Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1991, p. 30

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pAGE 30, WIUTBYFREZ RESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 31J9& Monday oFrday 9:0 80arto509m4 a 6809 I Office Hours: Whlby. ôFree Pre9:00 a668-5094ieFx'6-0 Coune il seeks volunteersý.' Tie.'lteratèy -Council of Durham Region needs volunteers ta, mâke audio tapes, a code books in the lending libraiy, ta help with general office tée1csad tci aid the findrÈsng chairmaTn with ianous prcqectg. Tndning wiIiib ?oiddCal the1w <itray Cunim MISTY7RIVER alumlnum boats'on' sale. Wilde,,Sales,.'Braoklin. 655-8010., 12 FT. ALUMINUM FISHING béat with 6, HP Evinrude. Also electýic trolling motar, $1,275' complets. 430-0643. 16 FT. -THUNDERCRAFT Bowrider with 55 HP Evinrude, $2,350. Also, 10 t. sailboat with electric trolling motar,> $875. 668-4104., SAILBOAT - 14 FT. Model 0114, comrilete with trailer, cover. Stable fami y boat. Cail 668-7138. THANKS'TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heait of Jesus for favours rsceivsd. CC. PSYCHIC ADVISOR Monday to'Myi .1 9 a.m: to 9p.in. I430-1328 PROM,..BRIDESMAID. -wedding dresses-., mbtherý;of-the-bride, dresses. Cindy's Atrtos Pearsof'.Lanes 101-112 Mary,*St. W. 430-6550'. QUIT SMOKING TODAY without pain and suffening. Cali Leni, 432-2626,' afler, haurs 432-17717.1 ABORTION, refermai Informationf. CalI 430-1663. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE rslatlonships. For help, calI the Denise House for- Wamsn and Children. Toîl iresi 1-800-263-3725 or. 728-7311. Confidsntiality assured. (Farmerîy Auberge.), BAKAOIS BEUEVE. You must manif est camplete lave and affection toward ail manklnd » For information and discussion oel 668-8665. THANKS TO ST.. JUDE and the Sacred Heart ai Jesus for«favaurs recsived. May the Sacred Heart ai Jesus bu acored, glorified, loved, and preserved throug hout the' world now and faever. Oh, Sacred Heari aio Jesus pray for us, st. Judo workem Of-miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper oi the hopeless pray for us. Say this prayer fine times a day. By the siglith day yaur p rayer will bu answered, regard less ai how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must bu promnised. AM. BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counselling. Frée and canfidential, avaiîable Monda y to, Frlday, 8:30 am. ta 4:3 0 p.m. Olinlo e9very Thursday 3:00 p. .ta 6 p.m. For futher 1 inform ation, calI- 420-Q781 or 433-8901. IF: YOU WANT TO- DRINK thÉd's your business. If you want ta aIon that!s cum . CalI AL&OOU0SANOYMOUSý Laiceshore- Districts - (r AUCT ION SALE« RKAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS- Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located an Brook'Rd., Pickerig, 3 miles north 'of"Hwy. .401 (Exit -#399j. Featuring 'every Wed. an. exelent selaction of antiqusfine furnit ure, glass china, collectîbles, pFrimitives,.and the unusuals. Sa j in us evsry. Wed. and partîcipate in ans of Ontario's "truer" auctions, with no buy-backs, or reserves. 0aonsignment and estats selling. Our speclalty.u Cail us 'taday. Previsws from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 AUCTION SALE SAT., MY 25 - 11 A.M. Lg. anti qus, hors. buggy, cutters,. sleig hs, .harness & tack tai include buggies by McLaughin, Bradford& others.», 10,-bugies, cutters, woodsn wheeî wagon, pony'show buggy, democrat, 2 wicker gaver- nsss carte, showý wagon suitablé, for ponies or halflingers, new tsam show hamsss w/22, in. coîlars, patent leather chrome -& 3-strap b-tchen,. ,pgony drivin'g ,harness, poyseg jantique joqgi> cart, moenJogging cart, plus ts of other pcs.. For mors Information cail 416-263-4252. Sale ta b. held 114 mile..sast of. Columbus an Columbus Rd. E. (5 miles N.- ai Oshawa). A large ae.Coms aut & ses a bit of history being sold.' Sale managed & sld by:' GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT MAY 25 AT 6:30 P.M. PET'HCK AUCTION'BARN HAYDON, 10 MILES N.E. 0F OSHAWA EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. This week ta .include local estate with dining ste., living -room ste., rkin chairs & lots more -ta uýnpac. Lots of coîlectiblo glass & hina. SmaiI ad' - *lârge sale. Viewing from 4 p.m. Temms are cash, choque or ' Visa. For mare Information callI-416263-4252. Sale managed and sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS CORNEILS AUCTioN 1BARN FRIDAY, MAY-24 AT 6 P.M. Cedar chssts, 4 matchlng press- back'chafirs, press-boek, rockers, portable c6olour TV, modern dis. sers & chests'of drawsrs, wash- stands,- oakbuffet, antique, chests < f, drawers, aodd wooden - chairs, metal office desçs, .caiffée & end' tables,' 30 anoy propane or natralgasstoe like .new), coal ail lamps, crockçs, parlour tables,, 18 HP Evînrude outboard motar,- 12 f. Humber'Jswel boat with 25 HP' Johnson motar and trailer, 16 ft. Caborette fibreglass-. canas, 2- wheel box trailer, 12 ft. Sports Pal birch-bark canas, 16 f. Caachman house trailer (excellent condition),, 12 HP Yardman riding lawnmower with grass bagger (2 yrs. aldId)g. qty. 0f hand & power. tools, china, glass & collectible items. DON & GREG GORNEIL >RR #1, LITLE BRITA IN 705-786-2183 We are no w accepting Visa NOTIrCE TO CREDITORS, AND OTHERS- AIl claims against theestate of! STUART THREADGOLD, late. af the Tawn ai Whitb'y, in the Reglaonal Municipahity 0of Durham, who dlod on or about the 23rd day4of February, 1991, must b. filed wit h the undersign on. or before the lSth day ai Jurieu,-1991, thereafter the undersigned wil distibute the assets aof the aite having regard anly ta the dlaims thon filéd. Dated i Whitby, tfils 30th'day af April, 1991. HUGH T. NICHOL, 0.0. Barnster & Solichor1 101 Dundas Street West Suite 206 Whitby, Ontario Solicitor for th.'Admfinistratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F EUZABETII McKAY McGREGOR CREDITORS and al others havlng dlaims against the Estate' of, Elizabeth' McKay MoGregor, laie of the Town'of Whltby, ln the Regianal MuiiaRy cf, Durham, Who dieci on the l9th day of November, 1990,, are requested ta s end fulI parliculgrs, of sùch ldims toý the unders1gned an or before the Sth 'da, ai J une, 1991, afer - which date the Estaele's «assets WllI be DATED this.Ba day.ai-.qMa,-- 0MB hearing .over depot. PROMPAGE22 aganst developmnent,» sBaid, Par- "It le tth. watershed for an' extensive part- of southern, Ontario.» *(Formier federal cabinet minis- ter, David Crombie is chairman of.' a royal commission dealing with the Greater Toronto waterfront. Former MPP ]Rou Kanter auth- oedafrepoart on greenlan de stra tgyfr Ontario.) Paker said' the association' muet await the 0MNB heaning. Members'.have not discussed seeking' officiai statue at the, hearing, she said. Parker aiea said, the associa- tion ha's no quarrel with the Township's action ta date. Cudioes mnstat Earl Cudie oesnot expet, council ta appealJudge Lovekin'e decision. "Most municipaiitiee don't have much succeès in appealing judgmeuts,» eaid Cuddie. «To the beet*of my knowledge, we wiil not pursue an appýeal uniss èurolicitorosaleer- wiee.» CuddJe said the Township has not beei»advised when an 0MB hearing'wili occur.. Durham East MU? (lordMille has interceded on the' resideuts> behaif.ý ».Milis said he. received'a recent letter- from Environmeut MiniLs- ter Ruth Grier stating thàtt-an 0MBhearing je expected by' .Juiv. Pbil's'aia said, Grier will not' grant acertificéat. of approval .for any, waste-,storaguf 1 the. 0MB makes its deison. As mlmnityisectore will moio0' cr' poet for viltos of the Environmen- tai Protection Act, <EPA),with rset-to waste storage mndi/or dsoai,,saidMille. 7Buthe acknowlledeedthait at a recent meeting of, the ratepayers' association, residents said-àctivi-ý ties' they initially: coinplained, about are7àtill occurring. "I talked t aa erson in the. ministry- and he'said theyý areé- aware of it,» said Mille. - "But al the ministry eau do is ask him'to stop, they can't-foroe hum tÃ" stop. They can't juet 'walk in and 9lap.a eign clwn suid.stop him.' Millesa id:ministy,inpectorà'ý cai only compile «evidence sad present it ta -the, enforcementý, branch which Would determie if charges càrib. laid. Howeveér, -h. ýsaid, sxisting leilainseseta. liit what atinthe government can take.'ý ,"It seeme ta me you're. remov-ý *ing, tii.authority of. what proteet-ý ing the' enviroument", is al about,» amd Mille. "Idlike to ses it like'the police or naturial resources, people -*iio«. have authority to stop somson,-ýI on the spot., «To me'it'doesintseem rightW (law)needs more teeth'I thk' TuE NVIRNMENAL FAIR -- MY 26~ admin!Free day cars! Free entertainment! Be an E~~~ Hepr etthehee f .h nvironmental, Pair - a nati nal Environment ,Week proect ýmade ,,pos-sible 1Y Envi onent Canadaý,_Town of Newaste, Ç»mmjt oýf" Clar e conetituenits No Ganarasha Dump comimittee,'Port G y-Newcastle knvronment cammittes -and SAGA'(Sa ve the r hieAiwnl be held on Sunday, May 26 from 10 amn. ta 5 .m. a the Bowmanvilie Recratiani comüpiex- at Hwy. 2 and ael Rd., will b. offering'a composting workshop, a. gree tea partyr wandering minstrels, puppeteers and over- 50 eiitors and Oc h'dr.'0 ae.ti ia noprt ot aue the ing Grannies, a gr#oupwho eing-their o sown,"ge cf dirM frh way thinge are. W~the.ernvirqoneri nt m d, this, event proiM*ises ta b. exc g and fun for ail ages. Dnt forget.tao lug-a-mug. ah~ month, green chives, are plentiful in gadne and many, peDOPlb are buying green onions for sld.Tefioigare ideas' forgreen ,ornons fromAtii.n.w 'Use-it-up Cookbook'., produced by Firet-ýBrandel (Canada)Corporation, the marketers of Glad products: - Use. green onion tops as weli as bottome for added nutrition, taste and colour. - lice and a dd ta tossed salads mince -and add ta egg- salad ortunasalad. - Jop and mix with coolced peas9 chopped, cookedbacon and nnced. celery for la main dislisalad.. Moisten, with. m ayo nais. or o &~o andadd ta 'soupe just, before serving,, or.elice thinly and rnkie on eaup for garnish. vgtlîeo auto ,with fried rice, : with stir-fid e "e M omelete. - Mince andsprinkie, over boiled, baked or- mashed Potatýes. -Use in place of dried ornons. -in casserolee, pot -roasts, quich a or soupe. Th~ 190-page Glad 'Use-it-up -Cookbook, which includes convei ient recipes anïd- practicàl hintàs, will help familles stret their food dollars and cut down on'household waste. "lIthe.'909, Canadia né are looking for ways ta save money and r duc. the amount of food'they throw:away -- foo-that end s p in landfll sites. This'uniq'ue. and practical cookbook serves bath of these needs," sayýs Bonis Jackmnfan, vice-president of HomieProducts for First Brande.,. hcookbook, whichi is vaiued -at-$13.95, is avallable only from ýiGad and ie offered free ta C anadi*ans with five proofsJof.purchase and' $2 for psae Cheques- or money o)rdersi can. be eent with, proof-o-purchase ta: Glad Use-it-upl! '~biOffY,~'I~E»9488~St. John,,N.B. *2C 4X3.-aV<4'~ SOMETHIN AOUT W)UR NEW aOMPMUNTY?- Phone' 668-6653. Our hostess will bring gifts and Lgrèetings, along wsth .helpful-

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