WHriTYFREPFRSS W NESDAY. AUGUST 21, 1991,PAGE 21, 16-earoldwins second -nationatte JeseWilsnj istlhemtocross experts Ashburn'a Jes se Wilson recentlycaptured bis second con- secutive *national motocross Last year as Wilson Iraced te a junior rider, bis first Cana- dian championship. lI the intermediate thia season, ho rose te division the top once again. Noxt year ho entera the expert category,, and ho 'entera wiÃŽth definite pflans. "I want to get, a national num- ber,' Wilson says. "The' top, 50 are ranked nationally, andl'. aiming for a top- ton raning.» lI his firat two races at the nationals, Wilson crashed. Already off to arough start in the 125cc and 250cc classes, bis third race of the day was li the 5000c class. 1 After I crashed li the first race I waa disappointed. When I crafied in the 250 race it made me feel awful.» But Wilson rebounded te win the 500 race, and collected two firats and a second li subsequent 500 races te dcaim ,bis second national titie., ."When I have a'bad race, rm more gresaive -and I try extra bard todo0 well.» That offenisive style also pushbd the 16-yeýar-old champion to the, 125 -mi*ni-stat title héla in Queboc . .Next.soason, Wilson linos up with the 'best expert riders li Canada. During races the inter- mediate and,, expert ridera r',aS together, although the experts atart 15 seconds biefore. .<'During races I can catch up, to the last haif of the expert group, so rvo had some experience.» Wilson: began racing when ho waaaà ge 11.Whle his fathrià a motorcycle enthusiast, it was bis mother who bought hlm bisfirt bike. <'Tere was this kid who m'oved i down the street who race d.0Ho got meintheCMA (Candian Hi gal isto ecmothe nnber ne akdrdrh Caniada ' and' to race in, the UnitedStates. "Nýot very many Canadiana have done well li the statea., 'Wilson saya. The motorcros season wil gear up again noxt Aprl. THE, REGIIONAL MUNICIPAL1TY 0,-F DURHAM JESSE WILSON recently captured bis second consecutive national cham- pionsbip in motorcross racing. Wilson was this ymers .intrmediate 500cc chamnpion. Cihis Bovie photo NOTICE 0OF COMPLETION'0F ENVIRONMYENTAL STUDY. REPORT AUGUST 211,991'- CLASS ENVIRONMYENTAL ASSESSMENT EXTENSION 0F TRUNK SANITARY SEWERS TO SERVICE THE COMMUNITY 0F BROOKIJN IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY In acoordance wih the ýapproved _proedures contalned lnthie 'Vlas Enomril MusmnumUfor mwddil S 9wg s-nd WMbsrPmIs - ScIW<kilsC th Regioriat Municuaiyo Durhamr heoeby notifies ali intresed ndMual an patie Iatth EnvironmientEl Study Report (ESR) for the above-mentoe project has been completed. 'The Reional Mnmialy cf Durhami has finalized the prnred ahignment, for thne fture etesin fa tnink sanitary sewer frol heexistinjg santary" sewage system n nhe Town of Whitby tb hie Oommunity of Brooln. The EnvhâiunsiISlU* Report was flied wilh the Regmonai, Clerk aid, plcdin the public record for revew. The Envronmenltal Study Report wIN be avaable for review at tie following locations: Clerks Deparient OdaioalÃruicpayf Durhm Whitby Mon. - Fni. 8:30 - 4:30 Glerks Departmont Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Rod East Whitby Mon. - Fni. 8:30 - 4:30 Whilby Public Ubrary Broolin Branch 8 Vipond Road Brolin. Mon. - Wed. 10:00 -9:00 Thurs. - Fni. 9:00 - 5-00 Works Department RegionalMunidipality of Durham 105 Consumers Drive whitby Mon. - Fni. 8:30 - 4:30 Whitby Public Library 405 Dundas Street West. Whitby Mon. -Thurs. 9:30 - 9:00 Fni. 9:30 - 6.00 Whitby Publie Ubrary Rossland Brandi 701 Rossland Road East whitby Tues. - Thurs. 10*00- 9.00 Fi. - Sat. 9:00 - 500 Horticultural s'ociety mets Aug. 28 The Brooklin Horticultural Society will hold their next meet- ing on Wedesda,.Aug 28, 8 p.x, at BrookUnintedthurch. Verna liaurin, secretary. of the Canadian Iris Society, will be guest speaker. There will also- be an firis exchange. .Membera will bring *excesa fruit, flowers, vegetables for an exchange sale. Ail are welcome. Fitness-to- &zmusic wifl soon begin, FItness-te-musc classes wli ot reqstration, oeil Jennifer Subjeo to comments received and recetpt of the necessary approvals, the, Region intends té proe with detailed. design, of the- projeot. Writen omments will be recdedod* teRegional.Clerk ihin lii. review period Aiugust 21 - September 23. 191. If concems are raised whlic cannot be resolved-in iscussuon wilh the Region, the Unlister of ûhe Environment may be rqetdbbm-pthe prject to -an, Indivdua Envirornmental AssessmenL Raquetse for a 'bmp-upe must b. received by lb nister by*September 23,-at the' folloWigaddress: WMiister of lb Envircment 135 St. Clair Avenue West 151h Floor< Toronto Ontario Furgherinfrmation can b. obtairmed by oontacing Ph. Ken Thompuon, P.Eng.,R1oIe minlclpaty of DûdbmWýVoîbl-s Doparbtment-, 105 *Whitby Ontario LUN 104. Tolephone (416) 668-7721, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a&m. b 430 p.m. -DURHAM