PAGE 30, WMITB FRÉE PREMS WEDNESDAY, AUGUr 21, 1991 DURHAM REGIONAL POUCE SERVICE TENDER'. DRPII1/91 DRYCLEANING 0F UNIFORMS Sealed tenders$ wilI be received at the office of the, Chiot of Police,' 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Up until 1000 hours, Friday, Séptember 130 1991 for the drycleaning cof uniformns. Tender forms mnay.,be picked up or requested through the office of Superintendent R 'F. Jarvest, between 0800 and 1600 hours, Mona ahraugh Friday. Teleiphone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any tender quotation not necessarily accepted. David Edwards, Chiot of Police Onai D O.. PMRIENDEW BAHA'IS- BEUEVE: Bewarel Bewarel lest ye attend any heari. For information and discussion, cal 668-8665. BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counisolling. Free and contidontial, avaflale Mondayte Frtday, 8:30 amn. to 430 p.m. Cglinlc evory Thursday 3 te, 6 p.m. Feor further information, calI 420-8781 or 433-9901. IF YOU WANT. TO DRINK, ,thoi's'your business. If you wa t te stop, that's Ours.- .C all. ALCOHOLIOS ANONYMOUS Lalceshore Ditricts <416) 728-1020à THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacrod Heart cf Jesus for faveurs roceivod. My the Sacred Hoart of Jesus be adorod, glorifed, loved and prosorvod threughout the world now and forevr. o, Sacrod Hoart cf Jesus pra for us, st. Judo workor cf miracles pray tor tus, St. Judo helperoe the hopalees, pray for- us. Say- this prayor nine times a day. By the à ihhday your prayrwtmllbe answered, regard"essf how hamesyour situation sem& PtiAion mus et -apromised. G~. STRESS & WELLNESS management, refiexolcgy, aromna therapy, shiasu, blo-onergy, and nutrition. Cali. 668-5159 for appointmnti.' THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacrod Heart cf Jesus for favours rocivdMythe Sacrod Heart of Jesusbe adredglorified, iovod and prosored throuqhjout tho world now and forever Oh, Sacrod Heart of Jesus pray for us,, St. Judo worker cf miracles pray for us, St. Jude holprof e, the hopeless, pray for us. Say7 this pra ornin times a day. By the. dayé your p rayer will ha ansore. ogadlesof how GENERAL CONIBACIOBZ Tenders* are invitod to Repair and Replace Extorior Stairs at the Psychiatric Hospital, WHITBY, Ont. TENDER #QMli1ZI The. Ontarlo Govomrnoent intonds that equitable omploy- mont practices ha supportod in the pria. sector and encourages -you .le tako an active ý.raie in achiovlnq the goals of empioyment oqurty. Soalod Tendors will ha rocelvod until 2:00 p.m. local lime on 'WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4ý 1991. Tendor Documents mayb obtalned fromth Ontaria Mlnistry cf Gcvemnmont Services, Orillia District Office, Mernorlal Avenue at 1h. Huronia Regional Centre, P.O. Box 70, Orillia, Ontario M3 6K7. Note: For further- information regaring the. Tenders, pleaso Bol heTndeors Office at the above address, telephone <705) 325-7403. The. iowest or anyeTender net nocessarily accepteýd. SPECIAL THANKS - and' rocognition te the Sacred Heatoe Jésus, St. Judo, miracle saint cf hopolee caos, and ta our lady of perpetua-holp for solutions to prebloms through prayer. C.M.M. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- ships..For help, 'calI the Denise House for Women and Children. Toli free.'-800-263-3725 .or -728-7311. - Confident iality assurod.' (Formerly Auborge4 h=opOOs yu 5tIionl seems- CINDYS >ALTERATIONS -- Pliain must ha promisodi. AB. Updlate your fai1 wardrobe, back to ________________school cithes, 'ail kinds of aitorations and custom taloring. ABORTION- REFERRAL inter- 101l-1/2 M ary, St. W, Pearson mation. Cal 4»ilffl. t,. L ~4aas 65o;i -at 1991 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, ELECTION OFFICIAL REQUIRED ~piaonseare ivWld f«r poià Sos asEle«mio Offcistor the. 1991 Eloctinsto behold on TUESDAV, NOVEMBER 12,1991. Positions are avallaie for poisons who are 18 yoar of'ge «o lder fa work as: DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICIERS POIL CLERKS or ELEOTION ASSISTANTS 150 l125 $125 Appication forrs are available tram the Clodcs Ofic., Cornpleied applications shotld be submietlo the Deputy C"erknot Lmatera MIOHAL D. DAVY DEPIJTY CLERICAND ASSiTANT RETURNINO OFFICER THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHUTBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2»8 TELEPHONE: (416) 668-580 CORPORATION'0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY 1991 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS PREUMINARY UST 0F ELECTORS C oie f o PMiimWamy Liet cf Eoem shawing to'nammo f ai ouo~ onildto vota n Mte Nobor 12,19 uicipalElectin in h ono Wh1m wlb. poslad o usceSeptember 3, 1991 aitemfollowing Ashbum GenmWStore, 899Ashbum Roaci, Malum Fire Hal, 201 BmckStrootSouh> SmithssWhisteS Sop, 9550Bak" See Mw Sdo ImjsPark Recration Compleu, 500 V'T Vee Wst otOfc, 2 Pnice SkSUroeôOokin Post OffSc, 200 Dundas StiGet East Senior Citizos' A ceCntre, 801,Bmc" SheotSmut Whitby MunicipalBucia,575 osslandRoad East Witby Publcubay ( Dundas Stroot Ws To qual I voe at #wo Municipal BElocs apoion must b. oçhen yeoaf aeodron or before Novmbo 12, 1991I, a Canaifan citen, and have beona rosient of VWhy or te ownor or tenant et larut i ho Town or the. spouseo f such caneror t=naitan rn cng te o f Seplembor,3., 1991 b Octboer11, 1991 annotbeohe WdsqualIW l from votfr. AI elecousshould exmine te listIo eensure tee' nanmsand chier rlevat mtorrnation are conechly shown. Applications forindusions, afflbins or corections Io or doeti o .'t>mn tit are avalMablt fle Ckk offioa. Applictionsfor rovision cf te Mt myb. lled wihh te .Oork betwon thie houi of, 8:30 arn. and 4:30 p.m., Monay be Frday, dunndmtepood Tuesday, Septombor 3, 1991 In Thumday. Ocboér 10, 1991 acionFdy Octbo 11,1991 betwoon the hauts of 8:30 arn. and 5,00 p.m. LAST DATE FOR APPLICATION - OCTOBER 1191 R TR AlO F CANDIDATES Ae you lnosted hIn vung for local gommrent office? ifJVu pan be soek office Inithe 1991 Munic-ial Electians for xunicipal council, sdor hycà «'o-oectriccommnission ycu mrgisier with te Town CMerbefore you spondor rise any nony eorcamnlgn aikbes. Rmegistrationorms and relaled kifmig atincn be obtelned t the Cloeks DONALD G. NMY CLEMK& REIURNNG OFFICER TMECORPORAhION OF 1THE TOWN OFWIITBYl M7 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARSO LUN 2M8 (HtI:416) 668803 FREE TO GOOD HOME. 1-year- iAred uction of U to 24 per cent of Municipal solid I childrèn. Moving, noeds room te" waste can be achie ved run. 430-6349. ! tlirougb recycling _______________ Ine wspapers, glass, HOUSE, APARTUENT FOR RENT? j cn n lsi 1,009 rke oujý oftdrink containers I i i I i *KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS' Ever- Wednesday at 6:30, pxm. Located on Brock Rd., Plckoring, .3 miles north .cf Hwy. 401 nEit #399. Featuring _e(Ê,d a excellent se etonofaniqesfine furniture, glass china, collectibles, ditives, anP1the unusuals.,Se cm 'us every Wed. and participate non. of Ontario's ,"truer- auctions wlth ne' buy-backs orroerves. wConsignment and 'estate selllng aur spociaity.- Cali us tcday. Proviews frorn1:00 p.rn. KAHN AUCION -SERVICES ><416) 683-0041 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN 'FRIDAY AUG 23 AT 6 R. THE ES'ATE 0F THE LATE LELA MILROY 0F FENELON FALLS, PLUS OTHERS Walnut what-not stand, wainut end tables. round oak split-pedestal dining table, harvost table, codar chest, 5 pc. bridge set, double box spring & mattress, modern direr, Zenith console colour TV, GE - spin washer, *Viking portable ,dryrblue modern lovesoat & chMair, woodon rocklng chairs, rot lnishod -,oak ---bod, refinishod parlour, table, rofinished sideboard, side-by-slde tridge/ freezer combinatuon & matchtng- electric stove, chesterfield, oak mirror, butcher block, roIl-a-wa1 bed, bas coftoe table, tablea floýwor lanips, mantel dlock, Modol 446, 16 HP hydrostatic drive case gardon tractor w/hydrauiic mower, snowblowor & rototillor, MF dump gardon trailer, I.qty., of 4-drawor motai f illng cabints & computer dosks. qty., handrnade quifts, tools, china, glass, pictu re trames, small eloctrical appliances& housohold Rtems. DON& GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1% LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX: 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SUNDAY AUG. 25 - 1 P. FOR ThiE ESTATE 0F MRS. GERTRUDE GOODWIN, 1784 NASH FRD. IN COURTICE (aerossfrorn Courtice Figh Soýhool) Complote houseopld 0offtumituro, aliances, linons, dishes, etc., plus antique radios, transmittors & parts, goiod eloctirc organs with stools & much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 CLASSIFIED RATES are $5.00" for 20 words prepaid or $7.50 billIed., Cail now to place your ad. SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT AUGUST 24 -'60 U. EVEW SATURDAY NIGHTAT 6:30 P.M., PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAVOON, 10 MI. NE 0F OSHAWA Each woek 'we have a1 pood seloction of antique fumituro, colloctilos, modern fumnishings, appliances, lodls, lawn &.garden oquipmonl, spowrts oquipmont, mornorabilia &w lots cof other intoresting & unusual. pieces. Terms are cash, choque or Visa To bock your sale'ai your place or ours, or for more information, please, cali 416-263-4252. Sale managod &soidby: GARRY.K.,POWELI, AUQIIOtIS