Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Aug 1991, p. 23

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Pisaso check your advortisement for orrors on the f irst day of publication, The Whitby Fre Press will flot b. hiable for failuro to publsh an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up ta a maximum cost of the Insertion. The. Whtby Fr.. Press reserves the right ta classify or reject ail advertisoments. PRE-PAID) (Cash, VISA, choque recelved beforo deadline) $5.00 for 20 words; ($5.35 includes G.S.T.) -120 each additional word; (130 includes G.S.T.) BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 810 per agate Une. (14 agate uines per inch) ,minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFUEDS (Ads with bordors, pictures or graphios) Regular display rates apply - 86o per agate uine Minimum sizo 1 column inch $12.04 (14 agate linos per inch) I PLUS 7% G.S.Tu I DEARDLINE -Monday noon pnror to Wednesday publication. 668-0594 WHITB3Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7,1991, PAGE 23 Whitby W~IDINGS (as o(Aug~ 7> HblDMi Beânet 1laieu MIotoSdm W L T FIM 19 7 0O 88 17 7 2 36 15 10 1 si 14 9 2 80 916a 0 18 5 19 1 il MMLigDiDhmý Wmterbed Caste Whltby UieD Tanflarron Brthos Returant Sbewsn Epopofrti CrcieTdiHUMFMP W L TPIM 1510. 0 30 14 10 Il 2 12 12 1 25 1118 1 23 8 17 l 17 8 16 -0 la CORPORATION OFTH ... . TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F PUBUC' MEETING Re: Development Charges, PM-maal Trhurley, August29, 19910@&O0,p~m MeetingHall, WhIby MuicblpBuilding A'pubic meetin l b. held by the Council of the Corporation of the Towofhib for Mi.prpse of prosont-ng a report Of elopment 11:13c marges lureg to delopment and redsvelopmnent for the. Town aof hibjand h WhitbH ro ecri Commission, pursait 16 Section 4 1hoDvoelapum Clu Act The. public le invied Io attend Mb meeting and Io provide input with repetthie pmoposod developmt charges. In addition, wnitien comnecan b. subnimted ln 1h. Town of Whitby unti no laier than September 20, 1991 at du Ufolwing ad&es: Town of Whftbv lmunldpal Buildng 575 Rosslad Road East Attention: I.t. RA. Claringbold, Treasurer Comments received from th. public. eiher i writing or at the public meeting wil b. considered pnor Io the preparation of dm. final report and imp;.enâing by-lw<)Copies of di. draft deveIopmont charpes report can ho obtainedtfom t. Town Treasrer, Whitby Municipal Building, on. orafte Friday, August 23, 1991 duning business hours, or at th. publicnmeetin. Requeste for fordw rinfomaonregadngtih.prosessuld h. directed tIo W. RA. Claringbold, Tesrrt 416)68503 RA. CLARING13OLD TREASURER DATED lb. 7th day0f August, 1991. Ag"t1 YdkiowWblte BdiorEdied Daniel Mrmlotta 2 Ni[CimMuir Mstthew Moepn August2 e HlueJjs Con uts r Chris Berne. JeffMBrtrsnd Brin msclntosh David OUsa DavidMorun 3 ChrisWynn. Miched NOKMO 2 1 C.I.C.. 4 Lm Najior BEb«Nicon 6 Peterth@ Pbumbo 0 4Ce.hrùI. 4 kybawks Adm o8dm 1 Panther. 2 le i. Vsoo 2 8 Condors 7 Suat Vin m4 Luke Bobinas 2 3 Jaguars & trI&s O Ciarsn Thompoon 6 4 Fslcons 2 2' Snrdes 4 Grag Poweâ2 Derkuiohor Pma o LAes Tait + Taxes Psently takn resfo hs e.Coc ffrkane, Trip1eMats and VYgoovel Ovè ver O framples ectoch'osefrom! Unframed print $225,00 + Taxes C/a44iic inneett Harwood Place Mail,,Aja ( ear mralMart 427-1663, We also feature other artista such as: ROMANCE, CAMPBELL4 BATEMAN, LUMBERS, COTE, FLUERRY, ROBSON & MUELLIER, Whitby softbafl »E&S AND WrANDIN49 (forweek-un July2B> ions Club 10 KInnen Club 6 National Trust 24 Brooklin Ligua 10 Brooklln=Lgln 21 Kinaon Club Il Natcoi Tu~ 19 Lions CLub 8 - GPW LT PM lionsclub 97 2 014 NatlooeTrust 9 7' 2 0 14 Broo&llnJ.LWon 9 8 e O 6 Klnunen Club 91840 2 Kiwsnls Club 17 LovflDrugs 8 RAUsr Club 12 Flshermsn'sFriend 7 Dur. ladies Fbaf 13 Botsa Club 10 -GPW L T PM Flhomn'Frod 9 a 1 19 Rotai Club 13 9 4 O 18 KiwslseClub 159 4 0 18 LveflD.aps1 9 1 7 Durham ladies Nathai 14 2 120O 4 BQUIRT Brook.Oplt U.tI 27 Broklln Op"W si26 Sorichetti Corp. 18 Pcacock Sports 17 Ruddy Electrc 12 Contua7 21-R.Browu 5 Wbtby Opdlmlt 25 KMu-en Cluh 14 Mldway Moto. 382 BReMax-EL.B"vis GPW L T PIS Century 21 - ILrown 12 Il 1 0 2 Rudd mocrie 12 9 380O,18 Sorichetti Coip. 12 8 4 0 16 Mldway mmtt 12 8 4 0 18 Wbitby Optlilut 12 6 6 O 12 KinmnClub 12 6 7 -0 10 Bokn0optmi.t 12 4 8 0 8 Poeok Sports 12 4 8 O 8 BrookuOptimsteaIl 12 4 8 0 8 EeMsx - ILBevl 12 2 100 4 Whitby Iroquois socer HOUSE LEAGUE MAJOR UN Crime Stoppera and. Durham Regional Police are appealin or the pubic' hlp sovig theft and damage incidenits w1lh r ocoerriigto City of Oshawa traffie Sisin in the ru-al northern area. Durinig a routine inspection in Mardi of this year, tralflc staff discovorc 14 street name siqns misng from varions intersections. On July 7 at the intersection of Harmony Rd. N. and Howden Rd. E <th Conc.), a citizen observed a pick-up truck knock over the aigu post. The suspect thon loaded the post into the vehicle and drove. awý July 10, a street name sw and a 'Construction Ahead' sign were etolen from the corner of 4hornton Rd. N. and Howden d. W This intersection bs been victimized soven times tbis year. Since Jan. 1, there have been 35 cases of theft or anaim, costing $3,500 te replace or repair traffic property. Intersections without stop signe. can ho extremely dangerous for drivers and can cause maor collisions. The removal of streot name signa can aeriously haper th emergncy responso tinie that has ]een improved through the ipmetation of 911 Have you any idea who is stealing those signa? Have you seon any of this stolon property in someon's possession? If so, give Crimestoppers a oeil. As a caller yoiu wiil not ho required to idenit1fy yourse1f or have to go to court. Crimestoppers wiil pay up to $1 000 for information leading te the arrost of the porions- resnsinblo. The, Crime Stoppera number is 436-8477 (that'. 436-TJPS). 1 "thi number is long distance, cail us coilect, or thmough your local Durham Rogional, Policé number and ask for Crime Stoppera. Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durham Régional Crime Stoppera and write. this article te, help combatcrim. s * - es ses, e.. 00 More sports 1 1

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