Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Sep 1991, p. 14

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PAGE 14, wHM'Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTMBER 4, ý1991 TXEOs FOR THE WIDOWED A seg-help group for- newly widowed men and woenen 21l meet on Sunday, Sept. 8 at 2 p.m. at St. AndreW's Presbytrian Church, Coêlrane St., Whitby. Ail widowed nieneand women are welcome te attnd. For "more information, oeil668-2648. ITO CLUB>hMTING Tii. flrst meeting of the fail session of the erst Oshawa ITC Club willb. held on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 6 p.m., at the Hong Kong Houe. 'Restaurant, 89 Sincoe.St. S., Oshawa. Tue cost of dinrier is $13. Guesta and new members are invited te attend. For information,1 cailJoan Ann at 725-9179 or Joyce at 668-5504. BITDAY PARTY The. Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre is holdig a birthday party for ail members who celebrated a birthday in July, August or September on Monday, Sept. 16, 2 p.m., at the centre. Entertaininent will be provided by Bil and Shirley Batten, and refreshinents will b. served. For more information, cail 668-1424. WELLNESS S iTeYLE The Oshawa YMCA will offer wellness and; lifestyle programa. Tii. workshops are developed' to enhance and promote well-being. Topica include exploring self-esteem, time management, « Coming -Alive' series. and a viaiyprogram that teaches 'h-atheating min co-operation with 'on (Department of Héalth Services. For more information,' call the office at 576-8880. RAK AND CRAFT SALE Windsor Place Seniors Association, 315 Coiborne St. W., Whitby, ÏrIl 'old a bake and craft sae on Saturday, Sept. 28, il a.m. te 2:30 p.m. Refresh- mente will be 'on sale, and raffle draws wilb.mIiade at 2p.m. FALL FUN FAIR lhii. Whitby PèsMetoist Church, 1916 RosslandRdE. wiil hold a fail fun fair, on the church 'grounde, on, Saturday., Sept. 7, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.: Cal 725-1280 for mmr information.hI the event of rami, the fair will b. cancelled. INFOBMAI'ION NIGHT Tii. Durham branch of the Canadian Institut. of Manage- ment, a non-profit education pro- gramn, will hold an informaton and registration night on Thurs- day Sept. 5., G6m., at Durham Co lfege, room 217, main build- ing. -Mtanagers ýand potential managers cari upgrade their management Akills and earn a certificat., in management at night school. Cail 434-766,9 for more informnation. CESAREAN GROUP Tue Cesarean Prevention, Sup- port and Education Group will meet on Monday, Sept. 9, mý at 31 Connelly Ave., Ajax. Toic for discussion will b.' aia Birth after Cesiarean.'lTii group p rovides information and support for parents or professionals who are interested in any aspect of cesarean childbirth. F or more in- formation caîl Jill at 655-3896, Uisa at 576-0562 or Michelle at 683-4229. HOSPICE WJB Hospice Wiiitby will hold training sessions on ýSept. 7 and 14.- Hospice Wliitby la a support service for people and fannlies facing trminal illness. Ithe. WhitbY commumity, caring volun- teers, who may b. lay people or professionals, are needed. For more information, cali Julie O'Link at 571-3501 or Karen. Tiiornson at 579-9507 (9 a.m. te WOMKN'S AGLOW Woe' glow Fellowshiop a transdenominational net Oof women, will meet on Sept. 12, 7 p.m., at Cullen Gardens. Guest speaker will b. Bey. Mary Jane Bilenduke of Toronto. For more information caîl 436-9425.» FALL CLASSES FOR SENIORS New' progranis have been planned 'for Wbitby seniors, including introduction te niicowae cokin, calligraphy, self-defence for seniors land 55 Alive, a defensive drivg cours e. Linedancing will b. intrdced at the Brooklin Community Centre, and *two aquafit classes for seniors will begin i Octeber, at the new recreation complexpool. Registrationi for classes wiil b. held at the Whitby Seniors? Activity Centre, 801 Broék St. S., 9 a.m. te 4 p.mi., starting Monday, Sept. 9. Members can check the September . 'newsletter - for complet. class details, or cail the centre at 668-1424 for more information. EPILEPSYDU'RHAM RtEGION Epiesy Durham Region will holdlits monthly -meeting on Thursday, Sept. 109 7:30 p.;, at the Kinsmen community centre, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. Psychologist Dr. Barry Brooker will b.guest speaker. Anyone interested may attend. For more information, calI 436-3152. ARTRElIS MONTH September-is -Arthritis Month, and volunteers, are needed té canvasa door te door, make tel.- p hone calsa and deliver campjaign kits. Funds are risefor research and te help improve the quality of life for those with arthritis. Call 434-7221 te volun- teer or for more information. DUEH4M ]PC USERS CLUB 11e neit meeting of the Durham PC Usera Club wiil b. held on 'Diursda, Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. ithe staff lounge con the second floor of Durham Coilege, Simco. St. N., Oshawa. Demos are often given, and ail are welcome. For information, cali Bernie at 416-655-4156. CRAF¶SAND CAKES Westminster United Ciiurch Women will hold a craft demonstration and cake decorat-, jnf at the church 25 M73 p.m. Cost is $5 K*zes anLà unch For tickets, cail 576-8218 or 57â: 0300. .. .... o:J' CORPORATION OF irTH TO*~1W N 0F WHITBY EXPROPRIATIONS ACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION, FOR APPRO VAL TO EXPROPRIATE.LAND IN THE MATER 0F an application by The. Corporation of tihe Town of Whtyfoé apova I exproprateilanlbeingpatof Losai 2 3 4 5 78, 9and 0I-n BokCb neoh the west aide f Brook Sir t'PIan 1507,,Town of Whithy, Regional Mjnidipaiity of Durhmfrti u . se of wld.ning -of the. publicehlghwaày known as Brook Stree lthe.raid Town. NOTICE 1l. HEREBV GIVEN tiiat application has been made for approval to .xpropriat. tdm land deacribed ïas folows: Those parts of Lotsl.2, 3, 4 5 7 8,9and10 ln Block uon the. west aide of Brook Steit in 'H50047, Town of Whlty Reginal unidaly of Durham designated as Parts 1, 2,35 6, 7and 8, Plan 40R-1 3325. Any ownoe of lands 1in respect of wiiich notice la 'given who dlesires an lnqulry Ino whether tihe taking of such land la fair, sound and rnas na=ncese in tihe achievement of tihe objetvs0 u exprcprllngath9 t shail 80 notify the approving authority ln wrlting. (a) ln, the case of a reglstered owner, served personally or by registered mail wthin tiirty days after he la served with tihe notice, or when h. la servedi by publication, ýwithin thirty days after tii. f(rst publication of the notice; (blnte cas of an owner who la not a registered owner, witiln thrty days afier tim. frat publication of tihe notic. The. approving autiuority la:. The Council of tue Corporation of the Town of Wllitby 575 RosslandRoad East THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITDY BY ITS SOUCITOR, WIWUAM a. IRWIN NOTES: 1. lbhe Expropriation Act providea tiiat: a)where an inquiry la mequested, it shaîl b. conducted by an inqwiry officer appointed by the. Attorney General; (b) the Inquiry officer' (1) shali give every party to tiie Inquiry an opportunity f0 present, evidence and argument amd to examine and crossexamine witnesses, eitiier personaily or by hla counsel or agent, and (il) mal' recommend to the. approving autiionty that a party to tihe înquury b. pald a fixed amount for his costa of th. Inquiry fot to exceed $200.00 and tiheapprovlng authority may I% is dlacretiosi ordler the. expropriating authority b pay euh coes fortiuwitiu. 2. nowner ad 'registered owner are deflned ln the. Act as follows: wowner- includes a mortggee, tenant~ execufion creditor, a pr mon entitied bo a imit.destate or interest in lan, a committe. 0f the - estae of a mentaliy Incompetent persan or of a person incapable of managing his affara, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in wliom land las vest.d; wreglter.d owner means an owner of land whose internat in tihe larnd la deflned and whose naine is sp.cifi.d in an instrument in the proper land registry or sheruff's office, and includea a person shown as a tenant of land on tihe lest r.vised assessinent roli. 3. The. expropriating autiuritY, each own.r who notifies the. approving autiuority that h. desîres a hearing ln respect of the. lands infenidd beb exproprnated and any owner added as a party by the. inquiry officer are parties f0thti nquiry. Thls NoUàce IM puhedd on Oni.281hî day of Aqgt, 1991. Osa~Opn 579.68681 Mon.-TNioem9ain-6pn < Fday91r T«1do F d1 Safwdcay 1 Oanm 1Ical mW = NATIONAL CAGE BR SHOW AMD DISFLAY 0F PARROT The- Durham Avicutural Society of Ontarlo will hold the 32nd national cage bird show and display of parrots on Sept. 29, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Pickering Recreation Comple; Valley Pari Rd. (south of Hiwy. 2% West Of Brock Rd.). Admission is $3, $2 for seniors and children under age 12. For more information, contact Vince Moase. at 723-1978. DYNATRON 2000 The. Whitby hIjury Recover Clinie, in co-operation .with Physio M.P will hold a demonstration of -the' Dynatron 2000 (an is'ometric, compu'terized evaluation unit1for ntonal abilities evaluation, joint(- comparative muscle testing, Cre-oW analysis, evaluation of rkofinjury) on Tuesdy, Sept. 10 at*Ste. 304, 220 ,Dundas St. We Whitby (Dundas Centre Medical Buildin). This demonstration wiifflbe of particular interest to .physicians/physiotherapistwchiro- practors, occupational health & safeéty personnel, occupational health nurses,, uriions/employers, insureWadjuste, lawyers, indi- viduals concerned. with the prevention and treatment of ixuury. As space is liinited, attendance must b. confirmed by telephoning 668-0-414. TERRY FOX RUN Tii. llth annual GM Terry Fox Run for cancer research will b. held on Wedniesdayv, Sept. il '4 to 5:30 p.m. withmntheGIdi Autoplex. - M 'and EDS enmp1oyees will participate in the 5 km wak/run. There wilI b. awards for top fundraisers, tro- phies for top finishers prizes and a random draw. CAf 644-6149 for more information. SCOUT REGIISTIRATION Registration for 8th Whitby scouts will b. held on Sept. 5,7 p.m., at Westminster -Unite Church, at Scott St. and, Man- ning]Rd. Tih. program is for beavers, cuba and scouts.- Lea- ders are neede.d at aIl levels. MORNING EXERCISES Mornig exercise classes will b. held at Hol FCilPFIsh 91 ibiibleedale IonTesaf and Thursdays,- 9:30. to 10:30 a.m., atarting Sept. 17 (brung mat) and contunuing until Dec. 12. Cost in $35 for -classes once a week and $55 for classes twice a week. Babyaitting, je $1.25 per child. For more information cal Barb at 728-4863. FREE SPANISH CLASSES ii. Oshawa Spanish-Can a- dian, Cultural Society offers Spanish as a second langu.age for kindergarten to grade 8 stu- dents. -For more- information or enro_-ent--ilI 5-2334 or 43A- ý PROGRAM This fail, the. Lung Association will -continue its ongoeng educa- tional servimce for aethmnatic service for aethmatics. of ail ages living in. Durham Region. Based on a ' drap-ind centre concept, this free service (funded by. a grant from Glaxo Canada Inc.) aime te reduce hospital admissions and improve the qualityr of life for participants. Starting the second week of Septembeir, the s9ervice wiil operate three evenings per month in, each centre. Each evenig respiratery therapiste wilreview various aspects Of aethma and treatment.HRande-on assistance will b. given In the une of inhalera, peak flow metera and other -breathing 1.devices. Tiie aethnia-outreach:progrinwiil b. located in 'six. centres,- including Oshawa General *Hosptal« on Mondays,. and Nax-Pïckering fHasiîtal ýon Wedn"dys. Ail faily m embers -are,,welcome t attend. Sessions start at-6:-30.p.mn. For mo re ýinformati'on on thisfre. service, cailthe L;ung'Assocation at 416-436-1046 (Oshawa)' oar 7-.1ri324497 -(Iàn"y).. Ff . EVAIN TRUCK> WORLD I ~ ACESORESd n BTAIELATION R. VaPICK- UPe4X4 A

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