.WHMTBY REE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17,191, PAGE 13 Upgrade Intrepid Park toaiowý pblic use, saysloal.esdent By Chris Bovie Once a secret site for training spies, Intrepid Park appears as unmanifested ,taday, as it1 was during World War . .But at least one local rsdn wants ta see the park upgraded ta make use of what lie calis "the best beach in Oshawa or Whitby.» Connie Lockhart service representatîve for CAW Canada located on Phillip Murray, worksý beside the park and 'wants ta see it utilized ta its fulleat potential. «There's a lot of histoxldown here,» Lockhart says. If -you want to corne down here, there's no parking. You haveta park on the streetý and, sometimes you- get a ticket.» While niany new residents are. not aware of the historical- back- &und of the park, they may be familiar with the :îovel 'AM an Called Intrepid,' written by namesake William Stevenson. CapX was *a spy-traini-ng faaiity headed by Beritish, Security co-ordinator William Stephenson, The camp closed in- 194& and,ý served as a communication centre for the, federal goveérn-I ment for the, next_ 24 years.hI 1969, the land was sold as indus-, trial property. A monument dedicated te Ste-'; -phenson, and-service men and women- no* stands, as a constant reminder of the past., Curnl, part of theaeai groom..ed and sodded, but..a -large area including-the beach is not. «Td like ta see some business club 'Plant :trees 'and put in a ntr ath,» Lockliirt sa. Whitby Ma or Bob Attrsley and east >w'arcl councillor Dennis Fox think such, a proposai isa good i dea, but they',have fo been approached 4y the public ta accommodate such changes. «It's. a, good idea,» Fox said. Md«hi park needs some special attentioný, But re &arding< the, funding o such a .project, Fo:È,addsà that ideas."are put on hold.» ForioucllrTom Edwter4,q war ,veteran,-the park c'êarnres special significance. "Itfs a great idea,» hli ays adding that »he hopes a local - service'club will be mnterested in sucl a project., Altiug itappears the park idealias'.wide support, there lias nat -been >a ýloud 'vocal, pus:i ta have something done. "The concept ,. is, fairly ne,» Edwards says. "It isà one that hma flot received a,,lot of, conside- ration but I amý aware of it.» -A pusliwas mîadeback i1978 ta establish à ,, museum on the site, but the proposal fel 'by the Wayside. Funding foru WibPsych aârea CAW service representative Conmie Lockhart would like to uee Intrepid Park, located off Boundary ]Rd,. at the shore of Lake Ontario, upgraded to become a more accessible and esthetic park. Froc Prom photo Brunelle continues 0osition to Lyde. 8hores development. The provincial governmentlias announced nine new programs ta. strengtlien mental liealth care ini the area served by Whitby Psy- chiatric Hospital.' The Ministry of Health will spend $3.1 million for new pro- gramis i crisis intervention, community. outreacli and case' management in Durhiam and 'York -Regions, Victoria County Scarborougli, East York anc1 NorthiYok The funding includes $200,,00O for a four-bedcammùunity-based crisis program sponsored by Whitby Al Saints Residents Cor- poration, and, $35000 for, a cri-, sis management program span- sored ,by theé-DurlirnRei brandi of the CanadianMenta Health Asscain «Our aim is ta integrate new community-based- services with those prnovided4y the >Whitby liaspit» says Heéalth Minister Frances ILankin. "This funding will strengthen the community support network as recommended lby the 1989 report, <A System of Responsibi- he repr was maade by the communit programis work grou!p estblsledby the minis*try ,ii October, 1987 'as part. of, the Whitby Psycilat-ic ospital redevelopmentproject. * Comuniy servies for those' with psychiatrie disabilities «were repeatedy among the tep priorities found i assessing theé needs of eacli area,' says -the minister. «They were given high prionity becau9e they provide. an um- mediate front-* eà response to, m yotthe -moot'presig pro- blmfacing people Lu need., <'With aequate community case maniagement most crises can be reso vd iha.ut admis- sion ta hospitaL» By Mike Kowalskl Town council was again war- ned1 Monday about allowing development near environmen- tally sensitive Lynde Creek Marsh. And once again, the plea from councillor Marcel Bruà nelle failed taý receive the support of any other councillor. By a 7-1 margin, council approved terms of reference for an open spaoe master plan study of the Lynde Shores -Secondair Plan ares. The master plan' will impIe- ment recommendations con- tained in a previously-approved enviranmental manageent plan (EMP) which adressesthe efect of devlopment on the marsh. Prepared by Bird and Hale Ltd. te 2O-page document stu- dies the potential impact of the. secondary 'plan and makes recommendations for manage- ment of open space lands. (PpLoved by Whitby-and Dur- ham Reginy 1989, the second- ary plan cilse for development of about 700 acres of lan d eastof the marsh. (Housing parks and schools are planneci for as many as 6,700 people.) Reminding council that lielias opposed the project almost from teoutset, Brunelle asked caun- cil ta take another look at the "Itikif you liad the chance ta go down and walk it like I1 have you'd know we have nome- seaindBr==eal tiers ta preserve,7 'Tm not convinced this will do Notng tiat the concept is tau- ted as ai new approacli in plan- ning; Brunelle agreed 0we ahoul be exoimentg. lBut t tee tryr. it i ast we have.» Brunelle said if tlie area must be develaped, lie favours -9iglit industry» as a better methoro bufferihig the marsi. (A 185-acre industrial park north of Victoria St. and soutli of the Canadian National railway tracks is -part of the project. (Also ificluded is the $150 mil- lion redevelapment of - Whitby 'q aeth ietopposite..-. view,» said councillor Joe "Bird and Hale have done a tremendous job, na doubt about Drumm said the fact that several Ontario government ministries and other 'public bodies are involved proves the projectis worthwhile.- (The Ontario Ministry of Government Services and Dur- ham Region are two of the four landowners i the area.) -In my opinion we are doing the right tig, Xr don't think anywhere aise In Ontaria lias anyone gone this far,» said Drùmm. Councillor Boss Batten echoed Drumm's remarks. "This municipality is bing lauded by conservationists and environmentalists'aIl across the ~vnefor this study,» said > Itrs important ta this m nici- paiy n for-the protection of the marshland.» Cauncil's resolution also stipu- lates that Bird and Hale be retained ta undertake the master plan study. Tlhe company's expenses Wiil be. reimbursed by the four land- owners in the area. Ade ,eijopmoentcampmy and'a 'ma m te Ofw, ro 4 il %ï, ed SUMMER FESIVAL Fairview Lodge will hast its second annual Summer Festival on Aug. 24. Those interested in purchasing a table for $50 ta sel crafts or home-baked goodis at the festival, contact Tracey Horner at 433-6683 for more information. Ail money raised wiil go ta support the Alzheimer's day program at Fairview Lodge. WANTED Fairview Lodge is loking for entertainment (music that will suit ail age groupa, from children ta seniors) ta perform at the second annual Summer Festival on Aug. 24. If you are interested or require more information, oeil Caral Bernardes, 668-5851, ext. 63. Ail money raised will go ta the Alzlieimers day program at Fairview. CIUSTLAN SINGLES COFFEE HOUSE Christian Singles Serving Christ wiil meet at the Christian Life Centre, Ajax (Hwy. 401 ta, Westneja Rd. N. to, Roealand Rd. W. t, RacUb) on Saturday, July 20, 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Major Clark, Christian Blind Mission, songstress and vocalist. Admission is free. For more information cail Verna at 728-9720 or Julie at 686-6193. TIE ONE ON A scarf-tying demonstration for seniors will be lield at the Wliitby Seniori? Activityr Centre, 801 Brock St. S., on Thursday, July 18, 2 p.m. Bing a large scarf and learn a creative way of acces- sorizinig a wardrobe. The coat is $1 at the door, and there wiil be a door prize. CaI 668-1424 ta reserve a place. ONE PARENT FAMILY The Oshawa chapter, of the One Parent Family Association will hold a socialenngo Saturdaýy, July 20 at, 8 p.m. at Woodview Conmunity Centre, 151 Cadillac Ave., Dress is casual. Everyone is wvelcome. For more informaion call 986-5707 or 728-1011. ONE PARENT FAMILY The Oshawa chapter of the One Parent Family Asociation 'will meet on Tuesday July 23 at 8 p.m. at Rundle Park Com- munit Centre, Park Rd. and Gibb St., Oshawa. Guestspeaker Glen Plesance from Durhamn Backyard Compasting wIl' dis.; cuss the necessîty and s=plicity opf backyard composting. New members are welcome. For more information oel 986-5707. ONE PARENT FAMILY SUMMRAT THE CENTRE *The Oshlawa cnapter of. Hte Several drap-mn activities are GARDENBRYH S One Parent Family Association underway for the long, hot «days of CIRCuswilmeonTsdyJy30a summer- at Whiitby Seniorsi',The Durham Rtegional 'Police' 8 p.m. at Rundle Pr Com- A.ctivity Centre. Members -are'Association will hast the Garden muity Cte, Paarkor. cande invited ta participate MI snooker Brothers Circus on Aug. 9, 10 and Gibb St.,d*onslatiorncofee, and billiards any day, il at the Civic 'auditorium, members are welcome. For miore shuffleboard on Tuesday and Oshawa. Telephone solicitation information'cail 986-5707 or 728- Thursday afternoons' and wiil be conducte by RAP 10l1. squaredancig on Wednesdays. Marketing Promotions MC., on As weil, tiers are activities every behaif of the assocation . For PHE.CARIB»A DANCE evening: cribbage on -Mondays, further information, cail the office Club, Carib 0f' Osliawva.rinc. darts on Tuesdas euchre on at 436-9494. prsente 1a ,Pke-Caribana' Dance Wednedy and bing o on Fnday, July.,26, a-t, Pickéring Thrsae There are many PENNYBINGO - Recreation Coenplexr, No. 1 The special events planned Members of the Whitby Esplanade. Music wMlb. by truglaut July and August, so Seniors' AtMvty Centre can par- Sbandileen featuring Bannie dpbythe. centre it 801 Brock 'tici*pate Mi a penny bingo at t*e McIntoSh. Tickets $20 advance; &8.,caSU;668-1424fuefarthier centre on Monday. July 22, 2 p eVWÃ" "4I C IM