WBYFMME ¶PzS, W EDÈAYJULY 17, 1994,PAGE 27 Wom'en of ,Distinction. nomineeswan..ted. Nancy Diamond will be honourar>' chairman of Durham lOth annual Women of Distinc- tion awards dinner te >be held Thursday, Nov.?7. TeOshawa councillor is a member of the city's executive and publie works committees and Durham Region's planning com- mittee. IObituaries NICHOLAS MOR1USSEY Nicholas James (Nick) Morris- sey< of Oshawaforelyo Whitydidat shawa Gen-eral Hospital on -July, 7, 1991. He was 77. -He was born in Newcastle* Ont., on March 14, 1913 son oJ Nicholas and' Otilla' (handel) Momrssey. He married Georgina Margaret Bell in Whitby on september, 5,, 1959. Mr. Morrisseyý was a member of the Knights of Columbus and St. Mary of the People Churcli in Oshawa. He.is* survived b>' his wife. HRe was predeeased-byhisbrte Fred and sisters :Helen, Mary, and Ruth, and -flrst wife Nora, Beamish in 1957, The funeral. service, was held at St. Mar of the People Ghurch on. July 10, -Father Bltran- con- ducting. Interment at St. John. 1the ý vangeliât cemetery i. Whitbye ED1THHIGGINS' Edith Jean, Higns of Bounti- fuUtah, formeryo Ohaa died on June30P191 t Peter- borough;Civic'Memorial, Hospi- t aI. She, was'30. She ,was born in-Oshawa on Novemnber'17 -,1960, daughter of Douglas and 'a(tpMte Edith) Burnfilr semte She married *NathanLar Hig1 shiMa c,193at Jor- dan Teple, SaIt Lake, Utah. She was ýa, memberof . the Church of-Jeiss Christ of-L;atter' Da Saints, Oshawa. She is survived by her' father, mother and stepmother, chldren Ka Joshua ýand Bryson, sisters . ceHarrison' of Ajax;, Valerie Davies of Bowmanville and Mar- garet Burnfield of Peterborough brother Mark -,Burnfield- o#ý Whitby, f-ine nieces and, nephews. Te funeral was held from the Church'of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Oshawa on July 3, 1991, Bishop Mackintosh con- ducting. Interment at Bountiful, Utah onJul>' 6,1991. OLIVE HOVIANSELAN Olive M. Hovianseian of Ajax died on June 18, 1991. She was 57' She was born on June 27, 1933 i Toronto, daughter of Harr and Laura (Wyatt) Holmes. She married John Hovianseian on November 30, 1951 in Toronto. Mrs. Hovianseian wasa regis- tered nursing' assistant at Ajax- Pickering Hospital, and a mem- ber of the Nurses Association of Ontario. She is survived b>' Robert, Raymond Nancy, Lynda, Susan, John anc Garym and was pre. deceased by ber parents. The funeral service was held fromn the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel and St. Bernadette Roman Catholic Church on June 22, 1991, Father Dan Palillo conducting. Interment at Resur- rection cemeter>'. .ELJMTREEN Elmer Nathan Treen of Whitby died on Jul>' 11, 1991 at Whitby General Hospital. He was born in Trenton Nova Scotia, son of James IL. and MU (Tompson) Treen. He married Dorothea Marion on Auust 9, 1941 in Whitby. A Whitby resident for 43 years, Mr. Treen was a body mechanic, rand a member of t he Whitby Legion. He is survived by his wife bis mother in Haileybury, tkree sons, four dau ghters and spouses, 19'grandchildren, ýfour- grea-grndcildenone sister and five brothers. The funeral service was held fromi the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on Monday, July 15, Rev. Brian Gee conducting. Cremiation followed *"1 "A private famil>' burial will be held in Haileybùry, Ont. <The Women of',Distinction award-winner i 1988, ohé. was president of the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre, vice-presi*dent of Sunrise Seniors Place and a'past director' of- the Multicultural Council of Oshawa and District. As wife and as mother. te a teenaged âaughter she was also director of Outreaci Child Abuse Prevention and Education and the Durham Council on Child Abuse and Famil>' Violence. "The purpose of thè awards is.' te recogize the sepcial contribu-ý tions women make t» the q ilty of life in aur community,a saKs Stephanie Bail, president, of t 'e Oshawa and District YWCA. >"To mark the anniversary this, year, we chose Nancy as chair because her long list of achieve- mente represent the kind of com- mtinent and service -demonstra-, ted by our past winners.» The awards arr, resented te women of accomplishmgent in the areas of the arts4 communit>' service, women in the workforce, and young women of distinction. .Proceeds from the dinner help fund, YWCA programs in Dur- ham. Those "who wish ta nominate an individual for an award can obtain information and nomina-' tionforms bycalling 576-8880.1 ickets for the, $45-a-plate event go on sale this faîl. Durham Regional Plice Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police areagi aslding for the publics help ini solving a robbery which occurred in Oshawa on Dec. 2. At 4:.15 ami two males gfained entry into the McDonald's Resauan a di itson Rd. S. by smashing the north glass door, with a'pipe.. Two employees were accos ted by the suspects and,,a knife was plaoed ta, throat of one of the employees. Suspects then forced a padlock off the safe. and unsuccessfülly attempted to open it. Both suspects then fled on foot eastbound. The suspects are described as male, white, age 18 to 20, 6 ft., 16Ibs. Suspect #1 is described as having medium-length, sandy blonde-hair and wearing a white scarf coveing the lower haif of his face., Suspect #2 is described as having short dark brown hair with a green mesh scarf covering the lower lialf oI' bis face. Robbery incidents, are on, the increase and police request your assistance. Have you heard who might. have been respensible for- this robbeiyor an>' other criniinal offence? Crimiestoppers will pay up ýtà $1 000 for information leading to an arrest. As 'a c Ier you wiil~ not be required to identify yourself or have to go to court. The C rime Stoppers number is 436-8477 (that's 436MTPS). If this number is long distance, cal us collect, or through your loal Drha Regional Police elcob cime. e.SS- * :