Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 May 1991, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WH1BYFRPM PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29,1991 s"t4 Study of ramfications of Byron. ,reconstructio FR OM PAGEî_i_ with moLe aspects of the con- truction,"maid Beckett. "We want it sym athetie to th' _historichomes mthe areaàand to addresà,the protection of treem on the. street.' > ýý, .- M ay maid residents-feit s50 mtrngly about the latter that the ynded. a private tudy from a professional arbodrists'l.i. The, tudy outlines measures which cen'be taken te lessenthe impact. of ~construction on tÉees an which could form'ý the basis of, a Town-wide policys, éasid' McQuay., She àaid several trees are more than a century old,- with one,,particular specimeBn pro-t ingCnfederation. eTheme trees are healthy and ntuturally sound, according te the arborists' report,"- said McQuay. "But without proper-,precau- tions we ,will lose them. Trees can be preserved in Whitby, and we should make eve yef orte do so." Under questioning from coun- cillor' Tom Edwards, McQuay said resi' dents realize, drainagei problems will only wormen with-i out imninediate repairs,1 but they accept this fact. Councillor Denmis Fox askod about their'feelingsý withrespect tefr afety probleatt might be created by low water pressure., «Council 15 in a touie'posktion. If a house,,catches fire we would feel somewhat responsible," smmd ;McQuay said reidents have lived with this and other pro- blée for x nany years, and one more mwill -not make niuch dif- ference. «Thehghest priority of resi- dents is-that when-the treet is done , it's don. in, the best way . âsibe»sidMQAy. ,h agreed with -Fox that des- pite ',how carefully ýwork im car- ried out, smre treesWil ho lost. -"We'r not living in a fantasy world' where every. tree can be saved.ý- We're Italking about mature, healthy trees that can be protected,» said McQuay. "Let's start the process now, let's not wait and watch trees die within two years of. construc- tion.» <Edwards, an operationsi com- mittee members, smmd.the. com- mittee, ".tried every. possible' I THE REGIONAL 77»HA MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F-ý PUBLIC ,MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee wilI consider at a meetingto be heldon: TUESDAY, JUNE 4 1991 AT10:00 A. PLANNING DEPARÏ%iENIT BOARDROOM 1615 DUNDASST ,E. VWHITBY. 4TH FWOOR, LANG TOWER, WEST ËUILDING, WHITBY MAL AN APPLICATION TO AMEND'THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY. The amendaient, as submitted bt he applicant, popses 'the development of a homre improvement centre within the site'indcated on the map below. Y;- '1 SITE ..< CON, 5 RSA S. LY iD cJE TOWNI OF wI WHITBYg Subsequently, the Regional Gounal wiIl conider the'rec ommendah"on of,,' the Planning Committeeat ameeting to behekion:, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12,1991 AT 110'00 A.M. COUNCILCIIAMBERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report related to the proposed amendmnent is available for inspection in the offices of the Planning Department, 1615 Dundas 8t E., 4tti Floor, Lan ToerWest Building, Whitby Malil Whib, orby calling John SapPlanning Departaient (Whilbiy) 728-773/Toot) 8-1l1 Requests to make a presentation before the Planning Co,nmittee concerning thie proposed amendment must be fcxwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P., Commissioner of Planning, 1615 Dundas St E., 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building, Whitby Mall, Whitby, Ontro N 6A3. and should be meceived by Fniday preceding the meeting.LI Requests to make a. presentation before the 'Regionai Counail conceming the proposed amendaient must ho forwarded to the Regmonal Clerk, Reional Headquarters Buildng, 605 Rossland Road. East, Whitby., Ontaio, Li N 6A3, and should ho received 48 hours prior to the Regional Council meeting. FILE NO.: OPA 89-006 GARY HERREMA C.W. LUNDY, A.M.C.T. REGIONALCHAIRMAN, REGIONALCLERK moans" te cëonvince the rosidents te support the staff report., Their- arguments te the con- trr rmted the committee te make the recommendation it did, said Edwards. But if council is te decide the lissue properly, itdemandm a pub- lcmeeting because of its fimpli- cations for th entire downtewni, 'saidEdwards. He referred te the report which' states- the Town'm otcial plan desinats Byron as- a collecter road from'Dundas St. te Walniut St. but a 1989 downitewn stud rcassifies Byron as a local road. However, the downtown * secondary plIan also stipulates that a local road which abutsaa commercial area and is within one block of an arterial road may ho widened te allow two lanes of trafic and parking on one ide. «Wve been tord by staff over the years we have te build roads for traffic, not te park cars on, then we see this report te the contrary,' said Edwards. *Councillor Jo. Bugelli warned aganst making a quick decision. H.- said what the residents sugg.st is not a compromise but the exact opposite of staffs .recommendation. i7 DURHAM NOTICE 0F > PUBLIC MEETING - Take notic that the Regional Planning Confimittee wiIl consider ah a metino be held on: TUE9DAY, JUNE 4 1991 AT 100.,W. PLANNING DEPAR1%MENT BOARDROOM 1615 DUNDAS ST. E, WHITBY 4111 FLOOR, LANG TOWER, WEST BUILDING, WHITBY MAL AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBV. mhe amendment, as submited medicaVchiropractic office buldcing below. by the applicant, proposes a at the site indicahed on thie map Subsequentiy, the Reglonal Council will consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to ho held on: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 1991 AT 10:00 AU. REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITIBY The report related to the proposedi amenciment isavailable fc.- inspection in the offices of the Planning Depariment, 1615 Dundas St. E., 4th Floor, Lang Tower. West Building, Whitby Mail JWhi or by caîling Anna De Faria, Planning Departaient (Whitby> 27731/i(Tpronto) 686-1651. ReqIuests bo make a presentation before the Planning Committee conceming the proposed ainendment. ýnust be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P., Commissioner of Plaz*iin,115 Dundas St. E., 40h Floor, Lang Tower, WestBuilding, Whitby' ailWhitby. Ontario, LiN 6A3, and;.should be received by Fniday proeecng the meeting. Requests ba make a presentation before Fhe Regional Council concemning the proposed amendient m4t ho fotwarded Io me Regional ClerkRegional Headquarters Buiklng 605 Rosland Road East Whitby, Ontario, LiN 6A3,. and should bpreeivèd48 hours prior bo the RegionalCounail meeting. FILE NO.: OPA 91-001 GARY HERREMA CN.W.LNDY, A.M.C.T. REGIONALCHAIRMAN REGIOtIALCLERK «hat islat isue is long-term pàa sfor the MUniCil' Hty. If w. rush inte it we cod ho m: aldng a blit.mistake,» said B3ulli. He said'that-evensfix montha maày not ho' sufficient :tb' imete aiddresm al the matters raised. «We've beon looking ait--a stgn *bylaw- for -f ive' yearsý. For morne- thing asimportant as tros tebe .done iniivo * wekillot'sget serions," maid Bugelli. Councillor,. Marcel Brunelle, who haS beon advocating Àatro. proservation b ylaw -for ,nany montha, agoeed. "«W. ohould have morne 1clear policy' te gi*vo te our, ,staff .te mnclude in tenders for thistyeo work. iiht now, w. don7t have it,' said Brunelle. , Although he maid the Town risked losing the. Region'm fund- ing Brunelle favoured a dolay. ntsfot just Byron St., but'al streets. It won't go awa.. We mhould have a clear 1oiyc what te do ki the fûtur.,' maid Brunelle. Councillor Joe Drurm àopIpomed the recommendation for ffinancial- and safety reasons. S"It'not because I don't 11k trees but ifwe don't take the- money this yoar, neit year it ma ntbe' includod, ? Wd "ViWe ais ooed ,f»ietcn i the community ndTw . ant give itAte ByrenS t. bocauso 4h. se tesar o t t, ' protection they no.d. ,cu nt -'--itw4 bedon. iarqb Utf.ýdn't do it noiôwlw. may flOvç1 getth fiindig' aid Buffet "An I don't>vant thie =pni- bili f âty'ohà g9 foAnMbIn teld yen' mhould have dWai uit it lastyer' counicilér l'Ros hté'ù" CathizedWhtheredntt helodid .not wanftoteris lIosinigfundn%. ýAftr hea=' * that mrequs tionm can b nwdw thin mi weeks, Batten wanted council "te take amtabatputting the rjc together -this yeaMr.'<ayov.r&Bb ,Attersloy aéked council te defeat the rocommendation and-give staff a chance te examine the reidents'roquestm ico' nnti* with Region officiais. Attersley also warnod about the potontial for a fie dsaser., ,7flere 'a complote lack eOf propor water, for fbfighting i that. ares, thatm the rosonthe Region is pushing for i%7 sad «T%à mieht. go down the, pipe for many Yeamste ornme.Dofeat the -motion and give staff -à chance te ortba Votigfo tho one-yoar dola were Brunoelle, Bugolh, dwardTs and Fox. Oppesing -it were Attermley, Batten, Buffett and Drinnm. White Brunelle and Bul'elli .agr.ed te tithe second motion, neither expected i t tbe produc tive. "We're talkinq about a whole new transportation poicy for the downtewn, it can't ho don. it six weeks,» mmid Brunelle. Noting that coumcil has been waiting, more than a* year for reports on such matters as: four- wa te p signe, Bugelli 'was aise 0The reason for ..that is ^n ot becanse thingm have'been pushed aside but"because. staff is oer- worked,» maid Bugelli." < I. donet buy it that mething which addrosses the.future, of downtewn streets can -ho don. inM four te six weeks.' Following, council'm vote, McQnay expressed, disappoijt- ment With t-'t e alowodfor stafftorepare a report.- "W'have, te mee what fou r te six. weeks meanM said ýMeQuay* «W. wonld 11k. e -eo lit: at leLat six moths. She mid area residenits, for -the most part,*are nited' i théMr tanrd. "W. sincorely hoeve> itfs et the whoe ownew.Wo'd 11 te, mee treés protectod and neigh- bounhoodm preservo'd'maid McQnaày. Tre e-selýing- FROM PAGE 17 mid the bylaw will assist Leèib- brand andi not. hinder 'future planning for the site. We re not carving anytbing in etone, this committ no on. te the long terrn," said Brunelle., "inm prepared, t6 bringthis Sroposition te regional council. ,I elieve they are reasonable, people and will' undermtand aur reasons. Then, turning to Leibbrand, Brunelle warnd that 'the, bylaw can easily ho revokd if its termis are breeched. "I hope you're not going te eI any inanufactured goods, because 'have a> problem, with, that,»ý said Brunelle. ;The bylaw prevents the'sale of, gardening tools..or relâted sup-ý plies. The committee recommenda- tion was expected* te ho deait Wi~~~hd4~~ojjr~cI1~- THE REGIONAL MUICPAITOF DURHAM

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