Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1991, p. 28

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I 'I KLEEN-ýKUT' UPHOLSTERY Reupholstery of antiues, al kinds Of, recovering. Voôur fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over '40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitb. IN- HOME HAIR CRE Affordable prices. 666-4576. HANDYMAN WITH -DUMP'truck, taligate luft.>Furnture '& applianice', removal. >ýClean 'Yards, baements, garages. Cu9ot trees. etc. Cali' 655-,3004 anytime.< PAINTERS PLUS. Service andi qualfty are not an accident. For 10 per. ce nt off -and no GSI,. cali Bill or Geri, 430-6057. AEROSPACE ELECTRICAL- residential, commercialï Industrial. New installation% . repairs, renovations., service upgrades. Al work guaranteed. Phone Wlnston,, 728-8358. LAWN MOWING- mature, friendly, fast. 683-0593. LYNCH- CARPENTRY, speciali- zlng in wood design. OId & new crown mauidings. Wall -,painting. Wooden fences & docks. D'Wal'V.We wilIIcreate, an oaémnt. 666-3478. HANDYMA N SERVICES, chim-, nysweep, cleanlng,' repairs, renovations, Iawn care and, odd jobs. No job too smail. 427-1674. Ask for Art. SHAWNA'S CLEANING, Service. Iwo experienceèd cleanin ladies available. Reasonable rates *ivn. Apartments, 'homes. and -offices. Cail Donna, 728-6799. CEDAR VALLEY- RESORT. East of Orono, 4th or Sth Concession Une, 7 km. east of Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal cam- 1-786-2562.Beufu $80 "LEAVE YOUR CARES ai home wfth us" Professional peVthome sitters are futly bonded and insured. Custom Homne-watch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, Florida. Three bedrooms, fuhty furnished, alrconditioned homes. Poole, hot tub, near beaches, attractions. Chfidren welcome. (Less than motel.) 683-5503. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals,* Iess than haif P i>c.,Large selectlorp. Mkoen ~urIfture,'. 524 Sineice Ste- S., Oshawa. Phone 725-51. MINI BUNDS, he0vy> duty aluminum, white and a labaster ony 36ux45, $21. 48nx45,. $26. 6*45U $29. 72"x45', $34. 60"lx64", $38.72x64u, $i42. Sun Shade Blinds & Drae, 88 OId Kingston.Rd., Ajax. 428-093b'7., PIANO- FOR SALE. Aosewood, upnght, retinished. In excellent condition. $41.200. 430-7988. FACTORY BUILDING $PECIALS 60-14-120,. $4230 pst. 30-15-60. - $7.22 psf. 40-1460 .- $4.71, pst. 32-08-50 -$4.55 pst. 28-1j0-40 $5.59 *sf. 24-08-30, $5.90 pst. -OIî9.85-7930. POR rriPrIa/73 REE MICROWAVE& Refrigeration Services. Servicing aIl makes.- Microwave ovens, ref rigeratprs, freezers;-wliNdow air conditioners, humidlifiers, etc. Cali Ree, 728-<0692. -ERROLS'APPLIANCE SALES. New coin washers and dryers. .X~lRepalrs - to refigerators, and - apliances. Cîeanîng & serviclng of ~~- w. and central air conditioning systems. 432-,7734. HURT ELECTRIC - Residential, commercial. Installation Of dlshwashers, central vacs, garage door openers. For al your electrica -needs.' Fiee ,estimates. Now accepting. Visa and Master Card. 668-5974. HANKS APPLIANCES. New fridges $575 and up. Used apt. fidge, & stove "es $375 and Up. Rebuift timers $55. Also appliance parts & BBQ burniers. 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6, Oshawa 728-4043. APPUANCE REPAIRS to washers, 'dryers, stoves, dish- washers microwaves and window airconditioners. (We also buy used appliances.) 683-8519, 430-7382. Sewing Machine Repairs CopeeTune-up $99 econditioned Sewing ahr from $59.00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE £ £ -'571-1385 e.. * e -400 KIng St W. Oshawa CROSS ,.CANADA MARKETP'LACEl .iIs FAST - II'S EA'SY!, ONE CALL, ONEBILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL TH15S NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS ANTIQUE:S 'HOW. 250 -deaters at CHRISTiE,'Cànada's flnest outdoor sh'ow.. -Saturday, May,25, 8am-4pm, ram'orý shine. Hwy. 4 west or Hwy. 6, near Dundas. Admission $4, free parking. Info,(519>824-1842. OntarjoAUCTIONS .OtroClassic SHORTHORN Sale, SaL, May 25. 1 pin. Fairgrounds, Markham, Herdsire prospects. replacement'- females. Informationctge, contact Neil Brown, RR#2, Uxbridge 100 1 KO, (705)228 8380. Auctioneer, Bill Walker. HELPWANTED *NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gifts needs, Demo nstr at orsAobý seli toys and gifts at Home Parties. No invesiment-or experience required. Established compa'n»y. -CatiItoday (519>258-7905., LADIES - NEW: .Earn 40-50% marketing non-run i'hasiery, Sterling SilverJewellery., Full or part-timhepos'itio'ns» available. 'Cal colleot ai ber 6 p.m. (519>842-5824. SALES HELP WANIED *BE SUPER RICH* Earn $250,000 FT, $50,000 PT commission marketing oui exclusive 2 for 1 music book. Protected Territories available. Free 24 hour. information. line, là800-263-le90. CAREER TRAINING ýfREE career, guide .te home-study correspondence Dipoma courses:, Accounting,. Airconditioninig, Bookkeeping, BuÏsiness, Cosmetology,,, Electronics, Leg;a/Medial Secretary; Psychotogy, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the So uthwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class,: June 8-15.' Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, -Woodstock, Ontario, N4S. 7V9. (519) 537-2115. APARTMENT/CONDOMINIUM Management jobs. Many jobs avaitabte. Uve-in/Uve-out. Att areas. Free brochure write: RMTI 1801 - 1 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario'MSE 1W7 i1-800-665-8339. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY for any Purposel Pay off your bis, credit cardsl Example: Borrow $10,000, repay $195 monthly. No qualifying hassets. Cali Intransicon Financial Toit Fiee 1-800-268-1429. FARM SERVICES GST GET Your One-Time CREDIT. Ottawa owes you a GST start-up credit of up to $1 ,000. Get yours with Taxuard GST HandlerTM. Cati 1-800-268-6735. OUI 0F TOWN PROPERIIES PROPERT[ES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land avaitabititv. For information on both write: Properties, Dept. N, Bo\% 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. FURNITURE FOR SALE UNPAINTED FURNITURE. Over 300 diferent solid Wood pieces avait abte. Order to-day your free catalogue. Faveris Unpainted Furniture, 1 Valteywood Dr., Markham, Ont. L3R 5L9.- FOR SALE Attention: FORD SUPERCAB* Owners FP Seuies. Uft kit avaitabte te raise rear seat. No'drilting necessary. Avaitable at participating Ford-Deaters or cai Calmar 1- 800-561-7867. POTATO PLANTER with hiting and digging'attachments. OnIy $425.00 Phone(519)659-0601. FIU DDGWIL A HOME No Leashes, chains or' fece, tjcronicf Inisible mazinlg and safe. FREE _details! AN, U.K.,R# 1,ancrot ntaro KOL 10. > Fax (61 )332.1 375. Collect overdue-accounts yourself with The qCOLLEýTION IýNFORMATION MANUAL, $18.95 (Tax,. Shlpping' included.), Co-Business :Deveýgl'opment Ltd., #252 - 1 ,087 ýl6th tAvenue, White Rock. B.C. V4A 6G3 (6014)535-9822. AUSTRA.IA L Thiâ beau tiful Videa* travels the. amazlng,. .continent-'- WiId LUfe, Histoiry, Peaple. Stereo. Send- $27.50 -PST Eîtra. popee, P.O. Box 406,'Oronol Ont. LOB 1 MO'.VHSIBETA. ,< o STEEL BUILDINGS, STEEL BILDINGS: -« SPRING,-CLEAROUT -. Direct from the factory - Quonse't- 28x30 $3216., Straightwaît 320x40 $5136. Ot4ier sizesavaitabte. PION E ERECONOSPAN 1 - 800à-668-5422. (24 Hours). BEST BUILDING, PRICES - ýSteetI Straitwalt Type - nou. quonset, - 132x48 $5665;,,40x64 $8188;- 50x96,$14.671:- non expar4dable*end(s), ot her sizes avaitabte -1 imnited steel - Paragon -24 Hours ,1-800-263,i8499. .STEEL Bt.tLDINGS: A cheap Building offers no flexibiîity, mayevencost more money. The answer, Future, tel Thousàndý .cf peopte. can't be wrong.; .Cali 1-800-668-1 8653. A-ZPRE-ENG. BUILDIN GSî INC. New ýtypes, steellWood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answer -_ Walty (4,1 à)>626-1794 ai ter 6pm,,weekends. Free brochure.. CIip-save. .. BUJILDINGS -; Straihtwall.- 6qvings ý24x36x1Q-$3,692;.' 32x36x1 2 $4,667; 40x48x1 2 $5;81 4. Inctudes Sheeting,' Trim, & Steel Main Fra mes;, Quonset- buildings also, availabte. ýAIl sizes availabte., CatI'1,-800668-ý433'ë. (416>842-2100.- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. UNLIMITED INCOME POTENTIAL.,Manufacturer now seeking Ontario.-deaters for. 'JUICEWORKS*,, the amfa 'zing nqw frésh juice vending -machine. Cai Acton Assembliesý (416>873-7806, for, information, package. Canada's Largest CALENDAR ýand ýBU SINESSI GIFT Company' needs self-starters seltingto local businesses.--, Highest.Commissions', Smatt r efunclable i'nvestment required. O,'Donnell-DRG,487-16 We-stney'South, Ajax." LiS 6W8 (416)427-8520. FACT #1 - Over 450 people averaged $225K with ourfirm last year. Fact #2 -'More people earnied $1OKImo. part timne. For more info. (416)777-1493. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIK 'E to correspondwith unattached Christian people, ages 18-80,: the object being, companionship or marriage. Write ASHGROVE, RO. Box 205. Chase, B.C., VOES iMO. RECREAINAL VEI-ICLES' BONAIR CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardtop, Fotdown, Fifth- wheel, Travel, Park-modeîs, patrts-accesso 'ries. New- Used. Fibreline & Leer Fiberglass ,&'Atuminum Truck Caps. Consigniments wetcome. Royal Traiter& R.V. Centre in Teviotdaie, Ont (519)343-2122. VACATIONS. CLEAN, MODERN, Two Bedrom, cottages. .-Sa.fe. sandy beach on Kushog Lake. Availablle year round. For more information cail Kushog Komers, RR#Z Minden, Ont. KOM 2K0 (705)76&-2614.- Your ad could appear ln community newspapers in Ontarlo, or rîghtacross Canada, or any Individual province. Space ls LlmlIted, so Cal iThis Newspaperî odayl ] BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a wider market, advertise thmuqghout the regionalmfiembershfp of the * Ontario and Canadian Gommuni4s NewspaperAssociations ,--entral Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 words -All Ontario 171 newspaperrs - $350,for 25 wo rd?Ail Canada 572 newspapers" -$974-foïr 25 words For f urther Information please cal the Wh.tby Free Press'Classlfieds'. 668-0504- E in rm

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