wnrrB~r ~P ss,.WED~E~DAX. B~~EMB~ 4, ~99J4~AOE ~ N Whtb gaindisOAju-nior ii It wa nappropriateending to what manager Ian Hardy described as, a «great season.» Whitby, Brooklin' Legion .dis- piayed great defence while managing to score enough runs to get the edgein four games to win the Ontario Baebail Asso- ciation A- championship in Sud- bury recently.< Ii was the second year ini a'row that the Whitby team has, won the Ontario junior A titie. In -the.Suidbury finals Whitb defeated'Niagara Falls â-1, Suc?1 bury 4-3, Hamilton West Moun- tain 3-1 and, then Hamilton a 6-74, to lay dlaim to the 41The key to the four games was we almost played-errorless «a sys eHardy.was good, the' fielding- was excellent,- hitting was so-so.» Hardy may have described bis team's attack as average, since Whitby had ain explosive offenoe during the regular season.' The Wihitby te am lost its first game of- the regular season but thlen won aIl but one of games since played on the, way to the provincial titie. The only other loss was at a tournamient ini Belleville when Whitby came out fiat and lost the firat gpMe. Whitby won al its remaminin games to win the consolation titie. «The camaraderies on the team was really great'tis year" says Hardy. He ay team menmbers were extremely focused during this year's final, and were helped, by the experience of winning iast yeThe guys knew tbey were u there (Sudbury) to play bail, st~he win.over Niagara Falls, Jef Hardy trew a complete-. game two-hitter. Derek Slater pitcbied a four- hitter*and had one of only two singles by WVhitby ,in -the 4-3 decîsion over Niagara Falls. Greg Yetinan had the other singe and drove in a run., SYetman allowed only three bits in tbe 3-1 vitoy over Hamilton. Catcher Brad anu had 'a single--and a double while right- fielder Gene Rainey had a key sacrifice bunt. Whitby had only four bits i the game. j Ini the 6-4 win ini the final, Jeremy Harnesa went five ii- nmsallowinhg three runs while effHardy..pitçhd the' final two inninuesto get the save.' Wlntby Ied 4-O after two ini- nings but Hamilton closed the gap~ to 4-3 after five innigs. Whitb!y carried a 6-3 lead into the final inning. Ini Hamilton'% final at-bat, Whitby fielders made two enrer, and'Hmltn scored an unear- ned run. Ian Hardy says flelding plays were highlighta of bis team's defence. "There were some great catches inithe','outfIeid, one b Mike Mowbray that'I couldn t believe and then one byr Darcy Head that, was even more un- belie-vable. In the final,, Jeif 'Hardy had three bits wbile Siater had a bit and Jason Guindon a run-scoringý double. This year's Whitby team, was strengthened b4y the addition' of p layersfrom the Ajax teamn that folded.' Harnum, Yetman and Lance Desroches were vaulable addi- tions from Ajax. But ,many from this. reares team will, not be back nezt year, due to âge eligibility, and Haà rdy expects 1992 will be a reWùilding year for Whitby'sjunior team. KE %ONTARIO IINCUsEEL-COMPwNY HOPKINS S.SWIB WHITBY HABBOIJR was full of Hobie Cat cata- marans over the weekend. as the Whitby Yacht Club hosted the national Hobie chanpioships. More than 85 caaarn competed i four separate classes. Teams from an. over Canada and the United States and one teamn front Mexico, had strong winds to help out on Sunday. dBodpht Basebali dance» on Sept. 14 .» Wbitby M~fnor Basebai Aocatoe anuada&nce will b. l m. at HeW = ors Pavihion. cotin $10 a ýon and includes buffet. Cash Cail your Soah or convener, or Beth Whyte at 668-56789 for more information. Whitby mes slo-pitch W L T PME Hia"ePlamiics 24 9 0 48 Wam dCa"t3e 22 Il 0 44 Mont Bfedmam 20 Il 2 42 AdvmtapTdoom 20 12 1 41 HuoweHaws 19 12 2 40 WhItb sha la 14 14 87 IanBarreS l 16 as 3 oBroe.BhgAWunnt i1 1 I27 mmoia 12 21 0 24 Curie.T.XYUmM Pu 12 21 O02M Sm igulm O 23 1 19 USbwanEmpopoart a 24 1 17 Corne In For A Pleasantly Surprising Deal!, 1 1991 Plymouth Sundance Su ndance Highline Ol det Established Chrvsler Dealer In Durham Region cy - MACINTOSH CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH LTD. 331 PARK RD. S. OSHAWA, ONT. 728-4638 "Ahllâost error.Less" in four gamesm CIORPORATION 0OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, Climbing, Conditioning PlayingPractising Going, Growing Whiitbyla Civic Recreation Complex FITS YOUR LIFE! Are your childrenkeping. Complex for a Parent N' Tot fun fltness program ' or recreationai swim. C. R.C., dares Frday an offiia Parents' Day Off wth an a.m. Jow impact aerobioe prograrn. Clip and keep *ail- Ciic Recration Compldex sneakers and wema be fittingyo for a £m~eIùMlyear membe, Wp.embershz»drawwheld duning Offiaai Openinger momies September 29, 1991. Communityfun, fitness andiestiities. Geting Startec4 St arting Over Aquac aing Aerobicizng Stretchiýg, Swveating CveRecreatià o pé * - FITS-YO UR LIFEP. * ~J'Extra energy and intensity que. with The Works Wo;rout. A 7:00 p.m. provgzam for afler ousexercisers wanting a. littie' extra change and a Bl ,echallnge. «CEiP andý .keep ail Civc Recreation, Complex ,sneakers and we maybefftting you fora free' ful yarM erhp Membershp d ra w'h eld during Ofca Opening Ceremonies September 29,' 1991. Comunity Ar,, fltess and festivities.