Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 May 1991, p. 34

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Whitby Free, Prëess'* 068"0594 *Office Hous odyt rda,90 r o00 m*Fx6809 Monciny, kjnel73 91@ 1pm Meetin aiWUyMwic« U kikng A PublicMeeoting will-be held by the Planning and Development'Committee of .o1c1 of theLCortonou h Town of Whitby to consider ai appicto a ethWhtyOfca Plan and Zoning By-Iaw .1784 as sumitebyBria n ro uk opration. he subject. property, is locatedc on the south side, of Dundas Street East~ between .Kerclaiwood Road aid Powell Road, muniaipally known as 1909, 1913, 1917, 1919 and 1921 Dundas Street East in theTown of Whity. STREET EAST Mmhe ppocf dlieSicton la tb aiied lieWhitby Official Plait#pemi lie deeoment 50m,- 2 a ofretail and persona enc forp=c containedwithin IhiS bulings. ibepurpose of thlameetkig la tbproide oeiqualeiformation ttie pubic anid ta pefrit intresledperns ie opportunty Ibo ak reesetatoni respecot!ie rezoning abication. If yo e. una: btaatthle meeting, your representation can éfled in Wring by mai or petsonal deIVeyt mach the Planning Departreent net lalerthm regular woiting hour n June 24,1991. lnterested persons mray inspect adltional information relatng ta lie above application in the-Planning DeparItmeiit Level 7,575. Rossland RPoad East clung reguLar worklng hours, Monday tFay or nay contact fihe Planning, Deparirnent by telephaning (416)>668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT >DIRECTORD0F PLANNING NOTICE 0F INTENTION TO DIISSOLVE 427474> ONTARIO INO. HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that it intends ta dissolve pursuant ta the Businoss Corporations Act, 1982. DATED at Whitby, Ontario thisý l2th day of May, 1991. Otto Dubitzky. President QUIT SMOKING TODAY out pai 'n suffering. aointmen 1-oil432-2626, hours42-77 wth- For ater IF YOLJ WANT, TO DRdIK thg'"s yourbuskines f you want to etop ht'a ours. Cali AMýý1GS ANONYMOUS Ldceshor Distrits (416) 728-1020. NOTICE TO CREDITORS INTHE ESTATE 0F EUZABETH McKAY McGREGOR, CREDITORS, -and -ail athers ,having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth. McKay MoGregor, late ai the Town ai Whitbys in the Regianal Munficipality of Durham, who died an the l9th- day ai November, 1990, are requested - to sendfull particulars ai such iaims to he underslgned on or befare, the th day ai June, 1991, alter which date the Estate's assets wilt be' distributed *hàâvlng regard anly' ta, dalims that have been received. DATED this Bth day ai May, 1991. REID, BROWN& BELL Baristers and Solicitors 200 Bonid Street West Suite 202,< Oshawai Ontario- 11IH 713 Solicitor for the Executors, Shirley Carol Bittarf and Robert Sherman *............ . .- - ..... CORPORATION,,0FTHE TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT' NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING, MoncMy. JLhls17, 1991 @8mOPm. Wëf MengHalt WIltby Mu 1 IBU"I A Public Meeting will, be held by the Planning and Development Committee of Council of the. Corporation of tie Town of Whitby toi consider an. application -ta amend' the -WhitbyOfiMal Plan and Zonrnng By-law 1784. T!hé application has been submnittedb Gay Pmoperty Management The purpose. cf the Officiai, Plan Aendment apication is'to, redesignate lands currently designated Low Density Reîé te itýMé6'ium iDensty, Resklential ta permit the development of tie aparbiMtt builings totalling 52 unité on a2.64 acre parcelof land., n:e subject prope is located on the west side of Brock Stret north of Foss ad RoadTe property is part of Lot-27, Concession 3 as shown on t he sketch below. 'The purpose of the zoning by-law amendment la Io rezone lie subject property fromn 'C2' Highway Commercial pind 'Ri' Residential b an appropniale zone category. Io impletnent f#e proposed developmnent' Thie purpose of this meeting la tb proi. adequate information to lie public* and, ta permit intereste persons tie opportunity ta make reprsentationkfr respect of lihe rezoningd application. If you are'unable Io attend the meeting, yrrpesentation can be filed in wtingby mal or perona ielivewta macrhle Plang Dpaent flot later flan mgular worldng hourrs on ne 24,1991. lnterested persons may inspect adltional information retating te lie above application in lie Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rlossland Rload East dunng regular working houfs, Monday to Friday or may contact lie Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING I ' IL Ai *1 DUNDAS,:CENTRE' GUAIRDIAN DRUGS 220 Dundajs SI. W. Whitby Open 7 Days a*Week lncludng Holidays AIlDrug Plans Acceted- URGENT.-CARE WALK UN Medical CIinic ,220 Dundas St. W. Whitby No Apoîniment Neciessary FROM PAGE 22 Redmen coaches havè three quality goalies ta, work with'this season. Brian ýArnold, -who played. for -Whitby Steef--Hawký -1 inth L, ioied by Chrié O'Reilly andPaulMootz., IWhile.there was some specula- - .tion on hew a- pro league would afect junior, major ànd senior lacros se,ý the- popularityof the gaine appears 'ta -be strionger r tha2n v -Bob Hanna, technical director, for the Ontario Lacrosse Ase -ocia-ý -tion, ls pleased -witli how the sport is progressing. «LJacrosse is i an excellent state. Lust year over 111000 lacrosse playersfrom minor evels te pro, were active in fîied and box teamas. This year the number is expec- ted ta be higlier. Essex, County lias aclded about 100 new pyr Peterboroughi las M'- creased. their.numer,_ Scar- borough bas increased by about' 75 players.-and Brantford lias DUNDAS 1- Tire dmp FROMPAGE i No more tires were ai low ed onto the property and no certifi- cate will be granted umtil out- standing charges against Robin- son are resolved. Robinson will appear iiiro vincil oýffences; court June 27- to sitand trial on 20 charges relating ta the dump. Robinson and b is comp"yy 447871 -Ontario Ltd. geWjomntly named on tan of t1iÉ" charges3, 'wleRobinson irnëëlf faces an. additioral te'n chý-arges. The Towni of Whitby laid the çharges -ýin February under the fire code. The, charges, pertain to, lack of~ access for emergency vehicles ta - -the 'site, -insutâcient water èup-- ply on the preniises and ýproper sta'e of tires., Al hou the Town's effort,.is, unr Peatedta the province's plans, ~It wýould supportour minitr jus gthe need for the order, said Rinho6îZ. «Tey're not connected -but are' suýpportlve of each.other.» A,ýs PReinhoîz explained,,thi4leýzi code ônly allows for- proseicuçion,f but' the EPA pnrits, the, r- vinoe ta do wliatever work-is necessary at the dumip. "Thats why two piecesof lëg'-s-,ý lation are being used.» *Security. guards are still 'on' duty ,at -,Robinsonsà,',yard- and *whie the province intends ta'o, seek Ireiznbursement for' tbis, exese-that is.nat the, goveru-? *ensprime concern, said. ROJflr holz. - "Tecoi t of securtyismall compared -tô the-potèintial foi an envronmenalhazard7 lhie said. Rein'hôlz. couùld. ;, not .idi. how much time Robinson. will'be, given ta bring bis yard tao,- table standds. ..- «Thats a ýhard-questionta answ er..- If our' draft oàrder .had'k been .processed the.res nequs- tion we would have to address it. ~Btsince, wedothae- draft o rder yet, itsafcl a Rieinhoîz agreed the process.ý -miglit move slower ,than' some peple Maftan it, but there isa reasonforit. "You have:,ta remember that these.1sites have 'beeni there for, <many ma!ny*yearo s. 'a result of thele isfllative,, changes these. awners were caught. . «There are f eractor (size, layout, of the 'land) 'wbich,, limit -what,. te can -and cannot do.» Ih, thé ministry, is ýforoed ta invoke an EPA order, local ýfire officials, will' h o osulted,_said Reinhaîz. Robinson has also apparently followed the -government'order, not, ta accept more tires, Reinhoîz said; "lie was told- not to bring more tires onto, the,- site, we' nôt collected any evidence that he lias. ~Wve na information he not comPlied with the directive given ta him.»

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