQUIRED for 3- year-old girl, Tuesday ta Friday mornings. Also 4yarodboy ta be met e t St. Theresa's school bus stop) and cared for until 120 p.m. wi-th sister. 430-1422, Carat. J'eryHouse' Day CareCentre Ltd. 1 29 Perry St., Whltby 668-947 DAY CARE AVAILABLE. Res- pasible and caring mother. Fun adsafe enviranment.Anag wetcome; Garden&Rssad 430-6278.' CLASSIFIED RATES are $6.00 for 20 words prepatd or $8.00 bIled. Calitnow taplace your ad. 668-111 for ait types of renovations & repaira Specialisis on older homes Special pnices on docks &fences Painting - Storm Doors Doug Hart Renlovations 725m 471! ~B&D Fencing, &Decks - Work Guaranteed - Garden Sheds loi . Past Set * PHONE 668-7951 *Tot-free pager 1-416-559-6703, i DAY, CARE available in my home. Fresh air. Safety. References. Ages 2-5 pars. Rossland& Anderson. 668-7025. DAY CARE FOR CHILDREN Of any age. Warm, caring' environ- ment- that a chîld willl find stimiulating &fun according ta their needs. Dundas & Bowman area. Close ta AndersonlThcksan & St. Theresa Sohool. 668-4378. RESPONSIBLE MOTHER of two willing ta take care of children during luncb and ater sohool. Reasonabte ates. Fallingbroak. 686-4821. For help ln placing your ad, cati Joanne at The Whitby Free Press, 668-6111. Q)Jality Constructio for Home & Business *Bathroomis eKitchens * Gazebos *Addition., etc. 2*ms o~2mctoa- 655-4418j «BACK YARD SHEDSb Barn-style sheds - bulit on site - includes shingles and wood f loor. 8 ft. by8 ft., 8 ft. by 10Oft., 8 ft. by 12 ft. We pay the GST. 430-4102 LA NSCANG by UNIVERSITY WERKS -since 1980 - Quallty Construction& Professionai Design Interlocking Brick drives, patios, walks *Retaining walls *Wood Fencing- Wood Docks Frea Competitive Est imates 666-9690. -MOTHER 0F ONE wil look after one child.. Nutritiaus lunches& back yard. 430-6466. LOVING, REUABLE MOTHER would ike ta care for your child in her home.* 18 months & older. Close to R.A. Hutchinson P.S. References available. CatI 668-0832. DEAR MOM & DAD, 'm interested i n caring for your. chitdren while you're slaving, away at work. My home. Weekdalys. Any age.Excellent refererces. Reason- able rates. Whites RdiHwy. 2# Pickering. 420-9712. STOP Dint U'wow Itomt. Someone mywant It Cala The Ityro. r rs BEST WSHES, for a H-appy Birthday or Anniversary. The classifieds are a special way to send greetings! Cali 668-6111 DALE G. RUSSELL ,daywaii finlshlng, sbiown ibreglass Insulaton 'texture spray * fancy ceiing deuigns 1-416-649-1256 The Mutuai Group HERB TRAN cal' ior quotation 725-6564 KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5162 WHITBY - 4 BEDROOM detached, ail brick, e9xecu3ive house. Fully upgraded and 'includes intercom, pantry,. central" air, .jauzzi-type tub in master ensuite. gouble car garage has, electric opener. Stiti under warranty -only 8 months aid. No GSI or expensive real estate tees. Cal 728-3656. I o. r................. CENTR AL WHITBY - Large slit level, 2, or 3 bedroom. New building. Walt-to-Wall braadloom. Apptiances, including dishwasher. Covered parking. $870 per month.' Available Oct. 1. 668-4643. NEW, -LARGE BASEMENT apartment, 1 bedroom, $595 inclu- sive. 2-bedroom, $650 inclusive. Five minutes from Oshawa ShpigCentre &« buses. Centrai air. 723-0O569 evenings. TWO 1- BEDROOM APTS.lfor rn.Downtown Oshawa. About 700 sq. ft. each. Just like new. Laundry avalaâble. One, à aailabte no;ot her,- Oct. 1. Cati 655-4873. $50per month. BROOKUN -2- BEDROOM apL Utlities lncluded. Ap)piances. $550. First& last. 655-491. WHITBY- CLEAN 1-bedroomn apartments. Centratty located, clot GO. Quiet, non-smokers preferred. Cal 668-3011, (message), or 666-3883 evenings. NEWIBACHELOR'APT. in' Whitby. Laundry,,pa"ring, utilities ,- included. Immedmte occupancy. Nan-smoker. Partially fumished. $500 per month. 430-8267., 2-BEDROOM APT. ýaround 4 corners -of ,Whtby. $625 er month. First & last. Avalable Oct. 1. 666-1228.- CROSS CANADA MARKETP LACE- MEs FAS - rrg EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DORS lt ALL THINK -810 - CALL THIS NEWSPAPERFOR MBAILS.- COMINO EVENTS COMPUITERFESI -. CANADA-8 LARGEST Computer'Show and Sale. 100 Exhibîtore, Fr*@ seminars & damonetratione. Bout Opneus on ail computer hardware, software, socessories. September 13-15. Exhibition Plae, Toronto. WORI'SHOP FOR INVENTORS and Entrepreneurs. $t. Catherine&- September 14, London - Septamber 21.* Toronto - September 28. For more-information omit thé Innovation Centre 1«80.26&.4559.,- FOR SALE SOLID WOOD OESKS: souid wood.bookcaae. Write for your free catalogue today. Faverl'a tJnpainted Purniture, 1 Vliywond Drive, Manlham, Ont. U L.R59. STANED GLASS and supplies by mail. Order at savinga of 30% and more. Cali The G!asa Place, TOLLFREE ut 1.800-363-7855 for catalogue Information. AMAZING PRODUCTI Irs Electronicl Yeur dog wIil etay on your property, wthout bing ted up. Detaile: PAO,- RFI#1. Bancroft, Onterio, KOL 1iCO. i.800.NO.LEASH. Fax (813) 332-1375. MORTOAGES MORITGAGE MONEYý TO PAY BILLI Start a businessi Bad cradit? No probisml No quaiifying hasseisi Borrow $10.000. repay $175 monIly. Calil litransicon <418) 650-9455. Busy? 1-800-268-1429. BUSINESS OPPORTUNI11ES EXTRA INCOMEI Grow bailwarms ln your bueasant or garage. Odonlees operitîlon. 10w Investment. Market guaranteedi Fre. Information. Early Bird Ecology. R.R.91, SmIlhvilae. Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. HELP WANTED FULL-TIME Housekeeplng'snd Front Desk positions avalaéble for moteUhbotel operatons lni Banff and Jaspe r commencîng immediately. Sharsd accommodations available. Cali Don Eyre 403) 762-2575. NEED EXTRA $$$$S C&M -Gîfttuneede Demnoraetstot elil oy. and giU aet Homne Parties. No invetrient or expenience r.quired. Establiihed company. Cali todav 519)268- 7905. INTERESTING OPPOFRTUNITY Itesetabiish a sales wlng for a progressive newepaper organization. Succoeuul percera rust be a seif starter with an entrepreneuriai spirit. Strotig background lirasdvertlaing sAlas assenîlal. enterpriqe?.E nd a lf desQrlptoeour Ontario, L6' SAS Ifiordar te -arrange an' interview. CAREEIR TRAINING is T CIIGFRYOU. ILtsdîscusa It. Inlroducing ext.nded p 1rograma, and Credit Courâss Cati William nt 1.800.285S-7173. Marlel Truining Syttenis. LEARN AUCTIaNEERINO e t the South- western Ontario S&fooi of AuctioneerlnÃg. Next claWs November 9-15. Information, contact: Southvvstemn Ontario Scheel cf Auotlonserrig, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N48 7V9. (519i 537-2115. TRAIN TO* MANAGE an apsrtmentf- condominium building. Many Job@s avalleo)le., Write for free brochure: RMVTII, 1801 - 1 Yorigeý St, Toronto, Ontario. MSE 1W7. SALES IIELP WANTED 08-FIGURE INCOME e International Mualo and VIdea Corllpsny .xpanding Into Canada.,Ned highiy motlvated commlssionsd saiBe people and distributons Part.time or fuli-lmi 1.51.9. 944-2800 24 hr. lino. STEEL BUILDINGS CLEARANCE ON, ENDO F SUMMER InventoTy of Steel Buildings. Save.$$$, 20x30 $2.092, 40x6O $8.117. PlonberlEc@nopn 1-80086B8- 5422. A.Z PRE.ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types. ste.aUwood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action,&$ anrers - Wsiiy (416) 826-1794 *fier Opm. we.kenda. Froc brochure. Cip-save. BESI BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straiiwaii .Type - net quonset - 32x48 S5920; 40xd14 $88g.58:DxD6 $15,331; 80x120 $21,270 - mon- expandabi. end(s), other eizes avafiabie - linilted steel - Paragon -.24 Heurs 1-800-283- 840. BUILDINGS. Plowing'Matah Spedlal. Queneets, *Se Models end. Straightwaii5. Factery hes aliocated 29 Buildings. Varlous sîzes. No reasonabie effet refused. Oelil Future 1-800- 888-8853. MISCELLANEOUS, GREAT PERMANENT. historical reoordi- souron. This neweaper and meut cf Ontaro@ weakiy wawepapers reproduced regulmrly Iln Microfiche fermn. Dupticele copies availahie by csllig OCNA, (418)B444104. 'ftur ad couîd appear in oommurtlty rswoppersna Ontario, or rlgln semas canada., [' or eny inividuai prvne. Space l ln mled. uo Cali Thiu Nawpaper bdayl B A KT racha k/rAREt, dvaWi"ClROSS CAI,.reNAlDAembRErs PoL AC1h Ontario and Canadien Coffmuniy NewspaperAssociaionls Ail Canada 572 newspapers - $974 for 25 words For further information please oeil the Whitby Free Press Classleds-- 668-0594 ...'...... ... ... .......4 ..............y..........y . AIuE, You L>OOKTNrG FoR QUALTY OME D3AY CARE The Wee Watch system provides supervisedi private day care for children 6 weeks and older, full or part timel *Unschoduled home visits ensure * Reliable, local back-up covers Provider Me qult aefor your child liness or hoidays *FulIy tralned Providers receive * Complet. Insurance coverage ongoing Agency supýport * Income tax receipts _ _ For more information caII:686-3995 alicensed»Agency Specializing in Early Childhood Edlucation.- For Peace of Mmnd. 7-1 fi- -1 m