Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Aug 1991, p. 15

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WH1TBY FREE PRE& WEDNESDAY9 AUGUST 14991e, PAGE 15 f.aturlnig buelnsss &. avents Un 0Alax & Plclorng ..no jst aadncnr Just acroos the border fm Whitby intoaAjax, and south of the, 461is agardon centre -not just another gardon centre tbat selle plants but one that ia an at- tration,ý' in itseif. John Brouwexes Gardon Centre i. not just the largest in Durhom Regpon but of- fers no many other tlnings toame and do ail year round thot people core juat for the funof it. 1 eopie corne for the pros ducksdeer, r5sep a~s donkeys, goatsi , peacocks,» chickens. An ofternoom feeding theA anim aisisways a -treat for the youngate ana pproprite feed ls available. -(Please don't bring your own.) >Inaide the gardon centre, huge goidfish swim in a apecialiy con- structed pond wiîth a spectaculor man-made .waterfail, surrounded by towering'-tropical plants. Also m.i s a ffl-scale aviary with.hundreda of tropical birds. Brouwer basaiso contructed an enciosed indoor shelter for dozens of native and exotic species of ducks,. geese and swans. This facility bas been involved ini the effort ta breed trumpeter swans -and ta release them into Whitby's. nearby Cranberry Marah. Families corne for the playground with élides and swings for thekIdds. There is a snak bar and a cbip truck with pinc tables- bosde the Tere :are rolling iawns and beoutiful iandscaped grounds, opectacular flower-beds, abun- dant Urenhouses and, cf course, sprenrsery stock., An :e xtensive selection -of svergreens, fruit, t shade trees, annuals, perensrases, vines, bulbe, -peat mous, bark chips, muich, garden oeils, dLay plantera quality garden tools window boxes, fountains an other concrete producta, trellises, arbours and gazebas in aiways on bond. There is also a one fulya guarantes on evergeesfri trees, 'shade trees and vns with a freeatep-biy-step plantng guide. The staff con provide ae the necessary information on. fer- tilizers'and te proper care of the plante you buy and garden tipa ta make it ail seem easy. Tbirty years. of experience stands beéhrnd the owner of John Brouwer's Garden Centre.. John started out in Whitby with a trouler attached to the back of his car, sellin landemca ing ideas ond s9=11 nurSery stock on Hwy. 2. Tbrough the yearsý, he pur- chased two acres of land' on Hi-ghway 2 ta accommodate bie reçular customùera.ý After running thins gardon centre s3uccessfull for severai yeara, he sold'it ta one of the nursery chains and re-established hfimaSf as a strictly wholesals nursery on bis rent poperty at Bayly and In recent years, he bas gane bock itta the retai market ta W *~de custamers throughout haRegion, bath aid and new wth beautiful sélections andiots ofexpert advice. Peope corne for the profes- sions! seminars that are held throughout the yearon landscap- inlam prunig and other topica. Fr am beantifulyard they can get aBgrower lan=oap plan. 1For a nominal fee, a profesionai landscape dm#r *il drawup an easy-to-foilow, scaled ta make your yad a van- ner. The staff isfil of time-saving advice to keep you enthusiastic. If yoiire willing to spend the tire and money to beautify your yard, Uiey want you to get it right. Potted nursery stock can still mid-November. ayiebfr If. your landacaping needs require interlocing brick. John Brouwer Garden Cntre is an authorized distributor of Unilock - ail size shapes and cc>ours. Helpfu tips and expert advioe on taxing your landJscaping project are always free df charge. Year.round garden tip and product informnation cata:ogues are qenit ouit to, each home in Durham Region once a year. Newltters are available for spring, sumxner and fali plant- «I'roirwere Gardon Centre offers mo ruch that it is a popular destination for for 'al agesof uchool gop alearn about bath the prlanta and the animais- Ail soits of groupe - toddlers ini day.care, seniors, and the mentafly or physically handi apd will finid, it an .ebqplnace tO visit. Booldngw shouId be made in ad.ane.Ample parking. is At Cliritrosurnîe, there in a breathtakingdisplay of Poinset- tias thrugiout se store and the grounda are !full of decorated Cbristmas trees. When the pond freezes it becomes a huge skat- ing rink for the public. The snack bais always stocked up with bot chcoate Yoizre welcome to spend an afternoon at John Brauwer's Gardenx Cen'.Te any time of the ye - and discover how mauch fune you and your family can ,Whiere else does the entrance have , Welcome" and the exit "Thank YoUU chiselbed in aote. BROUWER'S GARDEN CENTRE provides lots of oppor- tunities for visitors ta picnicas well as feed the animais and birds while shopping for their gardening supplies. The waterfali in the opposite corner ije inside the garden centre. The falls feeds into a pond of golfish su.rrounded by a rich tropical setting. Ajax Fmily Fstival w'Il involve entire communhty Th.esoon ta ho compieted 15 milfion dolar expansion ta the Ajax -om.unI Centre wil ses the rebrth of te" Max Family Fesfival' as its firat miuor. occupant o Spimber l3th,. l4th and lSth. - Te gant trade show and fesival wae put in motbbaflh last year because of the màyor construction at the Aax Comrnunity Centre. 1991 Aaoi Family Festival chairman, Jos Dickson, ta lookting ta, a apectacular weekend event as he saya "marlybecause of the efforts cf île executive; Secretary Treasurer - Alex Luke, Arts and Craft Show- Fran Jeffery, Publicity - Sue Boton, Co.rdinatar - Linda Cork, ýTeddy Bear Plcmic - Maureen Dowani Monte CarIa - Bob Rowand TrdeShow - John Murray, Loony. Draw - Jack S esFashion Show - Kathy Wlciy, Seniors Bake Sales & Tea Room . Ajax Seniors Friendiy Club, Auction - -,Nax & Pickering Board of Trade." Dickson aeapayas pecal tribut. ta anvolunteers from many of tbne Ajax service clubs and ta the Hospitai auxilliary who corne out té, participate in the vortous events. He indicated ùta Runnymeds's generous cor- porate sponorsbip wtll help mû.e the event a.-succeufu on. The Fomfily1esivahés raised over $50,0&O fe the community ini its firat seven*yor Procedathis year wifl b.'d= e ted tthe Mon- fundg, Anrew's Centre and' Senior .0itizened Priendship Club expansion fund as weil as variaus you!th prQject out of the- Ajax Çonîrnunit Centre and other charitable n ini the community. Dicksan indicated lthat the craft show, wbich is on Saturday Setemberl14th, bas ail 50 units oda ut.Tne giant trade show which bas th e arena for the three fulil days bas sixty of its eighty boothesid. SM PAGE 16 OPEN: MON-FRI. 8AM TO 8PM, SAT: BAMTO 6PM, SUN: RAM TO 5PM

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