PAGE 22, WHfrmY F< PRESS, WE.DNESDAy, AUGUST 7, 1991 o.,. CORPORTION F THE TOWN.0F WH.ITBY NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F AN INTERIM CONTROL BY-LAW UNDER SECTION 370OF THE PLANNING ACT KEY. MAP TO BY-LAW NO. 3029-f91 TAKE NOTICE that on JuIy 15, 1 91 the Counocil of the Corpraton cfthie Town of Whitby COUNTY 0F OFVTA/f/0 adoptdB a o 099,a nemcnrlb-law, uner Section 37 ofthie Planning J..QWNOFP0F CUGO rK& Act.tL B A o 0 99 ,anitrm c nrlb e 1. 'il le# le il te et. *te ld.l THE, BY-LAW PROHIBITS dme use of, land, builings or structures on al lands zonied à l Agricultural *An under Zoning By4-aw No. 1784, as amended, otherithan the following uses: i , ,1iC Offce r nd'*sOffce Ofige or anydotahedd ing provided that such dwHings are owned by a pron -- 'i acbvee~n afi tre basis in a farming use a permitted unA er the'x - the agricuktural uses permitledwitlinthe"AgrIutural Zone- - the exlstng golf courses known as Thunderbuir Golf and CuntyCuLerdeLnc ) iuI"" GofCuG Lane Golf Course and the Wnchester Gof Club, the developg 1A Cu tHighwayl2 and the Lynde Creek, Oshima Fair, Faily Kartway and Cullen=Î 1', Il Gardons; and ,-i - - lands zones,'Agniculfurai' and us e itted therein-which are within the designated ~ i ( reskdentialarea, set out iWhtM'sOfficai Plan. Q.-I <~'~g -LWWA DOTI OR THE BY-LWWSAOPE ORSTRICT land use lnthie area described while a ~ . A~I7; roview of tme zoning by-Iaw provisions apling to this area is completed and any i< neoessaay changes enacted Io implement "hiel own of-Whitby Offcia Plan.-jtJ~ 7~ î BYLAW NO. 302".1 IS TOREMAIN IN EFFECT for aReriod of one year from the date of ssg. o ever, u in72)ofe Plannng Atalos unoil tamend the ' bvuw Ioextendthe pedod of âmechjring which it wllbeln efect provided the totai peniod o Vi i' âflme dome not exceed two yeais from mte date of passing. -.i ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ma? appeai to the Ontario Municipai Board by fiilngwith mhe Clerk before SEPTEMBER 13, 1991 a notice cf appeal setting out mhe objection to the by-la and the e muons in support of the objection. f 4 ADMOMtAL INFORAnO on By.l. No. 3029-91 may b. obudned by contactIneq . 4~ ~~ .. TSems Plni*,g Dapuinsew, -5 . h full by-law as adopted by Councul us attache&.\ - H ' vDATED AT THE TOWN 0F WHIfTHIS111 7TH DAY 0F AUGUST,- &D., 1991. DONALD G. McICAYI\: i . Ci moft Town of WhNU3y l' 575 Rouland Ro.d Eas WhlUiyOntrito ~~*~ Li N2M8 '<'- BY-LAW NO. 3029-9 _ MENG Am ifNTERIU CoNTfROL BY.LAW WVHEREAS Section 37of dmePlanning Act, 1983, provides that where the council of a / local mruns4pality has cirected that a review or study be undertaken in respect cf land use- planning. ina defined area of the munucpaity, itmay passaà by-law to bein effectfor a penoftUrne specied in thie by-law prohibuflng the use of land. buidings, or structures withn lie defined area, or portion thereof except for suchi purposes as are set out in mhe- 4( ANDWKEREAS thie Council ofthie Corporation cf the Town of Whitby has directed mhat a IL' study be camred out to recommend appropriate zoning to implemrent the policies cf tme Town Officiai Plan, AND WHEREAS, mhe zonlng of certain properties within thie Study Area does not conform tothie designations and polies ofthie Town Officiai Plan; I , -ir AND WHEREAS, some considerable lime may elapse before such study and amnendingJ zonung by-Iaws rnay be flnalized and passed by Council; AND WHEREAS, mhe Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby deenris it desirable £ te pasa this by-law pursuant to tme provisions of Section 37. cf the PlanningAct, 1983, te ll limit mhe use of mhe lands zoned RA' Agricultural under Zoning By-law No. 1784 for the Uime period hereinafter referred te; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation cf tme Town cf Whitby enacts, as i follows:jw k .. ' 1. In accordance with the provisions of Section 37 of the Planning Act, 1983, ail lande zonied OA Agricutural under Zoning By-law No. 1784 are define as an internm control area. 4. The generi zone provisions of Section 4of By-law No. 1784 shall also appty toany . developnient of me uses referred te, above in Section 2. *, 5. The provisions of this By-law shail corne into force and take effect upon the date cf ,ïT.-... , passing and shall remain in effect for aperiodof one year from the date hereof unless ' '~' repealedin tme interim. tw BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ' 15TH DAY OF JULY, A.D., 1991. CLMR MAYR -.. 4 1.