Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Jul 1991, p. 26

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Durham Realon Acion Commttee for Trelnlng £A 0 %,*A0*I TRAINING TENDER INFORMATION, TeCommltdâm iU be tendeiirigthe followlng courses for fosclyar191/9 MISCELLANEOUS PROGRAMS (Tender rnay be on any one or ail of these courses;- submission dates Vary.) ELECTRONIC& COMPUTER CIRCUITS (One package for tender; submit by August 16,1991.) CIRCUIT BOARDS (One package for tender; submit by August 16,ý 1991.) SOFTWARE (One package for tender; submit by August 16, .1991.) QUAUTY BASIC (One package for tender; submit by QUAUITY ADVANCED (One package for tender; submit by TRAIN THE TRAINER »(One_ package for tender; submit by' INVENTORY PLANNING (One package for tender; sub.mit by August 16,1991.) August'16, 1991.) August 16, 1991.) August 16, -1991.) If. you would like furiher lainfouln, or, are nteested In tenderIng any oaoII 0-f theseCourse.% please contact te ACT office at 430-8511. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT., JULY 27 - I1 A.M.- SELLING'BY PUBLIC AUCTION A 4-BEDROOM, TWO STOREY BRICK HOUSE AT 172 DIVISION ST., OSHAWA This lnvestment property is in move-in condition or ready to rent with a 2 yr. aid ail furnace & roof, shaded backyard & garage. $5,000 down day of sale, balance in 30 days. VTB50% of price at 10%. Property selis ta highest bidder, subfectot vendor's appraval. Open house for viewing:Fnll., July 19, 7-9 P.m, Sun, Julkr, 2-4 p.m, or by appolntment. Sae managed & soid COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE 985-2788 COTTAGE FOR' RENT. Beautiful Stoney Lake' in the Kawarthas. 2 -bodroom, inside conveniences. Available Juiy & August, weekly or imonthly. Excellent fishing - bass, pickerei,- muskie. Use ai a 14 ft. aluminum -boat & 10 HP m rotor. $500 weekly. Plemasoel ,434-2343 after 6 py.m. BiRTrH CONTROL andic family planning counseiing. freead canfidientiai, avaiiab eMonda ta Friday, 8:30 arn. ta 4:30 p.m. Ulinic every .Thursday 3- ta 6 p.m. For further information, cail 420-8781 or 433-8901. ABORTION REFERRAL infor- mation. Call 430-1663. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- ships. For help, cali the Denise House for Women and Chiidrsn. Tali fres 1-800-263-3725 'or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formieriy Auberge.) BAHA'lS BEUE a way that yourf fram. hatred. Far discussion, cal 6E THANKS TO Hl favours received. MCHIC I Monday1 430 -IF YOU WAN> SATURDAYS AUCTION ACTION SAT, JULY 20 -6:30 P.M.< EVERqY SAT. NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON, 10 MI. N.E. 0F OSH-AWA This week'to Include contents of Oshawa home: 10 p.mahgany dinlng room, ste., 3Pc. 1890ý Victorian burled walnut bedroam ste., side-by-side, barber chair, gramnaphone, pins waII unit, curlo cabinet, calour TV, washer & dryer like new, almond mnatchlng fridge & stove 3 montns aId, 3 aid eiectrlc trains, records, tools, g as lawn- mawer, 1983 Datsun ing Cab pick-up soid certified,.18 Chev van sold as is, plus lots more collectible & interestlng pcs. Terms are cashP or Visa. For more informn- ation, - calil416-263-4252. Sale managed &soid by:' GARRYK. POWELL AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE SAT. JULY 20 -10:30 A.M. FARM QUIPMENT VEHICLES& FURN[UURiéFOR SHELDON DRYSDALE, RR. #5, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 1 MILE EAST 0F DURHAM #57, 8 CON. 0F NEWCASTLE. WATCH FOR SIGNS. Fard, 3600 diesel w/cab 2150 hrs., Case S rowcrap w/hydraulkcs, 2 New I-oliand balers, bale buncher, New Holland #331. manure spreader, 2 JD hay mowers, MF 3 furrow plow, Dearbarne) 2 furrow plow, 2 cuitivators, set harrows, Gemn grain roller, 6.1t. McKee snaw blawer, 6 ft. bush hag mower, 7ft.,ý seo>raper blade, cattie scales, 2 truck racks,, barrel spralyer, 2 pressure washers., road drap, 40 f.7 storage trailer, Ryno electric pallet truck w/charger, 2 dock loading plates, barrel cart, Braden 'cable winch, 3 trailers, 114ft. fibreglass boat, 40,HP mtor.,& trailer, 1981 Vamaha snawmolbie, Vamaha 1100 mfotorcycle, 1988 GMC Sierra 1/2-T truck w/cap sold certified, 1971 Cadiliac Sedan de Ville car, table saw, lots ai antique & modern tools. 13 breeding Chincillas &- cages. Furniture: 4iigroomn ste., FP chesterfield. ste., e chssterfield, wing chair, Victorian sideboard, waslstand, drop-leaf table, gun cabinet, motal desk & chair file cabinets, collections of ail lamps, canes & aid Tonka toys, plus lots ai other smail & coliectible Rtems. For more information, caîl 416-263-4252. Terms are cash. Lunch'available. Sale managed &sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN F RIDAY, JULY 19 AT 6 P.. "VE: Act in such ieart may be frnee 10 pc. modern fnutwood ding rInformation and 10rom ste, washstands, oi 68-8665. sideboard, chesterfields, antique dressons & chests af drawers, Windsor back chairs, qty. odd waaden kitchen chairs, organ iOLY SPImRT for stoop cotise & endtabes, co-ai EBH. Iampshanae quufts, 3 pe. modem beroom *ste., single door fridge & 30 in. electric, stove, Iroam ste., modem wardrabe, ADVISOR- « table & floor larnj>s, qty. used 2x4 AN lumber.,97 M Sprint, antique to riay dalîs, very .qty ai aid tishing ;0 9 P... eBmocrate, Lifestyle Spa 3-seat jhot tub complets (used 1 month), 1328i8ft.- Apalach e 5500 house trailer f lly equiped in excellent condition including Reese hitch, plus a qty. aifc!na, glass& rrT TO DRINK, collectible items. COTTAGE' F OR SALE - Big,' thgr your business. Il youwant ta cisar lake. New A-frame sheli, 100 s top, - that's Ours. ,Cal ft. waterfront. Year-round access. ALCOIILICS ANONYMOUS Excellent fishhina. $72,900. Prh%îate IÀeshons -Disricts <(416) saleý.C4-Q1 7-D DN&GREG, CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS, RR.#1, LITTLE BRITAIN STARDUST STABLE -. Monthly horse & teck-sale. Thursàday, July 18. at 7.p.m. Coîborne,'Ont, .Pearcy St.-exit (near the big .appe). Corne &rgister. Ail budders wiII be elgilefo free draw on a horse. For open consignmentnformation 05.799.5823.41-5294 o AUCTION SALE uKAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS, Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brook Rd., Picksing, 3 miles. north af Hwy. 401 (Exit #399?. Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiue, fine furniture, glass china, colectibles, primtives, iac the unusuals. So loin us svery Wed. and paitîcipate in ons af Ontario's htm auctions wlth' no buy-backs or ressrves. wGanslgnmsnt and estats sselling 0aUr specialy.". CalI us taday. Previswsfrom iQO:p.m. KAHN'AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 113 alcohol a probleminyu raumily? AI-Anon - for frians u rsiilies of alcoholica. Cail 728-1020. Joanne Brown and Mary Lof- thouse are the ' neweet'members of the Whitby General Hospital board of go'vernors.< mhe two Were i*eloemed to, the' board' at- the' annual moetije June 26i Bette Sharp, president, of the, hospital oavfr two years, returned to the bo6ard as diretor., Ed Buffett 1e president of the corporation and chairman of the board; Jim Souch, vice-president of the ýcorporationsud ,vice-chair- man of, the1 board; Stephanie BaIl, treëasurer of the corporation sud chairman of the finance sud audit committee. .Other' executive .cammittee memibers are p ast chairman Don Fle'mng, chief of staff Dr. Batu Malek, public relations commit- tee 'chawrman ]Rob Morton and board secretary Jim 'Miller, the. hospitals eixecutive director. Other* board members are regional councillor Marëel Brýunelle, councillor:Lynda Buf- fett, Dr. Scott Brell, Dr Brenhda Calmns, Moyra Dobsoni, Jim Gartehore John gray, Tom Murphy sud Marion ODonnhell. OmissionO Ini last .wveekes edition, alito Denis O'onnor High Sehool gra- duate award winners omitted Raymond Mohamed.'whorecei- ved the Sister.Midred Moyle Bursary. AlsoMichèeeJohnstozi sud DaaMlïkac received the-Tomn Fizimons Award, not t-he Moye Bursary as was stated.. .Te Fre. Press wishes to apo- logize for. the omission sud eorror. THE IGLOOS ARE HERE> By now you maN have notioed the blue igloos. They are the lag u1IN recyhgept located in areasschapaz, püik nd rural areas. Sanie.iglooshave a red boxa edt colet ousehold batteries. The, 'amerlýtes apply ta igloos as ta the curbeide pickups. Newspapers: bundle or bWginclude ail inserté., and- do nýot iad cardboard, books, magaines, telephone; books ' ca>talogues, or cereal boxes. Food beverage cans and, plastic Wop0bttles: remove lids of *bottles and rinse cans, do not add other patis aerosol- cans or matai products. Glass bottles- and, jars: food/beverage glass only, do flot add window Hlass crnc china orlight bulbe.Thé red batteries box co lects'household dry oeIl batteries. Do flot leave hazardous* lead acid car, batteries at the igloo. Empty ail materials into the apnpate containers. The igloo hotfline number is 1-800-61 254 Ibe cost to fund, an igloo, te $4»20 for a three-year priod, ad that includes service and pickup. The Town of Whitby has spn orensste t be located in the Ashburn-Myrtle area. If your finm would-like to participate in igloo recycling depots,- contc Charles McLaren at 728-8826. Ontario Recycling Update reported in their April-May issue, news from restaurants and bars in Toronito: "Torontos restaurant and bar managers will be participating i the Mlue box recycing prograni beginning- this summer. Anl of, the estimated 3,0 etin and drnkn establishments, within the cit~y will be added ta the curbaid collection porm Rtestaurateurs will be able ta- put out for recyclngtheý following: glass botties, metal cans, newspapers,.corrugated cardboard and plasic jug sd bottles. The establishments will receive blue boxes. as weil jas 34-litre plastic storage carta. The province will pick up the $253000 estimated cost of the containers. The prograni builds on the ciWys, successful- four-year. pilot which saw the collection of,,glass bottles froni ap oxmaétely 450 restaurants and taverna.' 'LJpdate:producéd 'by the Recycling Council of Ontario (RO), is8 a 16-page bok1et informing memnbers of ail recycng acivities.- To becorne a méùmber. of- RCO, or ta receive a brochure ta attend their l2th sunnual conference, 'Shaningthe., Challenge' on Oct. 8-11, contact conference co-ordinator Renee Lagasse at 960-1025., 11P:- If graus clippings are left on the lawn they reduce water - evaporation frkon the lawn, reduce lawn, wear by creating la cushioàing- layer, and they facilitate better growth lby keeing.the saoi temperature cooler.

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