WB1TB FME PUBES, WEDNESD)AY, JUNE M4191 PAGE 29 ...........I......L WHITBY - Clean 3 bedroorn main floor of -houise., Fridge, soe blinde, car pet, p arking. July 1. $895. 668-5802 evenings. TWO BEDROOM basement apartment.: Appiances, parking, carpeting, ceramic kitchen. Clean, quiet area. Couples preferred. $700 inclusive. 655-3004. WHUTBY - 1 BEDROOM plus don basement aartmentý. AIl new decorï. JIùy lor sooner. Also 3 bedroom ,main floor. ,cf-,house available.430-6335. ONE BEDROOI downtown Whitby, avi Includes hydro, heat per month. Cali 728-9 MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE, Saturday, June 8, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Macedonian Village, just off of Coronation Rd., between Taunton & Hwy. 7. 90 FROST DRIVE, -Garage sale, Saturday, June 8, 8 a.m. _to 4 p.m. If rain - on Sunday. MULTI-FAMILY - 7472 Ashburn Rd., Brooklin. Rain/shine. Sat., Sun., June 8, 9, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bunk beds, crib, carnage, auto, clathing, toys, household, etc. M APT., 4-FAMULY- YARD SALE Sat., ailable July 1. J une 8, 9 am., Halls Road/Hw,.12. Iwater. $580 Whftby. Housohold ites, dng 1679. room sot, j et. pumpe, lawnmowors, goriatric chair, chilren's car seat &more. BROOKLIN - LARGE. ROOM, close 9.te ail amonities. Avaiîable now. 432-4023. CENTRAL, WHITBY -Quiet place for mature per.9>n. Kitchen & Iaundry, facilities. Private entrance. Air conditioned. No drugs. Furet& last week. 430-0404. WHITBY -CLEAN, QUIET home has.furnishod room. Close to al amenities. Kitchen, phone, TV & parking privileges.- Suit mature working person or student. 668-3640. WHITBY - Cloan 3 bodroom main f loor cf house. Fridge, steve, biinds, capt. parking. July 1. $895. 668-5802 evonings. FOR LEASE - PRIME RETAIL & office sae, hoart cf downtown Whitby. Competitive rates*as low as $10 net, net. Brokers protected. 666-3665. UNIQUE COMMERCIAL space 'aallabe. 300 - 500 sq. fi. No GST. CalI 668-5092. WHITrBY PRIVATE, OFFICE, furnished, fuil services. Cal E. Blaine,' Sutton 'Group Executive, 430-3000. 18elEBIYWGN Exelnt cnito.Lodm eed. a3c5ar6-4104.prblms The Murkar family ls pleased ta annaunce that N. Cameron Murkar, Whitby, has been admltted ta -the Bar o! Ontario and ls presently practiclng with Gilbert, Wright and Flhe rty of Toronto. Cam ls a graduate.of the Faculty ai Law, Universlty of Manitoba and alsoaa raduate of McMaster and] akhead Unîversities. Ho- gradu ated from Henry St. Hlgh School, Whltby. Dont throw It out. Someon. may want 1l Try th. Olansifieda. Cati The Whltby Fr.. Prosa CLEARANCE - Al truck cape. and box linons in stock et ceet. Wilde Sales, Bnooklin. 655-8010. NEED HELP PLACING youn ad? CalI Joanne, Whithby Free Press, 668-0594. 1986 CHEV CONVERSION customn van. Excellent condition. Fully loaded with, raised roof. 54,000 miles. $11,600. 430-0643. MISTY RIVER alumfinum bôats on ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS sale. Wilde Sales, Brooklin. THURSDAY, JUNE 6~ 655:80. SHRUBS & BRAND NEW _________________FURNITURE AT ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTION'CENTER - LINDSAY 12 'FT. ALUMINUM FISHING boat with 6 HP Evinrude. Also, electric trolling motor, $1,275 complete. 430-0643. 16 FT. THUNDERCRAFT Bowrider with 55-1HP Evinrude, $2,350. Also 10 ft. sailboat with electric trolling mnotor, $875. 668-4104. 1982 YAMAHA MAXIM 650, excellent condition, 27,000 km. Helmet, windshield, backrest' & carrier. $1,550. 668-1844 before 9 p.m. SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT JUNES8- 6:0 P.M. PETI-ICK AUCTION BARN, I-AYDON, 10 MI. N.E. 0F OSHAWA, EVERY SAT. NIGHT AT 620 P.M. This woek a.smalî local estate plus others, te includo 8 pc. oak dîner, mahogany diner,- g. mahogany sorvon, oak server, oak hall tree, oak. beau front china* cabinet, mahogany wardrobe, 2 bedroomn etes., carpts, limited odition printe, collectien cf eîd hockey carde, 7.5 HP eutboard motor, ý ft. Ramblen house trailen, #3 Mase Ferguson balen, Ford V2 tnstruck, plus lots cf othon antque & collectible pcs. Terme are cash, choque or Visa. For more, information en te bock youn spning sale, call 416-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS LOTS BY AUCTION JUNE 89 1100 A.M. Two waterfront & 2 waten access 1/2 lots on, O'Reilly Lane, Lake Scugog, on year round road, 10 minutes from Lindsay or 40 minutes from Oshawa. 1-1 acre lot Valent ia. 'Estatos, Lake Scugog _(close by) -divewar & drilled weII both on rpet.or furt hon info, call PAT OREILLY,- auctioneer & sales nep. CANADA TRUST LINDSAY REALTY INC. (705) 878-0500 6:15- P.M. SHARP - 'abou t 200 evorgroen shrubs, trees, blue, p ruce, flowoningshnube. - 1RPM. SHARP- GLANT NEW FURNITURE AUCTION: mame brand f irst quality furnitureplus showroom samplos & factory rotume. 9 pc. oak dining room, ste., bodroomn stes., cheets,-39/54WI60n mratt ross & box springs9 sets, bunk bods, sofa bods, 3 pc. leather chosterfield .,sto&, love, seats, sofas, 'rocliner. chairs, soCtK>nals, chesterfield stos., dinette sets, ýbirch havest, table & chairs. Partial liet. No reserve. Terme:,cash or', cod -choque. Proview from 4 pinh. 1 o't miss this opportunity to buy brand naine fumiture al auction. ORVAL & BARRY.McLEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 LINDSAY ORVAL UcLEAN AUCTIONS TUES.,JUNE 11 - 7P.Mi ESTATE SALE - NO RESERVE- On instructions from National Trust, we wiIl soîl tr-ailor #27. on ronted lot eat Subway Mbile Park, 1010 Dundas St. E., YWhtby. 12x40, traidor, aluminum sidmng, ý2 bedrooms, appliances incl, -tawn water & sewage, shod. Nice,-- dean trallor ready te movo in.- Terns: $3,000 at sale, balance 30 days.- Pneview, from 51 p.m. or appcntment. Sale, 7 p.m. sharp. Dnti miss out, selling te highest biddor. Leo B. Carver estate. ORVAL.McLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LINDSAY OR 1-800-461-6499 FARM AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 8-, 10:3î A.M. SELLING TRACTORS, TRUCKS, FARM EQUIPMENT, HE PROPERTY 0F DAVID LEE, - 22701 OLD SIMOE RD, 6 MILES, N. 0F PORT PERRY, o09 3 MILES EAST 0F #7 - #12 IIWY., AT, SAINTFIELD ON'REG. R)D. #6., WATCH FOR SIGNS TRACTORS: M/F 2200 Industrial loador, 1200 David Brown, W6 MIcCormick (good shape). TRU1CIýS: 1974, GMC 60 sev. cab & chasse, 74-. Laieville - Ford, longwheel base, '72 IH 404 "auto. trans. with to' n hundrod.tires, 68 1H faim. dump truck, 1980 Chev., 1 ton 12' flat bed, 1978 -6500 GMC cab to fit- 1465 Cockshutt, 24e tipping livestock box. New ldea manuro, spreader with tailgate, new Holland spreador, M/F 10 baler, M/F 205 combine, 720 A/C forage harvostor with pickup.. 3 cultivators 8' to, 10-9 3 furrow' ploughs, 3 pt. 2 furrow plough, 3ý pt. disc, 3 axle trailer, 3 pt. mowors, postha le auger (new, roto mower 5', 3 pt. fort. spreader, 3 pt. manuro taniker, 3 pt. woed sprayer, J/D ewather, JID subeoiler, M/F sie 'rake (parts), farrowing crates, 2,hay wagons, Turnco wagon, hamfmer, mill, 30 fi. gOrain !augerwith moto 'r, 2'stable cloanors, codai posts, 800 gal. feed' tank, feed troughs, 5 snowmobilos, plus a number of small useful items. Lunch available. Terms: cash or. cheque with ID. Ownor and *auctioneer will not be Pacifie Acura "Durham Region's Exclusive Dealer'! eNSX e LEGEND * VIGOR e INTEGRA 1992 -VIGOR SEDAN, SALES* LEASING PARTS el SERVICE-- 365 Bayly St., Ajax 416-428-8768 AUCTIONEERS The people of Whltby and surroundlng areas enjay attendlng auction sales. Let lhem know about your next sale by advertislng lnthie most widely read pages ln Whtby - The WhItby Free Press, Classifleds. Cali: 668-6111 ........................ ................ ............. -------------- .............. ....................................................................... ...............