BY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28,1991 Fox, Run raisles ftmds- for. researhF Sunday, Sept. 15 marks the llth annuel Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research. An anticipated 150,000 people will participate at run sites acroes Ontario to raise. funds for innovative projects seeking cures for ail cancers. Peope of all ages cennirn, walI14 -bike or zrollerbiede -eny of the 10-kma courses1 set up at 500' sites around the. province. Ple<dge sheets are ava"ibe at Kwik Kopy Printing,- Pharma Plus, LOBO, Soie kan& K-Mart locations ecross Ontario, as well as on ail domestic Air, Canada flighits. Ifsmeone je unable to participate in the. run, they can sponsor .a&participant or simply use a. pledge sheet t. s.nd in a donation. " 3 SIni 1990, 130000 Onà tario residents raised *3. miflion, an increase of, $500,000 over the prvou ear. Martha McClewp Ontei. povicial co-ordinator, believes that,'-I"Terhas a speciel place in the hearte of the people of' Ontario. During hie Marathon of Hlope, they embraced him for Mae courage and sens. of purrse. Ontariens are determinedt contne rriiu UI.LL iuwor mn and'ours, bas been realized.", Fumda raised by the. Terry Fox Run are -adlministered 5by the National: Cancer, Insitute of Canada and are- allocated to specific innovative cancer research projecte.. In Canada, thea.prjetshave benefittad frM over $90 million raised by the Marathon of- Hope and the Terry Fox Run. Contact. the provincial Terry Fox Run office at 1-800-387-1200 for information on the run. 1 HEMBRhMURRAY A resident of Whitby for over, 60 yeiis, Hester L. Murray died et aga 86, et Whitby General Hopital on Auguat 1. 1991.' IWife of- the, late Frank E. Murray, ,oe. liveod 'at "Regency Ores. Whitby'for the past four years. She formerly lie on Coronation Rd.,ý RR2, Whitby., A -daughiter ofUiÎé late Arthir andPRose Jones of Tweed, Ont., se was born on September 16, 1904 aitFarnworth ornSe, Hungrfod Twnshlip., 5h.woZked at WhitbY psychiatric Hospital bdefooher inarriage in1931. Alsoe.was on MtaR at Fairview Lodgs for 18 yers before etiring.< 5h. wai a member of the La&d'Auxilimy of the Royal1 Canadien Legion (Whitby Branch 112). for over 25 ..years, and ýa -nember of Ailý Saints': Anglican Church and Ladies Guild. 8 h. e eurvived, ýby daughters Exly (Mrs. E. :Stonebridge) of Gilmour,: Ont.,- Barba(M. rs. W. Woodward) of Sidney, B.C. and Trene (Mrs. Jonies),of Oshawa, 10 grendchildren and il- great- grandebildren. Mm. Murray je also sturvived by on. sis=r Emma Hendesn and one broter, Robert S. JonesV of Madoc î Ont. on.ebrothr, Bert, and one smater, Marion, died befor. ber. Minister Rod Barlow of Ail Saints' Anglican Church con- ducted the funeral service on August 60, 1991 at the. Town by interment 'i-Groveuide Cemeterys, Whitby. Jeannette Woodcock,(ne. Des- chenes lidatWityGnera Hosptaon August 18,1991. She wes 62. 8h. is survived- b he hue- band Gordon, dau#hLrs,.S"heila, Marilyn and Janice, and s lons Gordieand Randy. The funeral service waa held at St._ John the. Evangeliet Church, Whitby. on 4 Thrsda, Augut 2, 191,Father Andy Mcetfh conducig.terment at0 Reu ctin try VICTORIGGLEsDENýý. Victor ,, Alfred 1Ig:l1sÈen. of Whitby died' at .Whitbyeea H~~on 1Saturd'y,Auat1 1e.Hewas85. H. was bornIin England oýn November.26,1905 -son, of Alfed and Nellie ( e) iesden.ý A priterbôoe i retire- ment, Mr,. -Igglesden wes, an active member of the Whitby Seniors' Activity .Centre for 15 ~~and pat esident -of the tion. Asscea He *asa lie member ofth Acaia aaoc LdgehiOttawa, and, a 1f. membler qof the-Ottawa Club of "Printing Ho us. Crais.ý men. He is survived by dauhter Dorothy and h ler' hus and Richard Sundin of Ottawa grandchildren Michael 1 (Simonne) Stephen <Connie> andi .Victoria (tony), also of Ottawa geat-grandcbfldren 'Mark, Jef- ie: aKria9t in a. Hewspredeceas 'ed by hie wife, Grace (Read) on Januar 28$ 1 986, and hie brother Regiald, of Ottawa. ~e funeral service waa held from, the W.C. Town Funeral, Chapel in Whibyon, Monday,ý Auget19 1991, Bey. RoBr. Issomneboà ' drinkIng a pblm with you?-W. PAGE 22, WF Terry O0bituariesý ') i~ &Min a