PA&GE 10, WHffY FRBEPRSSaWEbnWERDAY. AUGURr 21.1991 Musie, thareis 'uies or JameORil By DanîelFPromsteln inthe livingroo;m of a Wbitby home, several eroali'zed'auto- graphed photos of 1egndary film c edan Charlie (th{plin are displayed prominently. on a grand piano.> Eric James, the proud owner of these prized possesion,is not just a. movie buffortuate enough to aqiesuch *a wind- fall of valule Chaplin sou- venirs. James was- Chaplin'a sole, munie associats from 1956 until 1977, when Chaplin died at age 88. ,An amiable and articulats musician who'movedfrom Eng- l'and to Canada ini 1987 with bis wife, singer 'phyllis O'Reilly,- James met Chali Chaplin in 1956 and was hired to creats syncronized muic for the- film ,Qin In New ýYork,' directed by Chaplin. The ýassignment waa 50 successfiil that James was i- vited'byr Chaplin to work with him at Chaplin'a mansioni Vevey, Switzerland to create musical soundtracks for a 'nu m- ber of films. Chaplin would relate bis ideas to James who would develop them and subsequently arrange the music to be recorded by a 50-pieorchetra. - Ho(Chaplin) produced,, acted' and directsd, but ho coulôWd' write music," James ,exp'las James fondlyreail soMe of the man y memories that he bas from bis 20-year association with Chaplin., .Even though James and Cha- plin frequently disareed about. rany aspects of the -music-writ- ng.process, James reserves high raine for Chaplins ability te, *bn about a great range of concepts and idens. "Hehbail a brain like a dynamo and expecteci everyone else te keep up with him.» James realsaugbing. "He was a ver- fectionitSom~e pepple cà led him a gnu but he was a perfectionist." As James' relation=ip with Chaplin and Chaplin'.awfe ona (YNil began te develop fite a full-fledgedfriendsbip, James THE TOP 10 CD'S 0F THE WEEK ARE: 1. Mtatlica UETALLICA - Wamer 2. Crash Test Dummies THE GHOSTS THAT HAUNT ME - BMG, 3. Natalie Cote UNFORGETTABLE -Wainer 4. Extreme PORNOGRAFFITTII - A&M 5. Bonnie RWitt LUCK OF THE DRAW - Capitot, 6. R.E.M. OUT 0F lIME - Wamer 7. The Tragically Hip ROAD APPLES - MCA 8. Lenny Kravitz MAMA SAID - A&M 9. Jesus Joqles DOUBT - Capitoi. 10. Rod Stewart VAGABOND HEART - Wamer VES - Years (4 CD SET). ...$62.99 METALLICA ...$16.991 25 HIK* -R. (acrosIUIE*IItheI[uck)[ 1 432-283 was.ablè te ame béhind'the com- plicated facade of one of the 2th centu smost popular entertain-, mentçfigurS.: O'Reilly, ailell-known singer who han permed frQue Elizabeth at Bukigham Palace and appeared in n umerous Gil- bert and Sullivan operetta, recails the first time sheme Chaplin."lie was a -bit formid- able." Onice James really got te, know Chaplin and the.wayinwbich Chaplins dyname ic ranfunc- tioned, James could ses that Chaplin didn't take life- as seri- ously as he seemed te. "Ho asaid te, me ýone* time, 'I. regard my body as sometbing ike an overcoat; when I dis,I shall shed it." By the time Chaplin- died, James had already bilt a repu- tation for bimself, conductingthe orchestra for the London produc- tion of the musical 'Olivèe and ssrvin as the vocal coach, for Topiol m là 'Fiddler -On The. Roof and Jayne Mansfield -in 'Toc> Hot To Hanidie. James, a graduats of the Col-,' legs of Music i Kensington, En<gand where he studiedora pi'ïano, joinedi the BBC (Brit-, ish Broadcasting Corporation) i 1945 and went on te do more than 1,000 musical broadcasts within the next 20 years. Hie' has worked in Germany, kAustria, North Mfrica, Singapore and many-other *countries, pri- rnarily entertaining British forces wherever ey were stationed. "It (music) is a very congenial profession. You meet a lot of people - both famous and infam- ouaj, James Baya.* One of James' biggest musical challenges to, date came recene when he was mlydb Ontario te provide the appro-. *iats piano accompaniment to §Snold Chaplin one- and two- reeler films. The assignmnent goavehlth uenvae task of composing and recordinq eight and a haf hours of original mnusic in only four day.. James ay that he was chosen because of bis elity te write oriç*mal music ui ia s hort period of time. ."If yiou have aone ho can imprvis an Wrteorinmal music,"James says, "you dn7t run inte probîes with cogyright lik yo do when you don t have inoe James and O'Reilly arrn- ved in Canada, they have been presents PLAYING DOCTOR Se pt. 5to Oct. 26 DI NNER SHOW STARTS AT $27.95 ù ictudes taxesj ;'BookEal Don't Miss TsOne' For reservations and information please cati EBIO JAMES (right)wa the muse lin, shown above at g 0 hp associate of f l n hri ~~idii7a S71. p resenting their show 4A Tribute To Charlie Chaplin,'a mixture of music, anecdo~ sons, esildes and even a so~p comedy film, at venues minV<Whitby and across'Southern Ontario. James and O'Reily maintain a busy performing schedule. On-Thursday, "ug 22 the duo will appear at 1Roy Thompson Hall inoronte in a show com- prised only of senr rcitizensa. James wiil also provide piano accopanment' fr a presen- tation of the Dolias Fairbanks' silen t film ulhe hief 0f Bagh- dad' on Ang. 25 on the Toronto Islands., And if aIl goes wsll, James might appar on a future seg ment ofThle* Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. James and '-O'.Reilly'have adjusted quickly te the c ange of less% since, their move to Whitby, wherc, O'Reilly has fan-- ily. According to O'Reilly, the move was made considerà bly easier because the cou ple was able te, successflully perform their -Cha- plin tributs te very appreciative audiences. - «We've,,dons nothi, "*elsbut music and theatre, O'Reilly aays. "It'a our business.» James saya that thé only thing he regrets about the move is, that not many*people from England come te visit them since many have died. ,Thy havqp aIl goeste the big Palladium*i the sky," James "say with enawkward 1 uh that soon f4ies imto a Nwistful 'When Ja4e is not busy côxn- posin, con4ctin and arrangig mu b, oenoyshel*ngO'Rilly tahvocal less oteCathy Murphy, an 1I8-vear-old Witby- based protege wiohas apearsd ini numerous musical prIuctions and hopes towin a principal rois in the musical 'The Phantom 0f The Opera!' If Chaplin had a brain like a dynamo, then James surely has T: 4 the work ethic of a dynamo. Since he arrived in Canada, James has feit a moral obligation b pes on bisf"experienceoan worldof posional know-hw. Ef James'a musical composi- tions are as rich *andmemorable as ChapIn'a flair., or >comic geénjîu, the residents of Whitby and Southern Ontario w'ho go to see _James' shows' are In for a treat, A photo'caption in laat week!a edition. incorrectly atated that Erie, James and Khyliu OReilly Would. present a 'A Tributsl to Chaplin Chaplin'-nt PRoy Thomp- son Hall on Aug. 22. Ini fact1 they will present 'Two Personalities and' a Piano' as art of a program for seniors. Tey U w ip-rorm the Chaplin tributs on Sept. 3 at the Scar- borough Civic'Centre., The Fres Pres wishes to apo- logize -for the error. F"ddlers, federal' Z~,iThe: Oà awa/Whitby Old M Tme Fiddle Club will receive a A -New Horizons gatfor $14,664. Tuhe project will allow the seniors to preserve a musical heritage and share their. talents. New 'Horizons ia a federal - government program that enables retiedpopltocreate projects of their'ownchoosing toffera, ___________________________________ grant. te groupe who undertake activitis for the- benefit of BD BARTRAWS ¶sland Shore #1,, GeorgiaiiBaY' (1985) themselves and their commiunityi. la one. of the selections on di à a fo The Station The accent. is on local needé sWà 4ri .1 1