]RAGÉ 24,,WHIBY PUEE PRESS. WEDNESDAY,,JULY 17,1991 CEDAR VALLEY- RESORT. East of Orono, 4tb or tb Concession line, 7 km. east of HWy. 35/115. Seasonal camp- ground5. Beautiful. $840. "LEAVE YOUR CARES at home with us." Prof essional pet/home sitters are f ully bonded and insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. 3 bedrooms, fully furnished, air- conditioned bornes. Pools, bot tub, near beaches, attractions. Cblldren welcome. (Less than motel.) 683-5503. LANDSCAPING, LAWN mainten- ance, pruaning. seedinq, sodding. Spring clean-ups. plantîng. garden renovations, rockeries. Odd jobs. Free estimates, ("1) 649-3183. Dutchway Landscaping. HANK'S APPLIANCES. New fridges $575 and up. Used apt. fridge & stove sets $375 and Up. Rebulft timeèrs $55. Also, appliance parts &,-BB b umers. .191 Bloor St. EUnit 6, 'Osbawa. .728-4043. .........E...I...... .R.....LE. .IN"1111 YAMAHA 'PIANOS, orgarIS, clavinovas. 'Sales, rentais, le asing, lessons. Encore Music 837-2243 PRIVATE SWIMMING lessons in your own backya3rd,. taught bya certif led instructor. ,$10 per ha hour lesson. Gall Harmony at 430-0837. I. ......A.. RESPONSIBLE MOTHER of two wiII provide excellent child care ln a, family environment.* Gardent Rosslandi area. 686-482. MOTHER OFFERING loving home day care. Reasonable rates. Excellent location, -close to- Hwy. #20 Whitby GO train and sohool. Anyae, Phone Gwen after 5 p.m. 668-2564. BR0OOKUN, CHILD CARE available in loving home environ- ment. Any ae. lo available for lunch time &,after school care. Certfi ed infant CPR. 655-3742. DAY TIME BABYSUTTER required in our home for 8 month otd. Non-smoker. References required. Starting in September. Bdey/Manning area. 430-692 HOUSE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? if youý had advertised here, 11,0009 like you would be reading this now. DAY CREAVAILABLE in, my home. Safety, lots of f resh air.' Rossland/Anderson area. 668-7025. RESPONSIBLE MOTHER of two, babWsÃtting for over 18 years, wilI provide -TLC and warm meals for your child(ren).- Any age, any hours welcome. Bassett/Manning area. 666-0664. GRANDMAS COMPANY.,Green cleans (noô chemîcals). Homes and offices. We offer "Mother-ln-law dlean" (ready for lnspreton). Ail emploee are pollce-securfty checked, bonded & Insured. Member of Whltby. Chamber of Commerce. 725-9177 (24 hour answering>. LAWNMOWER LUBE. Change ail, clean and, relubricate carburetor linkage and sharen blade. Only $25. NO GST.P ST only. 430-1996. MATURE, 'REUIABLE cleaning lady' will deéan your home/office. Reasonabl 'e rates. Cai Maria, 430-0102. PAINTERS PLUS. Service and quality are not an accident. For 10 per cent off. and no GST, cail Bill or Geri, 430-6057- after & p.m. HANDYMAN WITH DUMP truck, tailgate lit. Furniture & appliance rernoval. Clean yards, basements, g arages. Cut trees, etc. Cai 655-3004 anytime. KLEEN-KUT UPHOLSTERY- re-upholstery of antiques. Ail kinds of recovering. Vour fabric or mine. Free- estimates. Over 40 years experience. 430-75,68, Whitby., RETAINING WALLS, inter- lIocking brick,, patios, decks,,fences and sodding. Good rates. Oel MacNeil Landscaping, 430-3339. REC ROOMS, BASEMENTS, drywall., - tapinp and finishing. Trimwork. painting, general repaires; Fencing' and .decks.* Cai (416) 576-7503. TWO MEN WITH CUBE VAN- 112 i-t. box, will do moving. Short or long, distance. Houiy rate: $50lhour. Phone 430-7450. Dot hrw soiSroom a atI T)ntt ry Itot. SCîssîfîs a atI «rIl thh by Pr.. Prose 668-6111ity ru Pm PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the plae t gowben your bank says *NO. Sevin Whtbysince 1973. 668720.ANUISINESTMVENUS. ARE -YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting, auto insurance because of âge,, poor driving record,' or suspension .of license? Perbaps we caýn help. Phone. 666-2090. BRAND. NEW large Dorel. baby pl~pnfrsale, $60. ýPhoneý END TABLES. (3), .1 set of wooden wlth drawers, 1, teak. $100 each. 666-0859. MOBILE HOME - 43 t.,by 12 ýft., partly fumilhed. WilI arrange move from Cobor. $12,900. 8a1 Ted: aftor5p.m.<(416),723-9109 (Cheap Living),- DOUBLE BEDCHESTERFIELD cold colour.ý New mattress. $60. ail 571-0408- evenings after 6 p.m. ELECTRIC'BROOM $10. Guitar $35. Zenth- TV 200.$250. Gooid banjo with hard case $150: Electric heaters $5 each. Cail 668-7443. MATTRESSES and box, springs3 at hall price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. PROFESSIONAL J çldouftar wlthbard cs &,strap. Brand new,ý only use 6 mnths. New$70'0,»wil sacrifice for $400, firm.. 666-9398. CHESTERFIELD SUITESý, love- seats, sectionais, ,ess than ýhiff 9price., Large se e t o . ck e Fumlture,, 524 Simcoe St.'S. Oshawa ýPhonei725-618i SeMng Machine Repairs Comýplete'Tune.up$39.95 Reoonditioùned Sewýing Machines > tm $5900< TOPUINE SEWING CENTRE 571-1-385, 400 King St. W. Oshawa NEW STYLE. WEDDING dresa for sae, ize 7. Ruffles 8' ft. long train. -OGal[-434-2662., Beat reasonable offer. Pald $2.000. WEDDING CANCELLED. Beau- tiful Gone With the Wind wed'ding, dress .-. neyer. worn, ,size 11. CaTI 666-1527 Diane, or 668-1755 Pat. MITA DC 152Z PHOTOCOPIER Zoom, black_ & red copyin. 4 yearsold.Excellent condition.. $800," or make an offer. Whitby Free Press, 668-6111 or 668-6112. MODERN WOOD 3-g lass-door buffet-with 4 glass shelves, 3 doors on bottomn, gold trim. (2) coffee tables. to match (glass tops). Asking $600 or best offer. 435-0138. BED, CRAFTMATIC - electrical, adjustable. 3 years old. Side rails. 39 x 75. New $2,900. Best offer. 655-4636. VERTICAL BUNDS. One white vinyl 40-1/20(l) x 38* (w). one brown cloth 28" (1) x 68w (w), dark brown bamboo roll-up shade 45-V/2" (w) x 62" (1). 666-9398. ONE*LOG SPUTTER for sale. 1 antique chest of drawers. with mirror. Cail 668-8960. 1 VEAR OLD' CRAFTMATIC adjustable bed with leg & back vibrators. Cost $2.500,, asking $500. Gas lawnmower, $75. Cal Ron, 666-0804. NINTENDO FOR SALE plus 20 g ares. Sa ga System for sale plus 6gamnes. Bth reasonably priced. In almost new condition. Cal 430-0102. TWO STUDENT- DESKS $25 each. Sliding closet doors, 4'x8', white, panels with. tracks, .$75. Bottle sterilizer,$10. Babyrocking chair $5. Bridesmaid dress, dusty rose, size 10-11, $50. Wedding veil, length to knees $25. Ladies blue winter coat, size 14,, $30. Jolly Jumper with stand $30. 666-9398. PRO 'FESSIONAL HONDO.g uitar wthý bard case- and strap. 'Brand new - only used 6 months. New $700. Will sacrif ice for $400 -firm. 668-9398. TrWO STEREOS - Console stereo,. Coronet stereo (front openlng). $250 - takes both. 668-4217. COMING EVENTS' BELLE RIVER- FIDDLING & SINGING CONTEST ~uguat 1. 2. 3. 4. Campsales ;%;ïïlïble.,-slï500 .romes. Box 10.i Belle River, Ontario NOR 1 AO or Calil (519)728-1767. HALIBURTON LEGION BLUEGRASS Festival. August 9, 10., 11. 1991. Advsnce Tickets unti Auguot 3rd. Royal Canadian Leglon. Box 129, Haliburton, Ont. KOM ISO (705)457-2571. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home-study correspondence Dîploma coiýrse9: Accounting, Alrcondîtlonllfg, Bookkeeplng; Business, Cosmetology, Electronics. Legal/M edîcal Secretary. Psycholagy, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelalde West, Trontoo, 1-800- 950-1972. IS TRUCKING- FOR VOU.,Let*sdiscussIil. lntroduclng extended programsand Credit Courses.. Cali William et 1.800-265-7173. Martel Trslnln g Systems. HELP WANTED> NEED EXTRA $S$ C&M Gifle neeade Demonstratore Io selI '0re and gi et Home Parties. No Invesiment or experience required. Established companty. Cati loday (519)258.7905. AREA DISTRIBUTOR For Ballworms. and Envrormontal Prodhjcts. Early BIrd Ecology. RRO1. Smidthville, Ontario LOR 2A0, Phone (416>643-4252., SALES HIELP WANTED .6-FIGURE INCOME * International Music and Vdeo Company expandlng ln t Canada. Need highiy motivated commssloned sales people and dstributors Part-Urne or fuil-tirne 1-519-944-2800 24 hr. ine. SERVICES Great permanent. hioricai record/resource. This newspaper and rnost of Ontarlo's weekly nawspapere reproduced reguiariy ln microfiche bom. Dupicata copies availabie by caling OCNA, 416)8440184. PERSONAL FREE SINGLES BULLETINI Meet sonisone nice by phone or correspondance. Write Bert. Box 2246-W. Sudbury, P3A 4S1. PIeuase state age. Serving unattached people since 1976. WOULD YOU LIKE tb correspond wth unattached Christian people, ages 18-80, the object being companlonshlp or marriage. Write ASHGROVE. P.O. Box 205. Chase, B.C.. VOE 1 MO. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN à BONAIR Camping 'Tralers. Hardtop- Foldown. Flfth-Wheel.-Travel, Park-Models. Truck- Campera. Panls-accessorlea. New - Used. Fibreline & Laer Fiberglass & Aiuminum Truck-Cape. Conslgnments welcome. Royal Trader & R.V. Centre n Tevotdaîe, Ont. (519)343-2122. - HEARING AIDS ACCESSORIES PREMIUM ZINC AIR BATTERIES $2.99Ipkg. Minimum 10.paeges 534.90 Includng S & H. Vise, Mastercard. Clty HenngAid Centre. 244 Charlotte St.. Pelerborough KDj 2V1 (705)743-186t1 1STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - Factory Direct - Muet liquldate, excesa Jnventory. 25'x26' $2,112; 30'x36' $3.465. Other sires avalable. Pboneer/Econospai 1-800-668-542 (24 -Hs.) BEST BUILDING PRICES' - Steel Straltwaii, Type- not quonset - 32x48 $5665; 40x64 $8188: 50x96_ $14,671 -non-expandabie end<s>. other sizes ý avallsble - lînUted steel - Paragon, - 24 Houri, 1- - 800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS: 'Summer 5Seiîebratlon' on Guonsets. 'S. Saris and Convenîlonal. Payýments.' Lasse or Purchase, we have a plan for everyone. Cali Future 1,-800-668-8653. Fax <416)477-3661 or. Toronto Une <416)477-18194.. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INO. NeW types., steellwood. quonset. claddlng. For true value, action a anewers- . WaIIy-(416) 626.1794 alter Opm. weeicends. Free brochure. CIip.save. STEEL BUILDING SALE: 20x30 $2632; 25x36' $3762: 33x40 $5058; 40x6O $7071 1, Prices Include Steel Endwais and ail taxes, Prlcad, Io dear. Cali 1- 800-668-4338 or,1 .41)84221061" FOR SALE YOUA DOG WILL'STAY HOME! No leashez. chaîins 1or lances. Ira Electronl. Invisible, amarîng and sale." FREE Details: CAN. U.l<. RR#l, Bancroft. Orilaro. KOL 1 CO, Fax (613)332-1375. COKE PEPSI 7UP CLUB S'ODA." Compact under. counter pop machine despenseis ail flavours for les.ý than 10 cents par gliss.Summner Special $995. Cai 1Acton Assembles 1-800-45-5006. JOIN the RECYCLINO MOVEMENT. - attractive Canedian-mada T-shirts ln blue, gray. burgundy. recycling logo *Read, Then Recycle Vour Conmnity Newspaper». Sires S. M. L. ýXL. OnIy $6.95 plus $2.50 'shlppIng. Order for whole-famlly. Send cheque/money order: T-ShIrts. Box 451.'Oakviîle. Ont. L6J SAS. MORTGAGES "J.R.* HAS LEFT DALLASI Heu hore Io tend you Morigage Money, anywhere ln Ontario; Cali hlm., Intransicon Financiai Group. Toronto Coilect (416)650-9455 (Tottrue) 1-800-2 68-1 429. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES EXPERIENCE farm its. ln U.K. Contact the International Agricuitural Exchange Association ait 1501-.17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, ABT,2T 0E2. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FACT 01 - Over 450 people averaged $225K< wIihour fîrm last year. Fact 02 - More people earned $10K/mo. part Oimo, For more Inb. <416)777-1493. ARE YOU READY FOR A CHANGE? Take the flrst stepl Cati recorded message for detals o! a seriaus. high return, iow rlsk business opportunily: 1-800-729- 3572<(24 hrs.) GLOBAL BIBLE NEIYJORK. New concept ln-Home catalogue shopping. Hotel savinge 50%. Over 100 producti and services. Excellent savings and profit. Beome s distributor (519)824-7515. CROSS CANADIA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - iT' EASY! ONE CALI,- ONE BILL DOES IT AIL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER.FOR DETAILS. 1YAtIUS~I I XRAVJ .... £PIMO - .W '~ i I our ad cou(l.d1 appear -in commu.nity néwsp ap ersinliOntarlo, or right aéioss Canada, i or à ny Individual province. Space i s Llmiteëd, soCaliTmis Newspaper Todayl. BAKT racha wdRENOaWl.a,fis IROughufIh rginal -MAibRsh4o ci :h Ontari and Canadma Commune yNawspa.r A siocîaf sons -Ail Canada.572 n s a-$974 for 25 words For further ifformation please.caiI:he WhiIby Free Press ciassIfieda - 668-0594 1 1 mwwmmý --l ii.-i. AUCTIONEERS The people of Whitby and surrounding arme enjoy atlending _gucdon sales. Lot them know &bout your next sale by adverthdng ln the w"WkIOW ree pages ln Whitby - The Whithy Free Press. Ck"ffeds:CaH,ý' 668-61 il ..a 1 1 Q :- i llil jjii i Il,