.... .. . . . .... ....... . .... WIflTY FEPRES& EDNESÉDAY. AUGUBI! 28 199L PAGE 5 4 User fees for garbage collection can be applied only if Durham Region has adequate facilities to hantdie recyclable waste, says a Whitby councilloi. MarcelI Brunelle was one of four Whitby councillors who were among. the .delegates dealing with the issue, at last week's convention-of the Association of. Municipaities of Ontario (AMO). AMO voted to posk the"province to ailow municipalities to apply the uaer-paty plan. The current legisiation doesn' allow tax based on volume, b4 AMO asked for an amendment to apply fees based on volume. "I have no problem with a charge based on volume, provid- mg we have other alternatives, s asBrunelle. Berunelle says Durham Region s'tili lacks the space, mechaniza- »tion and facilities to provide al S the alternatives that wiil allow residents toecut down on the amiount of garbage they'leave at curbside. There are plans te provide such fadilities, dependïng on Whitby councillor Lynda Buf- fett has suggested that'residents can start by reducig the num- ber of bagas er Place a t curbside for graecol ection. artbinpeople are wiling te make the effort, says Bufett noting that such an efr woul<. send a message to theprovice. «I feel very etrongl that we can reduce the nmbrof bagsas a afirststep.' Alimit of three baga erin1 family household has been sug- gested. A report by Town staff about the p an is forthcomfing and will be dealt with by Whitby council in the fall. There is a pilot project under- " Necastle. iett agrees, however, that * heRegion must provideth q alternatives te enable residents te divert waste. The donrece-hn gbuilding has te be expaniled, says Brunelle, adding that a mechan- iied sorEing sydtem is necessary te handýe qreater volumes. Both the expansion and machinery are costly ventures,says the Whitby regional councillor, *meýnber of the Region works committee. The R1egion eventually wants te collect everything that .«cazft be ýcomposted at home, and- sell it. Curr-ently the Region collecte only-leaves for composting at the works site near Garrard and Conlin roads,Wity Miller Paving tke ail "the asa that scolled b te Rgon. Mile rnds the g olass anduses it as roadbasudra epfotroetthat ie momerdby ththeZon and province. Currently, about 1U8per cent of waste pnerated by Durham resi- dents is divere from landfill sites. The Region"s goal is 25 per cent'diversion by 1992. Whitby councillor Dennis Fox says he opposes. user fees, but a ilsthey could be asource of income te help pay for the gar- bage transfer station that the Region is required te find, according Kte an' order by, the provincial government. However, says Fox, «For the average family, the (garbage). costs are enough.» If user fees have te, be im- U"oed, he says, allow residents hee cans or bags per week and apply fees on any extra volume. OTHERRESOLUTIONS Whitby councillor Tom Edwards said other resolutions* approved by delegates as requests te the province included ffiunding increases for physical, mental and sexual abuse shel- ters; a system of property tax deferrals for seniors ( seniors would pay only- interest until cashingin on capital holdings); using Le province's tire tax for Scrap tire safety initiatives in municeipalties and research inte tire recycling. Edwards says aIl 154 resolu- tions were dealt vwith by AMO delegates. Hie says it was a Mworthwhile conference" that «stimulated a lot of thought.» LEONLAE captain of the Ministry glaols a part of the recent fun-, of Revenue 'Glâd Days' amagnang caMpaign. Aboà ve, ise Daly booth for the Epilepsy Asoition (Middle was one of those who pur- branch in Durham Région, and Ja chased glad&. Almost 9,000 stemes Sayer (right) secretary of the were soli acrose thereon branch, were among those seUling iee obh ht (We -won,'t ,be beat) -~-~ ~.v*~~&CMEVROLE.TS. OLOSMOBIL'E' -, ~. CADILLACe. CMEYYLT~U~4S.. 216 Mary Street East, Whitby (1 Block East of Brock Street North) .668-3483 or Toronto 686-0061 Tues., -Wed. 10-6; ThUtýKFrI;