PAGES. WH1TY FREE PRE&a, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7,1991 The.only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! Publlshed every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brook St. N, Whtby, Onta'rlo Li N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line,427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351 To the Editor: According to a section of Bill 74, An Act Respecting The Provision of Advocacy (Read Legal Action) Services ta Vunerable Persans even though there presently exists an' Advocacy Rsurce Centre), it is stated, under criteria for appointment to the com- mission, that "A majority of the members of the commission shall be persans who have or have had a mental or physicai disabillty, iliness or infirmity.w This is an act chaired by the elected- representative of Durham Centre. _What in the world is going on hors? Combine this with their 'new racist/sexist hiring practices and the people af Durhamn Centre who voted for this ý,,avernment must begin to ask themlselves .. Why? TIfe NDP governrnent continues to creato the Impression that the Province of Ontario is bein!g governod by peoplo from a comic strip. This really is, 'The Far Side.' David Barber Whltby Thank you To the Editar: On behaif of Epilepsy Durham Region I would like to thank yau for your ca-operation in annauncing aur monthly meetings. The advertisements have. been mentioned by many -people. Ilt certainly has been a great help in impraving public awareness. As yau will notice aur name has been officiaily changed ta Epilepsy Durham Rogian.- Our new off ice is iocated at 369 King St. W., Oshawa. Our mailing addross is still the same., Again, thank you for your support. JiIl Bouillon Public Relations Director I"With more space, the museum can get new old artifactsP' en gei n7. VAVd * -, - - I -, OLIP,*OVIP & ODIP?9 By BarbaraBlck The 'rich get richer end the paor get poorer' applies to lite and living ln this decado of the, nineties. We hpve OHIP, otherwlse the majorlty of Ontarlans could not prlvately afford hospitalization or doctor's fees wthout the risk of personal financlal devastation. In the so-called 'Just Society,' only the weafthy can afford justice. In cases of divorce, for example, the offendsd party, usually the wlfe, must rely on legal aid -- rsally a band-aMd solution against an errant spouse whô is the prtmary eamner and can afford a lawyer. How about OLIP - Ontario Legal Insurance Plan? That would regu-, late a lawyer'e fees andi give fair, legal accee to evsry Ontarlan. Thb. amaunt ans pays for auto Insurance depende an such fac- tors as the Insurance agent, the lnsurlng company and status of the driver, and the resuRl s a wlde variance ln prmlums. Haw about 'OVIP - Ontario Vehicular Insurance Plan? Pald ditectly to a gavemmnent -plan, commercIal and business ope- rations. In dental cars, for those- who have ta pay dental bills, the'dollar pain ls often, warse than the drill'. Haw about ODIP - OrMago Dental Insurance Plan? After the Implemientation of these lnsuring paîlcies for the necessiles of iffe, we mlght have enough greenbacks and loonles ta pay for grocerles. If flot, we could put ln a plea for OGIP - Ontario Grocry Plan. OVIP would iive f air auto ln- surance ta those ln retirermnt,. Opinions expressed ar those of those wfth young chldren, those ln the author. *o th e ior. Shame,- shame, sharne To theoeditor. 1 was surprsed by Mms. Pri- mneau's commenta ln an article about the Comnmunlty Cars van belng retumed.,ta the Lions Club <'Cost-cuttlng chope van service,' Free Prese, July 17/91). mhe Ontario. gavemnment funde 70 per cent of the caste of Durhamn' Communlty Care services, lncîud- lng those provlded by the Whltby office, so0 that of the $6000 needed ta maîntain the van, $4200 le provlded by the govemn- ment. Does this mean that Whltby Communlty: Cars can't raies $1 ,800 a ysar? I aIea know that the Lions Club gave Cammunty Cars $2,000 In both 1990 and 1991. Mms. Prlmeau, 1 agres wth you that the van service would be better whsn 'used by several people at a time. What you don't know le that 1 was tald ta stop promotIng the van for recreation, and that Durham Communtty Care doesn't want ta expand the ser- vice. When 1 asked If w. could Instal a Ift for the hand ~psIwas told' that Communlty Cars wquld not steal work from Handi-Trariit. Mms. Prlmeau, I knew that the van was doomed when they changed the administration, lb. van le gone because Community Cars dldn't get their way with the Lions», that le, ta, use the van for the whole Durham Reglon. lb. van le gone, i arn gone, and To the Editor: 1 had ta Iterally shako my head and smile a littie when I read a short article tucked away on page 8 of the July 17 Whitby Free Pross. The article. described how cauncillor Drumm rose on a point of privilege at the July 15 meeting af the Whitby Town pouncil. Ho tald council hé had erred in criticizing coundî'lor Bugelli over i will neyer do any volunteer drlv- lng for thle outflt. To thase who helped ln allawlng the van ta go, i say, shamne, shame, shame. 1 arn very carry for a il the seniors who needed the service of the van. I want ta thank ail the peopls i drove, it wae a pleasure servîng and helplng them Iln any way i could. Vlcufau hie raie to. build a parkette an Kapuscinski Court. "Drumm admitted ho was, wrong and asked for Bugelli's faregivenoss.7 Drumm's mistake was to criticize Bugelli publicly. That's not permitted at council. lt' against the miles. His penalty was ta apalogizo even thaugh hie observations regarding the siting of the parkette were accurate. 1 thoughtback to a mavie I saw -recently. A 'surgeon in the U.SS.RL was nat permitted to practice jmedicine and was relegated ta, washing windows because h. jrofused ta sign a retractian admitting lho erred in criticizi ng the F govemment. I assume 'councilior I rumrn canagain perfarm surgery. DAVID PIE a echool ý' Toronto a * . Âsaciaton Whftjy amcat aùd Lee Naylor help a student off during ai -practice- -emergency, eo- patrollèrs from *Durham and cled a" Canadian Automobile A) officer training camp atcamp j The -Far Side Public criticism isn't per11m itted