PAGE 8. WH1TBY FIREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26,1991 Whimby usiess New land. registry office now open By MkeKowali Space will not be at a.premium in Whitby'si new land registry office on Rossland Rd. Gone are the days of a bus or tent being pressed into service ta relieve crowded conditions which plagued staff and the public ueng the former facility on Cntre St. The registry office bas been open since May 27. Staff movedi into their new qluarters after working out of a temporary Office in a local plaza for threeryars while the ýkos and facîit was under construc- tion. According ta land registrar Terry Brown the relocation bas been fairly smooth. "Obviously when you move an entire operation there are a few bugs ta be ironed out,» said Brown. «But there's been no maijor difficulties, only a few minor things like an electrical outiet being in the wrong spot." A staff of 40 employees work out of the office which serves al of Durhamn Region but the Town of Newcastle. A registry office in Bowinan- ville which now serves Newcas- tle, is scheduled ta close in Sep- tomber and be merged with the Wlitb yoffice AsBÎrownexplained, areas ser- ved)y ïregistry offices correspond If you're like most people, you'll look at this and think rape. WelI, think again. Because sexual assault isn'*t only rape. lt's any unwanted act of a sexual nature imposed by one person on another. And if you think it's always a dark alley and a violent stranger, you're wrong again. More than half of ail sexual assaults of women are committed by men they know.' It can occur on a date. Between friends. Even ta, the former county systein of municipal government. Since al Durham ,Region municipalities exoept Newcastle were part of the for-mer Ontario county, its registry office was based'in Whitby, the «county seat7. The Town of Newcastle was part of the former Durhamn county which had its own office. Public records, pertaining ta, ownership o land are kept on file in the regstry office. When a re2l estate transaction occurs, law-yers must conduct a titie search of the property being sold. Since most transactions in- volve the sellirig of homes and the majority of sales close at the end of a month, the office can'be extremely busy at that time. -"For years the office was on Centre St. but as this area experienced rapid growth it ran out of room," said Brown. " The office expanded se much that the eisting premises on Centre St. were no longer practi- cal. "It got ta be se, busy and crowded that in the summer a tant was erected outside. In the winter a bus was left running.» Located on the opiposite sid of Rossland froinMe Town of Whitby municipal offices, the registry office is a branch of the Ontario Mirnistry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT Centre held a flag raising at Whitby town hall, last week to ainnounce thefr opening for another summer. From left are* student placement offioers Cindy Matheson, Denise Reybnolds-Sellers and Whitby MIayor Bob Attersley. Fr«. New Business Names"Actrequi-res 0 that service businesses by registered To help consumers who want ta know the naines and addresses of business owners or directors, companies that offer services must now register their business naines with the Ontario Consumer Mfinistry. That includes hairdressers, plumbers, consultants and dry cleaners-- ta naine a few. Under Ontario's newly- 1proclaimed Business Naines Act, 1990, eisting businesses using any naine other than the owner's who, have not done so, must register the' naine with the minisftrys Comnpanies Branch by Nov.- 30, 1991. New businesses started, up . after May 1 must register their naines before using them. Rusty Pipe s Plumbingr would require regist ration Businesses already registered with the branch need not register again. Here's how the new law helps consumers. "The Business Naines Act offers consumners better protection by giving thein cerner access ta the type of information they need ta settle disputes," says Mary Spencer, deputy director of Companies Branch. Spencer explains that, under the old law, only companies involved with mining,, manu- facturing and trade -- the selling of goods -- had ta, register. 'But in today's changing economy, where upwards of 30 per cent of the things we purchase eveiy day are services rather than goods, it's important we have access ta information in the service sector too," she says. When a company name is registered, naines and addresses of the company's principals are placed in public files maintained gy the branch. Consumers and other interested parties can find the owners behind a name by paying the branch a fee te search for the business-naine informa- tion on the public record. The only naines that don't have taý be registered are' companies that do 'business. in the- exact naine of the oWper or corporation. If Rusty Pipe"cal ls bis plumbing service 'Rusty Pipe,' it needn't be registered. But, 'Rusty Pïpe's Plumbing' would require >registration. This problein sometimes arises when consumers don't know there can be more than 'one business with the saie naine in Ontario. Consumers who want inore information on registering a business naine in Ontario, or on a variety of consumer issues, should contact the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relation? Consumer Information Centre, by callng (416) 326-8555 in the Toronto area., Froin other parts of the province, ca toit free 1-800-268-1142.-The TDD Uine for the hard of hearing is (416) 326-8566. .................. Nina Doyle and Gertrude Hachie were winners of the Good Neighbours Free Labour Draw held by the Canada Employment Centre for Students. TIhe draw was held as part of the Good Neighbours Festival in Whitby on Saturday. 1">and Dr. W. C ecutti are pleased to welcome DR. DINA ZAYID, to our staff Services: allergy injections, dermatology, A2 wart treatment, laboratory, audiology, family N practice/pre-natal care, urgent care I Hmy #2 (Dundas St. Q Hours: Monday to Friday: 8 arn -9 pm .6 KENDALWOOO Sat. & Sun.& Holidays: 10 arn - 6 pm C AKPA Appointments and walk-in welcome. 436-6868 LIU;e~ between husband and wife. <So most people don't think of it as a crime. And often it goes un reported. But attitudes must change. Because against our will is against the law. If your life has been affected by sexual assault, find out what can be done. Contact a sexual assault service. Or taIli to someone you trust. Men must under- stand that sexual assault is a crime. .Maybe then they'll think twice about it. Ontario Women's Directorate Sexual Assault is A Crime. 1 ti & r. Agai nst Our WIll, iAgainst The Law, Yo% (5)