WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1991, PAGE il W ib Y.t o h o stVis it>ors fo twin .,community in Quee Between Wbitby, Ont. and Là ongueui, Que. Junie 14, 15 and 16 Friday, Juin. l4th. 2 p.m. Arrivai of Longmuuli Visitors -- heck In - Relax Inn, Camplin Avenue 'iloge'helps0 Weep-the ec Wiie Au'stin, and histroop wereat Expo they met the mayor of- Longueuil, Marcel Robida who. suggested the idea e Whitby 'and Longueuil beceming twins. Sine hà t ""eeÙiý, hetwo, muicpaitei, have sifjnce been off»caly tinne- udérthe' United Towns Organization., The. exchange program varies sligtly from year te year. : "W. like te give a ýlittle bit'of variety,» says Allan. >Ma ny people >from Longueuil oft.n return to Whitby for more than on. exchange. .«W. get a, lot of p eople return- mngfrom Quebec,»"-ays Al'an. Last year'the exchange went «very weli. ThaVa ýWhy were con- ti'nnig the traditioni thi é.yeèar," may î Alan. Allan is also positive thatýthis ~ar will be 1ust as great, if, not ttei tha iasëew prograni «without a do'ubt. 30p..Wel'omiu*ng Reception by Council and Whitby Reidents -- Relax'Inn 6 . Bus will leave Reýlax Inn for Whitby Municipal Building Dunham Region is out te keep thé ýpeace between police- officers and ,various racial groupe in Dur- ham In July, 1990'a ,studYk was completed by the Ajax/Pickering Sô plDvlopment, Council that indicated there had <beena apreat increase ini the racial diveruity of .'ieCanadian JarnaicanClub. \of Oshawa waa given a.,'$9,00 gran t to* sponsor a six-week edu- ciationjal proçram te crate better tcommumdcations betwoe Dur- ýiarn, residents and the police serviceo.deli y Some*diffictisodaln with the diversity have appae inlocal high ochools.ý '.An example of this tension occurred a, few monthe ago at, PïckeringHigh Schooi. 'lii.incident. bega a1ip between two, youth% and ti conflict qickly grew te, involve th ¶reater population of the The grant has be used te develop an umibrelia group and the Jamaican Club of Oshiawa han taken the leadership rol. in the organization. "Vie felt tli. area that we. should concentrate on was dialo- guing -says 'Elkanah -Clarke, president of the. Jamaican Club. Tii. group meets for the pur- pose of dialogue and te, develop postive community/ .Police rela- tions. During the six-week- educa- tienal-prograin the Canadian Jamaican Club set Up weekly' meeting which brout the cern- munty nd olce toethr "It was a success because ofal the people who» came out te tii. workahops,» says Clark.. About 20 police: officers and many -region residents atne the weekl meetings. Clark. aise feels that -the workshops. were a - . success because "the. police anç cern- munity aren't that far, apart anyways,» and that it was, rela- tively easy for thern te flnd an understandingbetween them. Clark. aise says that the. club has been working with the. police for. -four years now and "loeks forwaird te working with thern again.", 191LYL Our Great Family I {f -7Âi m11 I 191 LOALEWagon is Reliable, .... - Dependableha15m ds _ 1Fuin! odi to choose from starting -at just $11.520 PLUS many great options I I 1705 DUNDAS STmY, WHITBY (Highway #2 between Whitby/Ajax, 4306 666 *FREIGHT PDE TAXES + LIC. EXTRA.ý LIMITE D QUANTITIES AVAI LABLE. SOME MODELS MAY REQUIRE FACTOiRY ORDERING. *P.L. POLK COMPANY STATISTIOS DEC. 1980 -88 s 4k1 à -. k **A~kk~5k1t *~k**~5t~5 '5. ~ '.5#t.~~5*1t.5 P.M. P.M. »ByMiaureeaQuinlan. Local residents are, prepaning for the 2Srd- annual Whitb- Longueuil twinning Prormt b. held June 14, 15 and 16.m The exchange wil involve about 80 people, half comming from Longueufiand*haif .from Whitby. «We don't have exact, definite numbers -yet," .says Carelyn Allan1ssupervsor of community and ape "events in Whitby. The exchange is used to pro- mot. culture, bilngualism and solidarity, and to dimcourage dis- crimination and interference.> 1:0 become involved ail you have te do is corne down te. the municipal buildings .and sign up for the day(s), you'd -1k. te anttend," aysAllan. During thecorsof the three- day prograin there will b.- many activities. On June 14 there wili b. a dinner aleng with entertaininent and a maor's welcome te the visitors. On Juiy 15, there will b. a buffet breakfast at the Whitby Yacht Club and a theatre produc- tion. by Le Conseilides oraismes francophones. On, Sunday there wili be a bilingual service at Ail Saints Anglican Church in Witby and a bon voyage brunch at the munici-, pal building. If you -can only participate in one or two of the'events, that's fine " says Alian. AIl Whitby residents are encouraged te, practice their French skiils and participaei the exchange. pt <The. twfinfing program began in 1967 when Fatiier Lmo Austin traveli.d with a group of scouts by cano. te Expo. * 6:30 p.m. Reception 7P.m. Maor's Welcome 7:30 p.m. Dinner foliowed by Entertainment Satuirdayp Juin.15: 10 a.m. Buffet Breakfast - Whitby Yacht Club., Gordon Street Fr.. Time Bus s«huttie (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) té run a loop consisting of Hotel to Yacht Clubo Station, Downtown Whitby, Cullen Gardens *and Miniature Village, Whitby Mail. 5:30 p.m. Bus will leave Relax inn forI"e Conseil des organismes francophones de la region de Durhamn," 707 rue Simcoe Sud,,ýhfawa. 7 p.m. Pinner and Welcome 9 p.m. Theatre (By Le Conseil des organismes, francophones) 10 p.m. Bus shuttle te Relax Inn. Sunday,iJuin. 10 Check Out 10 a.m. Bilingual Church Service - All Saints Anglican Church - Whitby 11:30 a.m. Brunch -- Wihitby Municipal Building - Departing Commfents and Closing Ceremonies 1 p.m. Bon Voyage L o EEDBEa s tat av e . u biain 'See dealer for details, Wat a Warranty 3yaBumper toBuýmpýer Off Y5 year100,000 km powertrain' w o w major, components {No DeductibI4) I I I I I I Me * E-ABOU Cocktails 1