WHTM1TB REPREoe WEDNESDAY, AUGSF 7,1991, PAGE 13 Sorne homes show price increasel, MEMBERS 0F the lot Ontario Division Arapalioe .Ranger Group receivedprovincial first aid oeèrtifi-* cates in Toronto recently. Those who received the certificates include (from left) Catherine Schwartz, Erin Thomas and Elizabeth Helias. Vhs!. Boy!, photo In some Ontario commumities, including Whitby, prices on cer- tain types of homnes are starting to creep upward, states a'survey by -Roya l LePage. 1But despite recent price in- creases,. housing values. in 'Whitby remýaiù lower than they were a year mgo. The value of. a standard two- storey home in VWhitby bas ini- creased six per cent to $175,O0 from. $165,000, although -the value a y*ear am was $95,000, accordimg to a Rloyal PePage sur- vey. The value of a senior executive home bas icreased 10 per cent from $250,000 to $275OOOe the, value of a year mgo. Johan Reinstra, ]Royal Là ePage manager in Whitby, satys con- sumer confidence is on the upsw- ing, but adds that the. real estate market locally is largely influen- ced by job prospects at General Motors. The survey finds that the value of a standard townhouse ini Whitby,. at $135,O00, bas not Easy accese to Heritage Cana da Heritage Canada bas installed a toil-free lime,, 1-800-668-1867, to provide easy access. to information on its prograras and membership. Heritage Canada is a national, non-profit, membersbip-based organization, established -in 1973 to encourage Canadians to identilr, 'protect and enhance their cultural, built and maturai, enviromments. Prcigrams are desigmed to help commun ities manage 'their heritage resources. changed in recenit. months. 'The value a yemr mgo was $170 000. The value of-a detached Uunga- low remains at $170e000, dowvn fio= $190,000 a yemr mgo, while an executive detmched two-storey in at $210,000, up from $195,000 three montha -mgo but blow the $240,000 valu.. of a yemr mgo. For the survey a detmched bungalow is a tbree-bedroom sinÈle-storey home (about 1,20(U sq. ft.) with l« bathrooms and a one-car .garage; -an ,executive detached two-storey -(2,000 sq., ft.) bas four bedrooms with2 bathrooms main floor famil.y room, firep;iao mnd attached two-, car garage. A standard, twvostorey (1,500 sq. ft.) bas tbree bedrooma mand a dBtacIiOdgYg while a stan- dard to ous(1,000.sq.ft.)< has "three bedrooms; a senior- executive home is two-t;crey (3,000 sq. ft.) with four or fiveé bedrooms, atrium or, librmry, two ,fireplaces, attached, two-car- garage.* HFouiMýgvalues in- thé. Burve~y >mre RoiyaluLPage opinionsof fair mark.et value in ah locaton. POOLS INCLUDE a Ail Equlpment and Accessories* a 3 Foot Concrete Deck Tauto Rd. 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